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Posts posted by sound

  1. On 5/13/2024 at 5:48 PM, Stuart Silvester said:

    We're working on a performance review, we've included this information in that project so we can look further into it and do some further benchmarking. We're not seeing the same slowness on our Cloud infrastructure hence my asking about MySQL/MariaDB versions.

    reported this a couple of years ago

    last time checked was still an issue


  2. 1 hour ago, Platinumwealth.co.za said:

    So I am out luck?

    Just like that.

    6 years down the drain?

    Because there is no way on earth to delete guest posts?

    Am I reading the reply correctly, that I am on my own here.

    Unsure how this can be out of scope when it is an Inivison induced issue. 

    And the fix is actually very straight forward as most of the functionality is there to do it.

    All I am asking is for my query to be sent to an actual developer, I understand not all of you are devs, so talking about SQL seems frightening, it really isn't.

    have you tried using the delete/move content post options that shows when you click on a forum in the acp

    For content that matches all of the following conditions...


    without knowing your setup not sure if it helps

    but if your 'guest' posts are filterable - you could then move then to a temp forum then delete all when checked ?

  3. 42 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    When you say it doesnt show on the day view, are you looking at the day it starts? Do you have an example I can look at?

    nope, am saying it doesnt show on the days in between the start and the end days as per below 



    Set an event lasting more than 2 days - say  starts Friday ends Tuesday

    Now if I go to one of the Day views (not the start or the finish date) say Saturday, Sunday or Monday - on both live and test sites the event does not show in the day view!


    is this known?

  4. Am getting the below on both live site and generic test site

    Ranged events not showing in the day view

    On the event guide 

    Set an event lasting more than 2 days - say  starts Friday ends Tuesday

    The event shows ok in both the week and monthly view

    Now if I go to one of the Day views (not the start or the finish date) say Saturday, Sunday or Monday - on both live and test sites the event does not show in the day view!


    Can anyone out there confirm if this happens for them as well?



  5. 2 hours ago, WebCMS said:

    In the Article Syncing to Forum setting, when "Use forum for comments" is set to Off, the Comments on the cross-posted forum topic should not be rendered but can include a link to the Comments on the original article. Otherwise, comments would be scattered between article and forum topic.

    These links to the original article along with an excerpt/snippet of the article:

    • View Full Article
    • Comments


    This isn't clear.

    Does this involve editing of the templates?


    2 hours ago, WebCMS said:

    Please send full menu path in the ACP to the above.

    can't do full path as the acp link depends on the database name/id

    so just use the link titled 'databases name' Fields

    then click on a field and you will see a field with the text underneath

    This setting controls whether the field will be included in the automatically generated topic, and how to format it. Use {title} for field title, and {value} for field value. Leave empty to not include in the automatically generated topic.

    more  info and   a screenshot  here may help



  6. Point #1 is already available

    see the 'topic field'  option

    you can turn it off for the main content field (by removing it)  and then add your own 'teaser' field with the 'topic field' filled in as per

    This setting controls whether the field will be included in the automatically generated topic, and how to format it. Use {title} for field title, and {value} for field value. Leave empty to not include in the automatically generated topic.


  7. 20 hours ago, Robert Angle said:

    The forum copy of an article should be able to be an excerpt, truncated, with a URL to the full article, imo. 


    Isn't the url always added automatically to the forum post? It is for my site

    On the rest you can do this already, though the excerpt does need to be added  manually when the article is posted (a simple copy and paste?)


    Use a new field called say 'teaser' or something and make sure that you fill in the 'Topic Format'

    You can also add a character restriction to this field if needed


    Then remove the 'Topic Format' from your original content field.


    Then when posting the article fill in the 'excerpt' manually (copy and paste)

    The above should then, when publishing an article, post as well a forum post containing an 'excerpt' (the teaser field) and a link to the article

  8. 12 hours ago, WebCMS said:


    1. Cross-posting the entire article body may get penalties from search engines for duplicated content. The content can also go out of sync if the original article is modified which is not graceful. A new option may be provided to post just a link to the original article instead of the entire body. It is perfectly fine to post a link to another content in SEO terms.

    If these issues are resolved, general forum sites who want to use cross-posting articles as forum topics feature would use it.

    you should be able to achieve this by editing the content fields Topic Format

    just remove the (value} shown in the form


    This setting controls whether the field will be included in the automatically generated topic, and how to format it. Use {title} for field title, and {value} for field value. Leave empty to not include in the automatically generated topic.

  9. On 7/17/2023 at 8:38 PM, Adriano Faria said:

    No. Download and open applications / videos / sources / Video / Video.php, find and delete:



        use \IPS\Content\Reactable, \IPS\Content\Reportable;

    Change to:

        use \IPS\Content\Reactable, \IPS\Content\Reportable, \IPS\Content\ViewUpdates, \IPS\Content\Statistics;

    Save and upload.

    This will cause views to be counted again.

    ah just seen this
    and this has sorted the views issues

    thanks again to  @Adriano Faria

  10. On 6/27/2023 at 2:03 AM, media said:

    I have posted this on your website, but you don't check your bug reports anymore... 

    I have posted here too.

    After latest update of IPB (Invision Community v4.7.11) Counters Stop Working


    take it that this has something to do with

    • \IPS\Content\Views interface has been deprecated, you should use the \IPS\Content\ViewUpdates trait instead.

    any eta ?

  11. On 4/20/2023 at 11:07 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    What you are seeing is correct in terms of a clock icon showing, but it would only show to people who have access to view hidden items, and the author. If you believe this not to be the case, we would need an example item, user who can see it, and where they can see it. 


    On 4/19/2023 at 11:54 AM, sound said:


    Our current articles setup - all articles submitted by members need to be approved


    a member submits an article

    the admin edits the article and schedules it to be published 24 hours later

    the admin then approves the article (this can only be done via the front end)

    though the article is still awaiting publishing and so should be still hidden after approval - it now shows to all but still has the 'clock' icon showing awaiting publication


    therefore it appears that when the admin 'approves' the article the system is setting the wrong permissions on the article causing it to show to all


    ok set up a test article 


    here's the flow

    articles are setup so members can post articles but the article needs 'approval'

    1 . member posted an article - as above it now needs approval

    2. article scheduled to publish in two months by admin

    3. article then 'approved' by admin on the front end


    resulting in the article now showing in full public view - when it should not show - plus the 'clock' showing


    have pm'd you a link so you can see this in the real world


    as said it seems the 'approval' process is flawed , possibly skipping the 'published' aspect  completely


    Our current articles setup - all articles submitted by members need to be approved


    a member submits an article

    the admin edits the article and schedules it to be published 24 hours later

    the admin then approves the article (this can only be done via the front end)

    though the article is still awaiting publishing and so should be still hidden after approval - it now shows to all but still has the 'clock' icon showing awaiting publication


    therefore it appears that when the admin 'approves' the article the system is setting the wrong permissions on the article causing it to show to all

  13. 3 hours ago, PersonalMode said:

    In fact, I have a database about magazines.
    Often, the communicated release date contains only the month and year (not the day). I would have liked to be able to display only the date in MM/YYYY format
    That's when the idea of changing a language string was suggested, but that would affect other databases.

    why not just add a custom date field to the magazine database?

  14. 1 hour ago, sound said:


    I had the same error using a 'new' generated theme

    I temporary resolved it by removing

        <span>{lang="package_initial_term" sprintf="$details['initialTerm']"}</span><br>

    in the  packageBlockPrice template - there are just two instances of this call in whole theme

    I'd say a possible commerce bug that needs fixing/investigating ?

    Also $priceDetails['initialTerm'] call in the 'package' template seemed to cause a similar effect/error - needed to get rid of  that as well

      <div><span data-role="initialTerm">{lang="package_initial_term_title" sprintf="$priceDetails['initialTerm']"}</span></div>

  15. On 10/12/2022 at 1:31 PM, Stuart Silvester said:

    I suspect this is something caused by either your custom theme or a plugin/app. I would recommend testing with a default theme and if it still occurs, disable any addons you may have.


    On 10/12/2022 at 1:18 PM, MediaDiGi said:

    I disabled all the customizations. Also tried to use the default skin. Yet I get the following error:

    The URL of page the error occurred on was https://topgoldforum.com/store/

    TypeError: trim(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, DateInterval given (0)
    #0 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Lang/Lang.php(1925): trim()
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\_Lang->IPS\{closure}()
    #2 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Lang/Lang.php(1929): array_map()
    #3 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Lang/Lang.php(1713): IPS\_Lang->replaceWords()
    #4 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Output/Output.php(821): IPS\_Lang->parseOutputForDisplay()
    #5 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(173): IPS\_Output->sendOutput()
    #6 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(113): IPS\_Dispatcher->finish()
    #7 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(630): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->finish()
    #8 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(155): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->finish()
    #9 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #10 {main}


    #0 /sites/topgoldforum.com/files/init.php(1029): IPS\_Log::log()
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
    #2 {main}


    I had the same error using a 'new' generated theme

    I temporary resolved it by removing

        <span>{lang="package_initial_term" sprintf="$details['initialTerm']"}</span><br>

    in the  packageBlockPrice template - there are just two instances of this call in whole theme

    I'd say a possible commerce bug that needs fixing/investigating ?

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