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Posts posted by sound

  1. 2 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    As mentioned in the message there, you need to contact the author of those items to correct the issue with the applications in question. This has been done in order to prevent your site from crashing entirely and being inoperable.

    is there a chance of a stand alone check script being made available ?

    one that will check apps and plugins before committing to the upgrade?

  2. 15 minutes ago, sound said:


    have quite a few improvement suggestions

    here's a couple

    tags - improve the tag feature,  currently only default tags are available, no 'Defined Tags' possible

    counter - add a view/read counter 



    a few useful setting additions

    rsvp - choice of rsvp on or off by default - no current choice of default  - currently default is set to off - poster needs to switch on

    icalendar - choice of on/off - no current choice - current default is on

    comments/reviews per page - no current  choice stuck at 50


  3. On 8/31/2022 at 1:40 PM, Andy Millne said:

    There is a bug in the current version but you can see a list of the members that have RSVPd by following the download guest list link.

    We're also working on lots of improvements for Calendar for release next month so look out for some reveals in the blog.


    have quite a few improvement suggestions

    here's a couple

    tags - improve the tag feature,  currently only default tags are available, no 'Defined Tags' possible

    counter - add a view/read counter 



  4. 4 hours ago, opentype said:

    Pretty sure this is a (IPS) caching issue. I’ve seen this for other block types too.  
    The code in the template is okay. It will actually remove the profile links for guests, when guests are not allowed to see profiles. But the problem is: If the cached version is generated after a member(!) saw the block, then guests will also see that same cached HTML code including those links. And once the block cache time is up, the next version of the block may or may not have those links. You never know. 

    should 'similar content' blocks be cached as this would mean that forum post titles will be showing to members without permissions to view as well as the above

    such blocks has to be non-cached yes?


  5. 3 hours ago, Phillyman said:

    So I was able to FIX my issue, changing the storage locations back to what they SHOULD have been. But again, HOW did they change? I just looked in my Administrator logs, and I only see my changes to FIX them, how did they flip back to the original values, which they had not been for years?

    If it were a user mistake, I should have a log entry of the storage changing. Also if the location changes, the system should start moving them to the new location. Something is odd here.




    I had similar happen twice 


  6. On 5/5/2022 at 6:56 PM, sound said:

    Our mariadb slow query logs pointed to poor results when guests were viewing the new 'combined view' topic listing  (it was fine when members were viewing)

    4.8 seconds + for the query below

     SELECT forums_topics.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text
     FROM `ibf_forums_topics` AS `forums_topics`    FORCE INDEX (last_post)
     LEFT JOIN `ibf_forums_forums` AS `forums_forums` ON forums_topics.forum_id=forums_forums.id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_tags_cache` AS `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums;forums;',forums_topics.tid))  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_topics.starter_id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = forums_topics.last_poster_id 
     WHERE forums_forums.can_view_others=1 AND forums_topics.approved=1 AND forums_topics.approved!=-2 AND forums_topics.approved!=-3 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id IN(1,2,128) ORDER BY forums_topics.last_post desc LIMIT 0,50;


    this slow query appeared to be due to the effect the where clause ' forums_forums.can_view_others=1'  was having on the query, maybe index issues?

    removing this clause via the getItemsWithPermissionWhere function

    if ( !$member->member_id )
    					/// $where[] = array( 'forums_forums.can_view_others=1' );

    resulted in a 'normal' speed listing of 0.8 seconds for guests

    maybe worth a dig ?




    anyone else getting slow times  for the guest viewing of the new 'combined view' topic listing ?


    my thinking is if the above hack  does save 3/4 seconds each query (in my case) then would a check if the site has any such forums using the "can't view other posts' before added it as a 'where clause' make sense?


  7. 6 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Im not sure why you would be looking in that table. What is it you are trying to determine here?

    To note, this is related to PWA and not related in any way to what you are thinking about.


    was just trying to track some server log errors down and was wondering the how's and whys of this 'location'

    thanks for the explanation, appreciated

  8. 15 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 


    hey Marc, some misunderstanding here

    am just informing you/invision of a possible bug with the software

    No real wish for any work/access on own live server

    Just letting you know



  9. occasionally get the below error

    triggered it seems if no timezone is  present in the users ipsTimezone cookie

    [22-May-2022 05:25:49 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "timezone" on null in /home/huh/html/system/Member/Member.php:183
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/huh/html/system/Log/Log.php(107): IPS\_Member::loggedIn()
    #1 /home/huh/html/init.php(1015): IPS\_Log::log()
    #2 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
    #3 {main}
      thrown in /home/huh/html/system/Member/Member.php on line 183

    looks like this is now causing the php error in Php 8.0

            if ( !static::$loggedInMember->member_id and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['ipsTimezone'] ) )
                    static::$loggedInMember->timezone = \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['ipsTimezone'];

  10. Our mariadb slow query logs pointed to poor results when guests were viewing the new 'combined view' topic listing  (it was fine when members were viewing)

    4.8 seconds + for the query below

     SELECT forums_topics.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text
     FROM `ibf_forums_topics` AS `forums_topics`    FORCE INDEX (last_post)
     LEFT JOIN `ibf_forums_forums` AS `forums_forums` ON forums_topics.forum_id=forums_forums.id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_tags_cache` AS `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums;forums;',forums_topics.tid))  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_topics.starter_id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = forums_topics.last_poster_id 
     WHERE forums_forums.can_view_others=1 AND forums_topics.approved=1 AND forums_topics.approved!=-2 AND forums_topics.approved!=-3 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id IN(1,2,128) ORDER BY forums_topics.last_post desc LIMIT 0,50;


    this slow query appeared to be due to the effect the where clause ' forums_forums.can_view_others=1'  was having on the query, maybe index issues?

    removing this clause via the getItemsWithPermissionWhere function

    if ( !$member->member_id )
    					/// $where[] = array( 'forums_forums.can_view_others=1' );

    resulted in a 'normal' speed listing of 0.8 seconds for guests

    maybe worth a dig ?



  11. 2 hours ago, Matt said:

    If you had a magic wand to create a new feature or functionality within Invision Community, what would it be?

    Witch Wizard GIF by Sleeping Giant Media

    I'm especially interested in your thoughts for features or improvements to the discussion engine (aka forums), workflows around that such as moderation, reporting content and members, issuing warnings, etc.


    were you aware of Sphere's Zen Flow, don't think it ever seen much use as  they ended up been bought up by twitter

    a similar addition to the activity feeds where members can dismiss topics that they are not interested in may be useful


    concept below, bits could be extracted and fit in with invision activity feeds



    With Zen Flow:

    Each new topic gets its own dedicated chat card, making each conversation easy to follow, and helping your group feel confident starting new chats without disrupting other ones. No more messy megachats! 🙌



    These chat cards will expire after 24 hours of there being no activity in that particular conversation, so they don’t clutter the flow. But, your members can reactivate them from the All Chats page.



    If you aren’t interested in that conversation at all, you can hide it from your feed, by tapping the context menu for each card. Less is more, after all, and this is YOUR space. Want to bring it back? You can do that from the All Chats page.



    Events show as a unique, styled card within Zen Flow, with simple action buttons to choose whether you’re attending or not. Once you’ve RSVP’d, the Event Card displays the chat related to the event, but with the event details there too making it easy to plan timing, lifts, themes, or anything related to your event!




    You might think of Zen Flow as like a feed, in the sense that it doesn’t replace your list of chats, but it’s a layer that lives above them for better interaction, relevance, and organisation

    more on zen flow here


  12. 22 hours ago, Matt said:

    Honestly, we want to focus on our strengths and put effort into creating a powerful forum and discussion engine. There are a large number of people that do great cart and fulfilment software.

    BTW: It's "mee-cham".

    Matt @Matt

    Am reading that as you saying invision has now reached a top level with the apps such as commerce/nexus, and similar for gallery, blog etc etc


    Do not expect any new major features/improvements on these apps in future just maintenance releases

    that right?



  13. 1 hour ago, Sonya* said:

    @sound, it is about fulfillment. With IPS Commerce you manage the products, take orders and process payments. However, IPS Commerce does not include picking the items from the stock, wrapping and packing them, bringing to post and so on. That's why they use Shopify, who does all the things above.

    Connecting IPS Commerce to fulfillment services would be a cool idea, but there is nothing out of the box right now. 

    Thanks for that 👍

    Understand the reasoning now, think I have misjudged the demand for such products

    Though it has and still does raise my own concerns about the long time future of using commerce

    ah well...

  14. On 3/10/2022 at 1:27 PM, Matt said:

    We chose to not use commerce because we wanted to use a service that can take orders, issue invoices, take payments AND fulfil the orders without any of us having to do a thing.

    If we did use commerce, then our developers would have needed a few months to write new features and APIs, and Jordan will, ironically, be a full time t-shirt executive as he'd be picking, packing and posting.



    Sell merchandise and other physical items to your clients or fans.


    Track all paid, pending or cancelled orders in one place.





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