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Posts posted by Rikki

  1. 59 minutes ago, Mr 13 said:

    Looks like some people in this topic don't understand the main advantage of PWA, so it worth to mention again what PWA is just the existing site itself with some little additions and it does not require a lot of development or support

    In my opinion, to do a PWA well, you need to do more than just take a responsive theme and add a manifest. PWAs are expected to feel like native apps, and so we'd have quite a bit of work to do to meet that standard I think.

    We aren't ignoring mobile though, don't worry ? 

  2. We do, but unless we host the site or unless they're using IP.Board itself illegally, there is very little chance we can successfully do anything about it. Your best bet is to contact their host.

  3. We are pleased to announce that IP.Gallery 3.1.0 is now in the beta testing stage, and has been installed on this board for public testing! This update brings many refinements, performance optimizations, and new features, including:

    Friendly URLs
    IP.Gallery now makes full use of the IP.Board FURL system. Categories, albums, images and more now have the friendly URL structure you're familiar with.

    Image notes
    Image owners are now able to add notes to sections of their images, positioning and resizing them to suit. Other members will be able to see the notes when hovering over the image. (An example)

    Image rotation
    Images can now be rotated in 90

    View full blog entry

  4. I would like to add one more thing. When ever I click on watch this topic it links to me Please choose your notification method in UCP. Can't I just select it once? I personally don't like moving back and forth. I would like to remain on same page after click on "watch this topic".

    More or less if anyone likes to change anytime they can go to Manage Watched Topics in UCP and always change it.

    That's actually a sensible use of AJAX which we can look into :) I would still give people the option, it won't necessarily be the same every time, but the options can be presented inline, without leaving the topic.
  5. This bug is very, very confusing to me. It has been reported by a few people. No-one on staff has ever been able to reproduce it, which makes tracking down the cause very difficult. What's more, it's just plain old HTML, and a javascript call to Element.hide(). Totally confused as to why that would result in what you see. We'll keep on investigating and see if we can figure it out.

  6. If there is a publicly available service we can plug into to convert rates, then I'm happy to look into whether this is possible. I don't know of any, but I'm open to suggestions.

  7. Well you could still leave it like an option for those who are not on shared hosting.... :)

    Unfortunately it's not that simple... a lot of people don't understand why it would be bad on shared hosting, so would enable it anyway, and ultimately end up getting shut down (and possibly getting IPB banned at that host). We have to walk a fine line between features and not overloading servers.

  8. Would like an ajax search that display "X" results titles at the time that you write something on the box. Only on the basic mode not in the advanced :)


    We actually had that feature in the betas... Unfortunately it was a server killer for people on shared hosting, so we had to remove it.
  9. Regarding the maximum size that the thumbnails will expand to... I'm often puzzled why people want this as an admin option. Every user has different specifications of monitor - some have big screens, others have smaller screens. To me it seems to make most sense to resize it to the largest that users monitor can hold, rather than let the admin choose. It's something we can look into for a future update.

  10. A couple of quick questions:

    1. I am a Big Board owner, and my premiere community currently on vBulletin has nearly 2 million posts and 40,000 users. How well does IP handle these sorts of numbers? What does your Search algorithm look like? Do you have examples of Big Boards that run your software?

    2. Can you point me in the direction of more information about how your templating system works? One of vBulletin 3.x's benefits is its customization of all HTML pieces surrounding variables using a purely HTML templating system.


    1) We have many large corporations using IPB. One example is NBC, nearly 4 million posts and 260,000 users: http://boards.nbc.com/nbc/. The software is fully capable of handling sites of that size assuming your hardware is. As for search, one of the other developers can tell you more, I'm sure. I believe we recommend installing Sphinx for large sites, which IPB supports out of the box.

    2) Our template system works in much the same way, but is also incredibly flexible. As you're probably used to, data is passed into individual templates, and you then use HTML to display them however you wish. The IPB template system also allows you to embed PHP if you want to do advanced manipulation, call templates into other templates if you want to easily reuse content, and even create your own template tags with a simple PHP config file (examples of tags included by default are a zebra striping tag for tables, and a date formatting tag).

    Although many boards choose to keep the overall general 'look' of the default skin, with a little effort it is possible to completely change the appearance of the product, with nothing other than template modifications. To give you some idea, take a look at Skype's forum: http://forum.skype.com/ Although their live forum is running 2.x, their skin has been created for 3.x with zero backend modifications. It's all templates :)

    The best way to see for yourself how the templates work is to try the demo, just go to http://www.invisionpower.com and click the Sign Up button on the homepage for a private demo installation :)

  11. In fact, the (wrongly called) "post icons" which invision includes by default are just about the same many other forum software provide, some smileys and the question mark and little more. That shows that not much thought has ever gone into it...

    I mean, can you call a happy smiley a topic icon?

    But that's the point, what can you include by default that is suitable for any board, in any language? Other than some faces and basic ?, ! type icons, I can't think of much else that can be included by default. We have to appeal to a very wide range of boards out of the box.
  12. It was largely my decision to remove them from topic view, so let me explain my thinking. I don't believe they serve much useful purpose to most topics on most forums. I looked extensively at a number of IPB's while developing IPB3, and very few people used them. It was an additional wasted column on forum view. It is easy to replace the default icons, yet I don't think I've ever seen a board that did it, other than yours.

    Now, some boards will have a use for specific icons, like in Garrets screenshot, but I doubt it's many personally. Post icons are very rarely brought up. The other problem is what do we include? We can't include any images that contain language, so dumping 150 images marked 'wrong', 'upset', 'culture' etc. is out of the question. So that leaves us with the 'mood' emoticons, which I agree aren't very useful.

    The combination of the fact that very few people use the feature as it was in 2.3, and the fact it's difficult to include anything useful by default, and the fact there's little demand, means it's not really high on our list of things to include. Perhaps the biggest issue though is this would be superseded by tagging, which we've said will appear in a later 3.x release. That'll give everyone a more flexible system of marking topics and any other content, without us investing time in a narrow feature like post icons.

    Hope that explains it :)

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