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TrixieTang last won the day on April 7 2009

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  1. In 3.0 it was IP.Board Lo-Fi, in 3.1 it's IP.Board Mobile.
  2. Problem with that is in the fact that users have less control over photos in some ways. You can't use remote images as photos, you can set gallery images as avatars but not photos, etc. They really need to make it so you have the same options for both avatars and photos and then allow the admin to easily place/replace them where they want by placing/editing just a little bit of code. EDIT: And they need to make it so they can all be replaced easily with a simple search and replace.
  3. 1. More control over where to display avatars and photos, and the same options for each one. For example avatars should have per usergroup limits like photos do. Photos should have a remotely hosted image option. And there should only be SIMPLE edits needed to replace photos with avatars and vice versa. 2. Better control over permissions for super moderators, no more of those hard coded permissions.
  4. I agree, but it should be a bit more complex, it should save their original group and then put them in the banned group. So if you unban them they'll get their old groups back. You mean moderators per category? +1 It's a good idea and it should be an admin option, not everybody runs their site the same way you know.
  5. I think IP.kachu sounds better. But I'm sure that IPS will refer to it as both IP.Pikachu and IP.kachu in different places on the site. :P
  6. Wordpress is actually a blog software, so it is on a server and not on your computer. But I have to agree that uploading the files yourself is easy and more reliable than some automated update thing could ever be.
  7. It's not a problem in IPB. The problem is in IE not supporting curved borders, and there's really not much IPS can do about that.
  8. And licenses aren't tied to a version like you seem to think that they are. If you really think it's a bug them post in the bug tracker, but it sounds to me like this is just a big misunderstanding on how licenses and upgrades to new versions work.
  9. There are only IPB licenses, there's no such thing as IPB 2 licenses or IPB 3 licenses, a license is a license and it allows you to use any version of IPB, 2 or 3. In other words, I don't think what you're saying is even possible.
  10. I'm sure you could add something like this yourself if you wanted to by using custom BBcodes, but it would present so many problems that I doubt you'd keep it for long if you did add it. For one, the anchors would have to be per page, they couldn't be per post as far as I know. And then there's the issue of others adding anchors with the same name in their posts and screwing things up. Not worth the trouble.
  11. Or they could just make more accounts to rep themselves.
  12. And now everyone who looks at this thread knows a name they can put into Google to find warez...
  13. I've always thought that the staff avatars make you all look like a bunch of robots. :P And I think it's really confusing when you all have the same avatars, I mean I can't tell any of you apart until I read your avatars, and reading avatars is really boring. :P
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