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Posts posted by Rikki

  1. We could have added hundreds of lines of HTML to add rounded corners, but for something so unimportant I don't think that's worthwhile. It doesn't affect the usability of the software, so in our opinion, it's something that the newer browsers can use, and the older browsers can just ignore :) Not everyone is going to want rounded corners on their skin, which would leave them with all those extra tags that would be useless.

    Personally, I think creating a working base then enhancing it where browsers support particular features is a better way forward than trying to strong-arm all browsers into one pixel-perfect rendering.

  2. I'm a VB user but I will be moving soon to IPB. I think both products are great, but the reason why I'll be switching soon is that some great, long-time staff at VB who helps us a lot before are quitting left and right. When VB was purchased by Internet Brands, things seems to be in the dark area now.

    Welcome, we hope you enjoy using it :)
  3. Things...

    - Client area is going to be messy for a little while
    - Same for order process, both are integrated with Nexus so pulling them apart for the new design is going to take a little longer
    - Resource site won't be changing for a while
    - Download manager, community projects etc. aren't forgotten but we'll be adding them in due course
    - Demo will be fixed soon

  4. Regarding skins, there is simply no way we can do a major version upgrade and make skins compatible. I understand that's a reason to keep on 2.3.6 right now, but we hope you also understand that to move things forward, we had to redo things.

  5. It's hardly fair to say they're copying in all honesty. A forum looks like a forum, there's only so much you can do to change it without alienating users. Plus, when you go fully tableless & semantic, you're kind of guided into a particular structure by the tags you choose to mark up the data.

  6. "Do or Do NOT. there is NO try" as some Jedi Master once opinioned. We admire that but how about TRY a little harder ;)

    Who said anything about the syntax highlighter?

    just need the line numbers and the tab and search

    Line numbers are very difficult to implement unfortunately. Tabbing is acknowledged, and searching is unnecessary, all browsers have a built in ability to do it :)
  7. That said, for a later version we're going to see about writing something a little better to use. At the very least I would like to get the ability to press Tab in place. The full syntax highlighter simply wasn't working out though.

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