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Posts posted by Rikki

  1. With smartphones that are designed to incorporate or mimic real browsers in almost every way, cutting out so much seems like a step backward, not to mention probably not being the most appreciated of moves.

    If your phone supports that, then using the full skin shouldn't be an issue :) And we're not 'cutting stuff out' - it has more than the LoFi on IPB2 does. At the time, people said they liked the LoFi but wanted to be able to post, so that's what we did. Naturally you can't please everybody though :)
  2. The whole point of the lofi skin is to show the absolute basics. That means: no PM system, no search, no friends, no topic markers, no rating, no moderation. Topics, posts and profiles, that's it :)

    And yes, the CSS here hasn't been updated for some reason, so everything is ending up as a massive list.

  3. The blue bar is staying by the way - I agree it ties things together nicely. Over the next week or so I'm also hoping to tweak various other parts of the skin to make them tidier, so if you have any suggestions in that vein, feel free to let me know.

  4. We have an issue right now on these forums where JS debugging is being turned on - if you don't have Firebug installed (which would apply to IE8, and possibly FF3.1), then you might experience some javascript issues. We'll be updating these forums in the next couple of days to rectify that.

  5. Sorry I haven't replied yet, I've been away this week.I'm happy to add an IE6-only stylesheet to make the skin a bit prettier in that browser, however, this adds an additional burden to people wanting to customize their skin. I just want to make it known that there are also cons to supporting IE6, we aren't just stubbornly saying no. To be clear, our aim is to make sure people using IE6 can use IPB - but they won't get an identical experience to people with modern browsers.

  6. The suspend feature was always essentially 'banning' in 2.x, but there was confusion about what it was, so we've just changed the terms we use. The features themselves work the same, but in the warning panel suspend is now called ban.

  7. Ban and suspend are the same thing in IPB3 - you can ban a member right from the warn panel, with a reason. To use the other ban controls, though, like changing their group, banning their email address and/or IP, you still have to go via the ACP as before, to maintain security.

  8. Hi,

    As per our standards of service, you can expect a response within 48 hours (24 hours for business licenses), although it's generally much faster than that (within a day). Upgrades and installs can sometimes take longer than general queries just by the nature of what they require, so sit tight, and a tech will be contacting you soon :)

    Thanks for your patience!

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