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Everything posted by DawPi

  1. I just checked it. Works fine on 4.4. If you have problems I can take a look. Just send me PM with your ACP first.
  2. Should work fine. I'll check it tomorrow.
  3. SQL Query? You can't because it's stored like this: /** * Get member link preference * * @return string */ public function linkPref() { if ( $this->members_bitoptions['link_pref_unread'] ) { In bitoptions. So you need a custom PHP script to achieve this.
  4. I may do that for you. Just PM me. I've made dozen od such upgrades in the past and.. still doing.. 🙂
  5. Open PhpMyAdmin, go to forums_posts table and add default value (for example NULL) to charmod_name field. Should be fine then.
  6. What's New in Version 2.0.5 upgrade to 4.5 compatibility.
  7. You're very fast. 😉 Will check it (as other resources too).
  8. It's from an init.php file: // Recovery mode // Will turn off third party customisations if one is causing an issue that prevents // accessing the AdminCP. See https://remoteservices.invisionpower.com/docs/recovery_mode 'RECOVERY_MODE' => FALSE, Add it of course: \define( 'RECOVERY_MODE', true );
  9. Once I used Support tool in the ACP to check everything the issue was gone too. 😇
  10. Musisz napisać po angielsku, po polsku nikt tu nie pracuje. --- You must write it in English, no one works for IPS with native Polish language skills.
  11. No problem, glad I could help resolve your issues.
  12. My app is related and hooked into posts only in the forums app, see the hooks.json definition: { "advancedRegexpsIpsForumsTopic": { "type": "C", "class": "\\IPS\\forums\\Topic" } } And it does not updating any content in the DB or something.
  13. Do you have enabled template disk caching? See more:
  14. Will do it tomorrow and let you know. By then please open system logs in the acp and check them and Give me example of one log.
  15. Ask the plugin author in that support topic. 🙂
  16. Then check this app settings in the acp. Its actually pretty easy to edit.
  17. I don't have enough informations to predict what might happen.
  18. Do you have access to ACP? If yes disable (if enabled) this option: Enable template disk caching? (it's under Advanced Configuration)
  19. Hello, afraid there isn't something like this. You have small example in the file description.
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