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Everything posted by Joey_M

  1. I'll DM you a link right now, apologise for coming across grumpy.
  2. It doesn't matter now, IPS fixed this issue via a support ticket by matching the app. It would've been nice if my request for support wasn't overlooked, I wasn't complaining - I am happy to support active devs. Is there any chance I could get some help with this? I have fontawesome icons showing before the link title, however, it now shows up when you hover over it. I'm not sure if it's the code, or something else. In 4.4 it didn't show <i class="fa fa-newspaper-o" aria-hidden="true"><i> It showed the link title, i.e "All Activity".
  3. Fantastic plugin, oddly, I only just realised I had this as I have been using a different plugin which isn't supported with 4.5 - this works flawlessly. 👍
  4. I cannot upgrade to the latest version 2.0.0 using the marketplace, please help @Fosters. I don't care about paying to see it updated and, supported. That's not an issue for me and, I would encourage others to see that it takes time for people to do these.
  5. @newbie LAC: The version for 4.5 - it doesn't seem to add the "Pinned topics", "Other Topics" anymore. Is this a bug on my site, or has it been removed with the latest version? Any way to add it back if it's not supported anymore?
  6. This was released, it unofficially works with 4.5 as I use it and it's flawless with 4.4
  7. If the changes have been applied to the parent skin, I believe it's carried down. You might want to revert any templates which might have been altered in the parent skin. My site was missing the mobile navigation due to edits applied to the parent skin within the globalTemplate file.
  8. I don't see moods available for 4.5, has IPS approved it? Could you show me a screenshot of how it looks now, with the mod badge icon - I'm curious how the moods will look.
  9. @DawPi: I get an error now with the 4.5 version. I removed the previous plugin, and installed from the marketplace. Can I DM you details to my site?
  10. I have the same issue with two sites which was upgraded from 4.4.x to an early beta.
  11. I've tried to add multiple forum ID's but I can't seem to figure it out. [data-forumid='2,5, 6,'] Is this possible at all? Thank you for your help.
  12. Sorry, I'd like to replace them with an icon image. Is this possible via CSS?
  13. Can anyone tell me how to replace the CSS forum markers with an image within the default theme? I know you can add an icon via the forum categories, however, I don't want to interfere with any of my other themes. I simply want to switch them out, I'm surprised the default skin doesn't have an option within the themes settings like custom themes do.
  14. @Adriano Faria: Is this still available? I have 1.0.1 installed but can't find the file in the Market Place now. I was hoping it would be upgraded for 4.5.0.
  15. Instead of adding how many members to show, could you just add rows? Then the plugin could automatically fill the required amount, this would make it better in the responsive side - both on desktop on mobiles.
  16. I'm not sure if it's advised, but if you have a backup of your site you could just restore that. Obviously, any posts/data created after would be lost. Yet you could easy go back if you have a full backup of your database and files.
  17. Have you tried sending him a PM here? Sometimes e-mails can get lost, I'm self hosted with Google services and an issue caused at their end temporarily interfered with my exchange with a developer I was working with. Then again, he might have personal issues or, as many finding things difficult with the COVID-19 pandemic. I don't see why he wouldn't update his themes, I'd imagine it's a good revenue stream for him. Try to reach out again, I am sure he wouldn't mind. Best wishes to you bud.
  18. This is because most designers haven't released updates to their skins for 4.5.0, since it's only in beta [12th version] as I write this post. It's a risk on us if we choose to upgrade when apps/themes aren't ready. You could switch to the default theme for a short time? PS. @Brian A. is a good egg, I doubt he would have abandoned his clients without good reason (if he hasn't replied). It might not mean to come across like it, but this could be taken the wrong way. Brian has been around for ages - probably longer than most people in this topic itself. I have worked a few times with him and, he's a great designer. Very prompt, I can't help but feel patience is the best word to describe this all.
  19. The IPS app is promising, I like certain parts of it and with everything there's stuff which could be better (yet I see this happening with time). I think once 4.5.0 goes final, further improvements will be made. Personally, I am pleased IPS have made such a huge strive to catering to what many of their clients wanted. It's encouraging, this said, I won't be using it but I might use the IPS site app to visit these forums. I have a solution already created by @Jon Erickson which I am more encouraged by. Nonetheless, I wouldn't take anything from the promising signs with the official IPS app(s).
  20. How do you get to this page shown in the screenshot? Thanks for sharing how to get Redis up and working with IPS.
  21. Login is working for me now, thanks to the support teams help. The promote function looks like it needs patching, but I have forward the information mentioned to me by Facebook.
  22. I've just done this, thanks Marc.
  23. My settings look like the screenshot with my domain. I've already looked at that link.
  24. Can you please share screenshots of what the settings should be within the Facebook app? I have changed from the setup to /oauth/callback/ but I just encounter the above error.
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