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HELP, site is just links


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Hi, I am desperate for help. I checked my site today and found this (both site and Admin CP and don't know what to do to rescue my site:


Could contain: Page, Text, File, Menu

Could contain: Page, Text, Paper, Poster, Advertisement

It also refers to EX3 and EX6 plus

Technical Details:

IPS\File\Exception: CANNOT_MAKE_DIR (6)
#0 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/File/FileSystem.php(306): IPS\File\_FileSystem->getFolder()
#1 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/File/File.php(351): IPS\File\_FileSystem->save()
#2 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(5374): IPS\_File::create()
#3 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(2563): IPS\_Theme::writeCss()
#4 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(641): IPS\_Theme->compileCss()
#5 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(831): IPS\_Theme->css()
#6 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(79): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front::baseCss()
#7 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()
#8 /home/<removed>/domains/recreationalflying.com/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
#9 {main}

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Based on the error backtrace posted, the problem seems to be that the code can't write the CSS files: IPS\File\Exception: CANNOT_MAKE_DIR

Check the CHMOD of your \uploads and any \uploads\css_built_* folders. Usually it should be either 0777 or 0755.

Edited by teraßyte
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I have made sure that:

Check the CHMOD of your \uploads and any \uploads\css_built_* folders. Usually it should be either 0777 or 0755.

Both uploads and css_built_0 folders are 777

But still have the problem and I can't get help from IPS as even though I am licensed the help page shows no email support meanwhile my site is not usable

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Thanks, but with the permissions on the folders correct, or so I believe, the host can't really help me. I am hoping that someone from IPS Support could log in, see what is going on and fix it for me or at least tell me what is wrong and how I can fix it. They have all my server details and logins

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  • Management

I'm having trouble locating your domain's source files on your server. They are not where I would expect them to be on your server (or where the recent error logs indicate), can you PM me the root location of your forum files?

It is also worth checking to make sure you have no run out of disk space on your server.

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  • Management

I found them. Your server is writing 0 byte files, this usually means the disk is full. Check with your host, but it's certainly not an Invision Community issue so unfortunately there's not anything I can do to help.

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3 hours ago, Matt said:

I found them. Your server is writing 0 byte files, this usually means the disk is full. Check with your host, but it's certainly not an Invision Community issue so unfortunately there's not anything I can do to help.

Matt, there is heaps of room:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use%
devtmpfs         34G     0   34G   0%
tmpfs            34G     0   34G   0%
tmpfs            34G  236M   34G   1%
tmpfs            34G     0   34G   0%
/dev/nvme0n1p2  1.2T  145G  974G  13%
tmpfs            34G  160k   34G   1%
/dev/nvme0n1p1  1.1G  244M  710M  26%
tmpfs           6.8G     0  6.8G   0%

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13 minutes ago, ibaker said:

Matt, there is heaps of room:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use%
devtmpfs         34G     0   34G   0%
tmpfs            34G     0   34G   0%
tmpfs            34G  236M   34G   1%
tmpfs            34G     0   34G   0%
/dev/nvme0n1p2  1.2T  145G  974G  13%
tmpfs            34G  160k   34G   1%
/dev/nvme0n1p1  1.1G  244M  710M  26%
tmpfs           6.8G     0  6.8G   0%

You may wish to ensure these volumes are tied to the location which the software is and attempting to write to (additionally, you may also want to check the storage for /tmp).

Unfortunately, there is a write error here on the server somewhere if 0 byte files are showing up.

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If there is something wrong with the server space then my other IPS site and my Shopping Cart site would also be impacted but they are ok. It is just my main site and it was working ok this morning and then an error came up saying something was wrong with Data Storage. I clicked Support and Clear Cache and this is what happened.

I have checked the permissions on datastore and the files in there and they are the same as permissions as my other IPS site on the same server.

I have tested uploading a file to the datastore, uploads and css_built_0 folders and all worked ok

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  • Management

Ok, it's a hosting issue. I have no idea what, but your server is no longer writing file contents, or creating new directories.

I debugged it back to @mk_dir() and this is failing.

Could contain: Text, Number, Symbol, Menu, Page, Word, Label

Your access_log and error_logs are both 0 bytes for today. Directories are not being written, and files are being written with 0 bytes.

There really is nothing more we can do. The native PHP command mk_dir() is throwing an error.

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