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Plugins Marketplace vs Custom?

Go to solution Solved by Stuart Silvester,

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I have several older plugins that still work just fine on 4.6.9 but in the plugins "directory" in the ACP they all say "Marketplace" but when clicking on the marketplace link (which they originally came from) they show an error not compatible with this version of IPS (which I know they are). How can I change the marketplace link to "Custom"?


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This just means that the author has not updated the resource or confirmed that it is compatible with the version of Invision Community that you're using. If they're working for you, that's great. You do not need to change their status (you would be unable to get any future updates for them)

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It's seriously a stupid system (pardon the language). There are several plugins that are being left behind now due to Covid, stuck on 4.5 but works just fine on 4.6. But since you can't install them or download them you simply can't use them. I have this very problem now on a fresh install and it's honestly frustrating that the devs decided to lock down the plugins system this way. I'm not a developer and I can only guess that tons of devs also lose revenue on this since it's no longer worth buying or renewing licenses...

I would really like to see a way to install plugins from older versions or at least being able to manually download a plugin I have bought and have a license for, because you are basically disallowing owners of a license to use the product.

Edited by Sirmadsen
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12 minutes ago, Sirmadsen said:

I would really like to see a way to install plugins from older versions or at least being able to manually download a plugin I have bought and have a license for, because you are basically disallowing owners of a license to use the product.

You have a license for the site running it now.  Not a license to run it anywhere you want to.  If you're installing it anywhere you want, how do we ensure developers are properly compensated for multiple instances of their work being used and needing to support multiple instances of it?

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6 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

You have a license for the site running it now.  Not a license to run it anywhere you want to.  If you're installing it anywhere you want, how do we ensure developers are properly compensated for multiple instances of their work being used and needing to support multiple instances of it?

That's not even what I said... I only have one site but it's a fresh install since I've come back to IPS just now but I have licenses for plugins and themes for IPS 4.5 that technically should work on 4.6. Some literally put on hold or abandoned due to Covid, which is just one example. Point remains, the marketplace is a step backwards since I as the license holder no longer have a choice or option, even when the license is still active.

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12 hours ago, Sirmadsen said:

4.5 that technically should work on 4.6

While I certainly sympathize with the situation you are in, the fact of the matter is what I have highlighted for you. The part is the word "technically". That word has, unfortunately, caused significant struggles, pain, and downtime for our clients and significant overhead for our support on items which are outside our scope of support already. This was one of the many reasons to force authors to verify and confirm what version their add-ons work for prior to allowing them to appear as such in the Marketplace. Then also to verify those versions on install for clients.

As much as I hate to throw anyone under the bus, it is also a little protecting you from yourself scenario too. Where clients have installed add-ons from far outdated releases, which just bring their site down. This may not be your scenario here but this is an extreme example that came up often in the past.

If the author wishes to provide you the files, you can certainly upload the add-on as a custom item to your installation still. Though, from what it sounds like, the author has abandoned the project so that may not be as helpful but still worth a try to reach out.

Ultimately, this has been discussed a lot on the community and while it has not fallen on deaf ears, as we truly value your input, it is not something which we are going to change at this time. I hope this helps clarify why this was done and I do want to say again, we do value your input here and it does continue to shape how we do things here.

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On 1/14/2022 at 7:36 PM, Sirmadsen said:

I'm not a developer and I can only guess that tons of devs also lose revenue on this since it's no longer worth buying or renewing licenses...

Its worth responding to this also, as Im not sure where you get that impression. The developer can change the version its compatible with to be compatible with the latest release. 

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