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Broken CSS & JS

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Having finally completed and configured the upgrade from 3.4.9 to 4.3.4 successfully, I did a backup of the database, and then imported it into my local test instance. This seems to have broken the loading of CSS and JS files, as both the main forums and ACP of the test version load vanilla pages with lots of broken functionality. Is there something in the database I can adjust to fix this, or is something else causing it?


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2 hours ago, Large Scale Planes said:

No, I imported a backup of the live 4.3.4 database in to a local test instance of the 4.3.4 database.


If you have no css on in ACP, somehow try and find and switch on desinger mode. After it's loaded you should see everything return, you'll need to correct storage locations. (if this is still the same issue/error that has plauged since early 4.x.x series)

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3 hours ago, Large Scale Planes said:

Having finally completed and configured the upgrade from 3.4.9 to 4.3.4 successfully, I did a backup of the database, and then imported it into my local test instance. This seems to have broken the loading of CSS and JS files, as both the main forums and ACP of the test version load vanilla pages with lots of broken functionality. Is there something in the database I can adjust to fix this, or is something else causing it?


Run the support tool (same thing you were guided to do when you had problems upgrading) if you are able to do so.

If you aren't able to do so, then delete the contents of the 'datastore' folder in your local install.

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4 hours ago, CP_User said:

If you have no css on in ACP, somehow try and find and switch on desinger mode. After it's loaded you should see everything return, you'll need to correct storage locations. (if this is still the same issue/error that has plauged since early 4.x.x series)

Thanks, I was able to switch to Designers Mode, which restored the CSS, but I have no idea how to correct the storage locations. I could only find the 'Data Storage' option under Advanced Configuration, which is showing the correct file path.


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So, I grabbed another backup of the live database, and imported it into my test instance*. I was initially able to load the forums without an issue, but upon loading ACP I was not only presented with the vanilla page again, but it also caused the main forums to lose their CSS & JS. So, there's clearly something in the database that messes it up, and it seems it's only triggered by loading or logging in to the ACP. I'm guessing it has something to do with stored file paths, but where do I find them? Is the conf_global file still used?

* With v3, I did this daily as a means of validating the backup - if it loaded via Sequel Pro without errors, then I knew I had a reliable backup. It also kept my local instance in sync with the live one.


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After you take a backup of your live database and import it into your test installation, you will likely need to run the support tool as has been suggested. Navigating there with broken CSS/JS can be a challenge at times, but unfortunately there are few other options. The problem is that things will get cached based on your live site, and you need to clear those caches.

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7 hours ago, bfarber said:

After you take a backup of your live database and import it into your test installation, you will likely need to run the support tool as has been suggested. Navigating there with broken CSS/JS can be a challenge at times, but unfortunately there are few other options. The problem is that things will get cached based on your live site, and you need to clear those caches.

Thanks. But where do I find the support tool? I don't recall ever having to use it before.


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11 hours ago, Large Scale Planes said:

Thanks - found it! And it fixed the problem, too. I guess I'll have to do that every time I import the backup into my local instance, which is a bummer, since I used to do it daily. Can't be arsed with that now!


Maybe not ideal but you could do what I would sometimes do to save trying to get at it via a broken page, edit the URL. Typically it would look something like this:


or this


All you need to do is change the end of it from =dashboard to =support in the latter case, in the former case you'd need to add:

app=core&module=overview&controller=support *after* the & character

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