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Google AdSense Auto Ads


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24 minutes ago, ABGenc said:

When you select all options, it puts ads between messages, within post/message feeds and even paragraphs. That may be annoying for users and visitors.

Is it possible to limit the ads to guests only @AlexWebsites ?

{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}}
	Adsense Auto Ad code goes here

Just paste your ad code in the IF statement. This way the script won't load for users that are logged in.

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6 hours ago, Sheffielder said:

I've not implemented yet as waiting to see how everyone else get on with it

Sounds interesting but don't want Google splattering ads everywhere and angering my members

Yeah, that's definitely something to think about. But one thing that I like about Google is that they're very much against ad-spam themselves. I noticed that there won't even be ads on pages where there's very little content (like text). It also seems to insert ads decently in article body text, but I've noticed that sometimes they leave big white gaps where an ad should be. For someone that really likes to make sure a site looks nice, that bit is a little jarring. 

On an old forum of mine, it inserts an ad something like every 2-3 posts down and actually looks fairly tasteful.

Overall, I think it's a nice way to get ad placements on a site, but it does need some tinkering on Google's end. I can't speak for earnings yet since it hasn't even been a full day since I put them on a few sites I run. Haven't yet put it on my Invision Community though, except when I was testing some things. 

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9 hours ago, Cemmos said:

{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}}
	Adsense Auto Ad code goes here

Just paste your ad code in the IF statement. This way the script won't load for users that are logged in.

All I did was create a custom ad tag and insert that tag into the global template. Within the ad settings, I have it showing to guests only. I did nt use any IF statements. 


It seemed to display more ads on mobile and it feels like it's slowing down the site a bit on smaller screens. I have everything on in adsense to show and it's too early to make a judgement so I'm going to continue to leave it up for a few days. 

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59 minutes ago, Sheffielder said:

Let us know how it affects your revenues and user experience :-)

Revenue depends on several variables so it may differ but I according to adsense statistics click ratio was twice and revenue was 5 times according to previous Sunday.

But the user experience is awful. It wont take long before they moan abut the ads appearing everywhere.

Here are the lists where ads appear ( I already have 3 ads, 2 below the menü , 1 on top of sidebar, the followings are additional )


Forum View ;

On top and bottom of (NB40) Recent Topics/Posts side bar widget

On top of Popular Contributors

Total : 6 Ads ( 3 already existed )

Mobile ;

On top of page ( anchor ads, these used to be on bottom of page before 4.2 )

On some of the links ( vignette )

Between Categories

Between Subforums

Total : 9 ads :) ( except any vignette that may occur on clicking a link )

I will unselect the options one by one and see how it will affect

Edited by ABGenc
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I've tried auto ads and I've had the issue where the in-article and in-feed ads are scaled incorrectly and often has large horizontal ads that for some reason are off to the right of the page and covering text. I'll try and demonstrate this, but it happens across all themes.

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14 hours ago, Sheffielder said:

Let us know how it affects your revenues and user experience :-)

User experience for everything except the first type (text & display ads) is awful. Seriously. Don't bother.

Revenue has doubled even with just the first type turned on. Might be a blip due to new ads causing click confusion. Will wait a month to see how it averages out.

4 hours ago, CSSlife said:

I've tried auto ads and I've had the issue where the in-article and in-feed ads are scaled incorrectly and often has large horizontal ads that for some reason are off to the right of the page and covering text. I'll try and demonstrate this, but it happens across all themes.

Yeah I got that too. It's pretty awful.

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8 hours ago, Sheffielder said:

Ahhhh that sounds nasty

I'm going to avoid

To be clear, I like the auto ads for text and display. They've picked a few new spots (some additional sidebar ads as an example) that seem to work well.

I'd recommend turning it on, but only for text and display ads. The rest is a big fat meh.

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