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Project Manager / Bug&Suggestion Tracker - Supporttopic


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We've spent the weekend focusing on several applications to address bug fixes that were brought up in the IPS Support Topics.  We'd like to thank everyone for their patience while we get back into groove of things.  

Project Manager: 1 bug and 1 enhancement

  • [Bug] Navbar Tab permissions broken
  • [Enhancement] Multi-select on the Issues tab to select several Issues to mark as Open, Complete, and Open

We are planning for a release date in about a week for further testing, but please follow the Marketplace file and you will be notified.j

Edited by Fosters
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On ‎13‎.‎01‎.‎2018 at 9:00 AM, Fosters said:

What services are you interested to see be included in this app?
Righ now we're support Bitbucket out of the box and next version will support Github :)

  1. I would prefer some basic stuff to be included, f.e. showing the assigned members for an issue as a "4th badge" in the overview listing pages... It would be a lot easier if project managers could see directly to whom issues are assigned to. A 4th badge seems to be a smart solution.
  2. I would separate the 4 badges for "status / item type / priority / assigned to" in a single row, and the issue title in another single row. Only for design and overview reasons.
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3 hours ago, Cyboman said:
  1. I would prefer some basic stuff to be included, f.e. showing the assigned members for an issue as a "4th badge" in the overview listing pages... It would be a lot easier if project managers could see directly to whom issues are assigned to. A 4th badge seems to be a smart solution.
  2. I would separate the 4 badges for "status / item type / priority / assigned to" in a single row, and the issue title in another single row. Only for design and overview reasons.




Also a lot of other stuff was implemented, like quick state management


Edited by Fosters
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13 hours ago, Fosters said:
17 hours ago, Cyboman said:
  1. I would prefer some basic stuff to be included, f.e. showing the assigned members for an issue as a "4th badge" in the overview listing pages... It would be a lot easier if project managers could see directly to whom issues are assigned to. A 4th badge seems to be a smart solution.
  2. I would separate the 4 badges for "status / item type / priority / assigned to" in a single row, and the issue title in another single row. Only for design and overview reasons.



Only to avoid misunderstandings: I meant in the project overview... not in an issue details view... not sure if we are talking about the same

If I click into any project, there is a list with all issues. Same on the projects overview page, where I can select the filter tabs "open items/issues" or "overdue items/issues". There, I suggest to show a 4th badge for "assigned to". And move the issue title with a <br> tag into the next line, so the title text starts aligned left.

This extends the line height of each issue by 1 line, but the overview and design would be much more beautiful and clearer.

And project managers could directly see all assignments of a project on a single page.

In your screenshot above, I can't see any implementation concerning this suggestion yet, but I might be wrong as the issues in your screenshot might not have any assignments ;) But there is also no (optional) linebreak?


Edited by Cyboman
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A new version was released which should be compatible with IPS 4.3.x

30 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

Hi, I've got fatal error, installing on localhost. IPS version - 4.3.2.

screenshot-localhost 2018.05.10 20-31-41.png

Sorry, I haven't noticed that we haven't released the 4.3 compatible version. Please download the package again:)

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For the reference if anybody  else wants the grid view: It's a theme setting



10 hours ago, kmk said:

Hello, can you explain about Bot members? I don't know what mean is....


the Bot member is used for the automatically created content like the News/Release Topics, Release Records and also for the hidden commit messages (and all other stuff created via web hooks

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  • Removed IPS Marketplace API Connection
  • Implemented now "Quick Assign To/ Claim" Feature, Clicking on claim will assign the item to the current member without the need to complete the assign to form
  • The Grid/List view setting was moved from the template system to the settings
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Reactions for issue/item starter posts aren't displayed on mobile view...

And I get embed errors with embedding linked contents into the editor (f.e. if I want to cross reference another project manager issue)

Template core/front/embed/embedHeader is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme


And please check the feature to show an extra badge if you have the time, whom issues/items are assigned to already on the preview/overview pages. It would make working on the project a lot easier.

So on the overview pages, currently it shows

BUG   OPEN   New feature request

Should look like this ->

BUG  OPEN   FOSTERS    New feature request

                         ^^ additional information, to whom the issue is assigned to

Please consider this feature. Thanks.

Edited by Cyboman
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Please add option that let's me add more than one Issue Tracker, so under a project I can create issue of different departments, e. G. Accounting, transport, customer service... 

I change list to grid view but there is a forum icon, I think that should be replace by the logo of project, and maybe the background need a image or something like that, I mean it should be Beautifull layout. 



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On 7/12/2018 at 8:47 PM, kmk said:

Please add more functions that lets Projects Manager purpose, I can see there can add more tabs, I suggest use it for custom fields, editor, page, topics etc..



Please add File too, when I try handle projects with Projects Manager, I discover the need of upload files to show purpose.

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On 7/14/2018 at 3:37 AM, kmk said:

Please give option to show title different? 

Is more suitable to read if title in the first row and other items in second row. One at the top and one bottom. 


I'm not a huge fan of the second row, wouldn't at least the type be very important?

What about this:






Anyway, such changes are quite easy to achieve by editing the template;)

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