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Pages SuperGrid support


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Hi, I'm using 4.3, and am having an issue. If I try and select a category to show on the homepage I get the following error:

Error: Call to undefined method IPS\cms\Records1::reputation() (0)
#0 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/sources/Theme/Theme.php(610) : eval()'d code(494): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_newsgrid->entry(Object(IPS\cms\Records1), Object(IPS\cms\Databases), 0, NULL)
#1 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/modules/front/database/index.php(142): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_newsgrid->index(Object(IPS\cms\Databases), Object(IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator), Object(IPS\Http\Url\Friendly), Array)
#2 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/modules/front/database/index.php(51): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_index->view()
#3 /yamahaclub.com/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_index->manage()
#4 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Dispatcher.php(325): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#5 /yamahaclub.com/forums/system/Theme/Theme.php(4311) : eval()'d code(9): IPS\cms\Databases\_Dispatcher->run()
#6 [internal function]: IPS\Theme\content_pages_2()
#7 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(1218): call_user_func('IPS\\Theme\\conte...')
#8 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(2190): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->getHtmlContent()
#9 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(73): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->output()
#10 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(43): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->view()
#11 /yamahaclub.com/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->manage()
#12 /yamahaclub.com/forums/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(33): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#13 /yamahaclub.com/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->execute()
#14 /yamahaclub.com/index.php(42): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#15 {main}

Also if I don't select a category and filter through to a child category page, the teaser text appears over the images.



Edited by asigno
Forgot attachment.
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6 hours ago, asigno said:

Hi, I'm using 4.3, and am having an issue. If I try and select a category to show on the homepage I get the following error:

You need to upgrade to the 4.3 version of SuperGrid. 

6 hours ago, asigno said:

Also if I don't select a category and filter through to a child category page, the teaser text appears over the images.

You need to turn off that field for the listing view in the settings for that field. 

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15 minutes ago, asigno said:

Hi, I'm using version_long="10002" version_human="3.0.0" which I believe to be the 4.3 version.

That refers to the plugin, but make sure to follow the update instructions in the PDF. You need to delete every SuperGrid template in the Pages template section, install the new template set and assign the new set from the Database settings. 


Please can you tell me where I need to turn off that field?

I thought I already did. In the settings for this field. It’s this button:


Edited by opentype
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9 hours ago, misfit76 said:

I am missing an "Add Content"  button when in mobile view.  Is it supposed to be like that or am i missing something?

4 hours ago, DirectorECI said:

Add new article is not visible in the mobile optimise site. How to add that

Usually, you are supposed to open a category first, like in the forums. There you will find the button both in desktop and mobile.

There is an extra desktop button on the frontpage currently. I will consider how to deal will that in a future release. Maybe I add a mobile button. Maybe I remove the desktop button. Not sure yet. For now this is intentional. 

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Following up on asigno's post about teaser paragraph text appearing on top of the image in the listing display, I understand how to turn it off so it doesn't display. I would like it to display below the title, i.e. vertically: image > title > teaser paragraph. Or, have the option for the text to appear above, on top of, or below the image. Am I missing something?

In a perfect world, display of title and teaser text would be able to be configured like the attached, a custom block that I'm still using on 3.x (massive project to upgrade to 4.x). Title appears at the bottom of the image over a semi-opaque gray background. Upon hover, the title text slides up to display the teaser text.

Using the badge background looks horrible, IMO.



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4 minutes ago, Peter L McCormick said:

Following up on asigno's post about teaser paragraph text appearing on top of the image in the listing display, I understand how to turn it off so it doesn't display. I would like it to display below the title, i.e. vertically: image > title > teaser paragraph. Or, have the option for the text to appear above, on top of, or below the image. Am I missing something?

For the listing view, adding custom fields below the title was added as an option in the latest release. For the display view, you would need to turn off the “badge mode” and pick a different styling like “no formatting” or “Custom”. But as mentioned before: That’s not really a SuperGrid issue. It’s how to use custom fields in Pages so a separate peer-to-peer topic would be better to ask for help. Neither a new 4.x stock database nor SuperGrid come with a teaser field. 

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On 4/26/2018 at 10:52 PM, opentype said:

Usually, you are supposed to open a category first, like in the forums. There you will find the button both in desktop and mobile.

There is an extra desktop button on the frontpage currently. I will consider how to deal will that in a future release. Maybe I add a mobile button. Maybe I remove the desktop button. Not sure yet. For now this is intentional. 

I have Databases that do not have categories, so only allowing to add items from Category will break front end functionality.  At the moment, IPB allows to add items from the main DB page.  Also, i think your other template, "SuperDocs has the button in both Mobile and Desktop view.


Steve K.

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5 minutes ago, misfit76 said:

I have Databases that do not have categories, so only allowing to add items from Category will break front end functionality. 

No. Even a database without categories has a category listing view. But you can choose to have a frontpage view, which works differently and always has. The way it is now was the stock IPS template functionality when SuperGrid first came out. That’s why it’s still this way. I just based it on what IPS did. 

If you need the mobile button, you can give me temporary admin access and I add it in for you. But I will not release a new version just for this. The plugin has 300 clients and they would all need to go through the trouble of installing a new version just for this tiny change, which isn’t even a bug. 

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On 4/30/2018 at 10:01 AM, opentype said:

No. Even a database without categories has a category listing view. But you can choose to have a frontpage view, which works differently and always has. The way it is now was the stock IPS template functionality when SuperGrid first came out. That’s why it’s still this way. I just based it on what IPS did. 

If you need the mobile button, you can give me temporary admin access and I add it in for you. But I will not release a new version just for this. The plugin has 300 clients and they would all need to go through the trouble of installing a new version just for this tiny change, which isn’t even a bug. 


Thank you, i will probably ask when after the upgrade to 4.3


Also found an issue with Closslinking in a record.

there is a variable set in the 'record' template (under RecordDisplay): 

{{$infoLineShown = FALSE;}} 

It needs to be inside the for loop


		{{if $records = $record->getReciprocalItems()}}
			{{foreach $records as $fieldId => $items}}
                {{$infoLineShown = FALSE;}}
				<ul class="ipsList_inline ipsList_csv ipsList_noSpacing">
				{{foreach $items as $item}}
					<li>{{if ! $infoLineShown}}{{$infoLineShown=TRUE;}}{lang="records_linking_to_me" sprintf="$item::database()->recordWord(0,TRUE), $record::database()->recordWord(1)"}: {{endif}}<a href="{$item->url()}">{$item->_title}</a></li>


Currently it is 

		{{if $records = $record->getReciprocalItems()}}
            {{$infoLineShown = FALSE;}}
			{{foreach $records as $fieldId => $items}}
				<ul class="ipsList_inline ipsList_csv ipsList_noSpacing">
				{{foreach $items as $item}}
					<li>{{if ! $infoLineShown}}{{$infoLineShown=TRUE;}}{lang="records_linking_to_me" sprintf="$item::database()->recordWord(0,TRUE), $record::database()->recordWord(1)"}: {{endif}}<a href="{$item->url()}">{$item->_title}</a></li>


Not sure how many people this effects, but could be good for the future.

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@opentype I have a question regarding Category Images. I have installed plugin mentioned below and I see that in categoryRow and CategoryHeader there is code to show images assigned to categories. Unfortunately no additional images show anywhere despite the fact I've assigned them to every category using IPS Pages Category Images plugin.

This is the code I mentioned above:

{{if $category->pcimage}}<div class="SG_cat_image" style="background-image:url('{file='$category->pcimage'}');"></div>{{endif}}

Am I doing something wrong? Seeing that code in the template I assumed that if I have a Category Image then it should be used.

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On 12/7/2016 at 2:24 PM, opentype said:

It checks for the existence of the Twitter handle AND the existence of a Record Image. If both are valid, the meta tags should be generated for the specific article page. 

Sorry for my ignorance, but would Twitter Card support in general settings conflict with this one ?

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