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  • 3 weeks later...
1 minute ago, Archimed said:

on my AZERTY keyboard, the proper apostrophe is : ' 

Nope. It isn’t proper just because you can easily reach it on a keyboard. Just like "this" isn’t proper quotation — “this is”. Or « this », depending on the language. 

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@opentype bro, I do not have that key on my keyboard. When we write an apostrophe, I have no choice, I have to use " ' " just like for quoting, I do not have that stuff :  «  » I just copy/past from your post. Only Word transform my " " to «  »

But in short, I'm just trying to say that it might be more logical to skip the apostrophes to avoid this kind of "bug". Although you have a solution to use a different apostrophe works and suits me very well. :)



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1 hour ago, Archimed said:

@opentype bro, I do not have that key on my keyboard.

It’s not printed on you keyboard. But that doesn’t mean that a different character becomes the “proper apostrophe”. That was your claim. It is not true, so I corrected it. 


1 hour ago, Archimed said:

When we write an apostrophe, I have no choice …

That is also not true. 😉 You have the choice to learn the shortcut for the proper apostrophe, which exists for every operating system and every (Latin) keyboard layout including AZERTY. On my computer it’s ALT + Shift + ' for example. 

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I'm just pointing out that a quote breaks a display.
You make a whole speech about writing a quote correctly because you write books?
Dude goes back down to earth.
On a French AZERTY keyboard, when you want to make an apostrophe it is done using the "4" key on the keyboard. This is the only apostrophe accessible directly like that.
People use this apostrophe and do not make ALT + stuff + stuff.
Keep your scholarly speech for yourself and understand that a standard user will use this key to make an apostrophe. And if you don't want to understand something so simple, I can do nothing for you, sir book author.

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16 minutes ago, Archimed said:

Keep your scholarly speech for yourself … 

No, thanks. I will continue to correct false statements as I always do. It is up to you to stay ignorant about these matters or decide to learn something new. 

For other, more open French speakers I repeat the link again:


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9 minutes ago, opentype said:



You see, even the text you give in link says so. THIS TYPOGRAPHICAL APOSTROPHE DOES NOT EXIST ON THE KEYBOARD.

It's written in black and white.

I do not know what problem you have for not understanding that people do not use the apostrophe for which you fell in love.

Common mortals will not use this apostrophe to fill in the field that allows to name the reaction on the forum.

As a result, it will break something on the display.

That's all I said from the beginning.

You do not want to hear it, brandishing your torch as a great defender of typography. That's good, but it's ridiculous. But continue, you make me laugh.

Edited by Archimed
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1 hour ago, Archimed said:

You see, even the text you give in link says so. THIS TYPOGRAPHICAL APOSTROPHE DOES NOT EXIST ON THE KEYBOARD.
It's written in black and white.

Sure. Have I claimed something else? No! I said it myself, when I pointed out that the proper apostrophe is not printed on standard keyboards. So why bring that up as an argument? My arguments don’t hinge on that fact. They are valid and sound in spite of this fact, because this fact is logically irrelevant in regards to my arguments. If you would try to understand my arguments, you would see that and not go around in circles all the time. 

Your argument boils down to: whatever similar looking character can be most easily reached on the keyboard, must be the proper one. If the French speakers you know use ', than that is the proper one. That is wrong. If you don’t know how to reach © on a keyboard, does it mean that this is not the proper sign anymore? Of course not! If you don’t know how to reach a German ß, does it mean B or β are a proper replacement? Of course not. Similar look doesn’t make it the proper sign. Your logic is fundamentally flawed. Take a French grammar book and look up the apostrophe. Do they use ' or ’ as the proper apostrophe sign?

There are over 100,000 encoded characters today. Of course they don’t all fit on every keyboard. But just because they aren’t printed there, doesn’t mean that you can make up replacements and call them the proper character. 

By the way: it’s really interesting how you quote mine this one section of the article, when the rest of the article clearly proofs me right and proofs you wrong. What about this sentence: 


About the '

« Il est conçu (entre autres choses) pour permettre aux informaticiens de signaliser des morceaux de code avec le même signe. »

“It is designed (among other things) to allow computer scientists to signal pieces of code with the same sign.”

Why do you ignore that part and just repeat from the article what was never questioned?


1 hour ago, Archimed said:

Common mortals will not use this apostrophe to fill in the field that allows to name the reaction on the forum.
As a result, it will break something on the display.
That's all I said from the beginning.

Sure. And I understood that from the beginning, so there was nothing to discuss. What I objected to was your characterization of ' being the proper apostrophe. That is untrue. If you didn’t know it before, you know it now. You have learned something. Great. We can just move on with our lives. But it’s a waste of time and kind of pathetic do continue to deny it and even laugh at my face, and ignore and misrepresent everything I say. You really rather stay wrong just so you don’t have to admin that you were wrong about that? Why not be happy about having learned that there is actually a proper apostrophe on your keyboard you could reach with a shortcut? I mean, you don’t even have to use it. But you can at least accept that it is there and that it fits every definition of “proper” in terms of grammar, typography and text encoding. Because that’s a fact. 

Edited by opentype
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People do not use the apostrophe for which you fell in love.

Common mortals will not use this apostrophe to fill in the field that allows to name the reaction on the forum.

As a result, it will break something on the display.

That's a fact. 

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2 hours ago, Archimed said:


What*s the point of this worthless discussion? You asked for support and you got support, so just change one single sign on your reaction. A 15 seconds task. And b.t.w. to piss off the single one supporting add-ons your site relates in big parts upon, can't be really wise....

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11 minutes ago, Meddysong said:

The last few posts beg the question (and I'm sorry for prolonging the derailment): since the thing that looks very much like an apostrophe to the untrained eye isn't actually one, then what is it?

U+0027 is a catch-all character from the days of the early typewriters, where, to keep the number of keys to a minimum, one key had to be used for left and right quotation, prime symbols and apostrophe. Same story for " or the hyphen, which had to be used for all dashes (- – —). All these character were taken over into ASCII, since that was essentially an English typewriter layout. But proper typesetting (as used for printing letterpress books for centuries) already became possible for computers with the 8-bit character sets of the 1980s using 256 character slots, and of course it got even better in the 1990s with Unicode, which reserved a dedicated spot for the apostrophe at U+2019. That’s the real apostrophe, both in design and encoding. The remaining, proper use for ' (0027) and " (0022) is in coding, where they have a distinct function (e.g. enclosing a string), whereas the apostrophe is just one of many text characters here without special treatment. 

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@opentype please advise. I've updated my community to 4.4.2, and SuperGrid to version compatible with 4,4.

My categories list looks like this: https://gamearmada.org/home/?show=categories - if I remember correctly this list was styled too? Also where do you set Category Template Group now? I don't have this option in database properties, it was there in 4.3.x but now it's gone. So I can't set this according to manual.

It looks like this. My other databases have the setting, could the difference be due to amount of categories? If there's no other option I'll just dig around in the MySQL database and override it there but I'd prefer a simpler and more convenient solution if possible 🙂



Edited by Nebthtet
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4 hours ago, Nebthtet said:

My categories list looks like this: https://gamearmada.org/home/?show=categories - if I remember correctly this list was styled too? Also where do you set Category Template Group now? I don't have this option in database properties, it was there in 4.3.x but now it's gone. So I can't set this according to manual.

You need to temporarily turn this on to get to the settings:



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Hi @opentype, I've updated templates and settings for newest version but on a record page I got an error, could you help me with this?

Error: Call to a member function url() on boolean (0)
#0 /applications/cms/modules/front/database/record.php(310): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_supergrid_recorddisplay->record(Object(IPS\cms\Records2), '\n<div data-cont...', NULL, true)
#1 /init.php(588) : eval()'d code(21): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_record->manage()
#2 /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\pagesblocks_hook_controller_record->manage()
#3 /system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#4 /applications/cms/sources/Databases/Dispatcher.php(347): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
#5 //applications/cms/widgets/Database.php(128): IPS\cms\Databases\_Dispatcher->run()
#6 /applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(1281): IPS\cms\widgets\_Database->render()
#7 /applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(2210): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->getWidgets()
#8 /applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(112): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->output()
#9 /applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(43): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->view()
#10 /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->manage()
#11 /applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(33): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#12 /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->execute()
#13 /index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#14 {main}


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using the latest version of SuperGrid, and am having an issue where if I use the "Cache page output for guests" all of the pages that use the SuperGrid template are malformed. If I turn off this cache they look fine. The problem is that I need to use the cache. I would appreciate any help to fix this.

See below with cache on: 



With cache off:


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7 minutes ago, sadams101 said:

I am using the latest version of SuperGrid, and am having an issue where if I use the "Cache page output for guests" all of the pages that use the SuperGrid template are malformed. If I turn off this cache they look fine. The problem is that I need to use the cache. I would appreciate any help to fix this.

That’s not a SuperGrid problem. 

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Ok, but this never happened until I ran SuperGrid, and the grid gets broken somehow. It seems to be intermittent, as sometimes the cache seems fine, but other times it breaks.

Also, and I saw your comment to another poster here with this issue, but on the article/page view there seems to be a lot of white space to the left of the article. I do have my database page set to one column, which was the recommendation to fix this issue. Is there any way I can make this article widen out to the full page?


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