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55 minutes ago, Maxxius said:

Instead you should make it like this - {# [1:question][?:questions]}

True. Before it must have at least two questions, so always plural. It has changed later and I didn’t change the lang bit. 

I’ll do it in next version. 👍

Posted (edited)

Nice also quizz_answers_right_total - This quiz has %s questions, %s possible correct answers out of %s total answers. has the same problem.

Also when I add the multiple right answer type of quiz I can literally submit such questions. Don't know if there actually should be a mechanism to indicate IDENTICAL answers which can be RIGHT and WRONG:


Edited by Maxxius
2 hours ago, Maxxius said:

Nice also quizz_answers_right_total - This quiz has %s questions, %s possible correct answers out of %s total answers. has the same problem.

I'll have to split this one in two. First parameter has to be used with pluralize; second and third with sprintf. I don't remember have seen both in same lang bit anywhere.

The end result is the same:

				<strong>{lang="quizz_answers_right_total1" pluralize="$quiz->questions"}</strong>
				<strong>{lang="quizz_answers_right_total2" sprintf="$data['correct'], $data['replies']"}</strong>


2 hours ago, Maxxius said:

Also when I add the multiple right answer type of quiz I can literally submit such questions. Don't know if there actually should be a mechanism to indicate IDENTICAL answers which can be RIGHT and WRONG:



Posted (edited)

@Adriano Faria

Another important feature request. When viewing the Leaderboard you should somehow highlight those users who tried to cheat and moved away from the active tab and got disqualified. I mean at least an icon or something to indicate that a particular member tried to cheat and got owned and never finished the quiz.

Because now if a member gets some answers right and cheats on a further question his stats still enter the leaderboard with correct answers taken into the total point amount. That is fine. BUT Cheaters should definitely be highlighted in their own way in the leaderboard.

Edited by Maxxius
Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Maxxius said:

I mean at least an icon or something to indicate that a particular member tried to cheat and got owned and never finished the quiz.

What do you suggest?

The score isn't saved for those who falls in this situation, so their try doesn't show up in the leaderboard.

Edited by Adriano Faria
18 minutes ago, Maxxius said:

BUT Cheaters should definitely be highlighted in their own way in the leaderboard.

It's just a thought...  But, wouldn't that open up a whole can of potential legal and administrative problems.... publicly labeling people cheaters?

Especially, considering this is not a strict testing environment where we could control the entire environment.  There are things outside a users control that could take them away from the "active" tab and cause them to fail (besides actually cheating).  For example those annoying pop-ups from other running programs that may require the user to close such things just to get back to viewing the quiz itself.

Irregardless... labeling people cheaters (even when it's deserved) seems more problematic than good.



Nope, they indeed are saved in the leaderboard! You might have a bug. navigated to another tab in 2 seconds into the first question.

save to leaderboard and is seen by the member who played and an admin user.


1 minute ago, Allegheny said:

It's just a thought...  But, wouldn't that open up a whole can of potential legal and administrative problems.... publicly labeling people cheaters?

I agree and really not interested in do this. Just collecting feedback.

3 minutes ago, Maxxius said:

Nope, they indeed are saved in the leaderboard! You might have a bug.

True. Fixed. It won't save anymore.

1 minute ago, Maxxius said:

Can you tell me how exactly you fixed this? Post what code needs to be changed or an updated file via PM?

You post a link to the report form. Post the link to the post itself.

1 minute ago, Maxxius said:

oh sorry I mean can you provide the fix so that cheaters would not be placed in leaderboard

Download and open /applications/quizzes/modules/front/quizzes/view.php and find:

			/* Save the score */
			if( !isset( $data['quizSubmitted'] ) AND $this->quiz->author()->member_id != \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id )

Change to:

			/* Save the score */
			if( !isset( $data['quizSubmitted'] ) AND $this->quiz->author()->member_id != \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id AND !$data['quizInvalidated'] )

Save and reupload.

Fix is part of next version.


Okay, I caught another bug this morning. In the notification that I received when somebody completed my quiz for some odd reason has inaccurate data - how many percent did the member got on a quiz. so far 8 members did the quiz, all of their scores were correct but the latest one - in notification says 100% but in leaderboard 57%. 😥


4 hours ago, Maxxius said:

Okay, I caught another bug this morning. In the notification

There’s a problem in notifications since last week. It’s in the previous page. 

57 minutes ago, Marc Louie Mancilla said:

Possible to install on a 4.3.1 ?

Even if you find a compatible version in the changelog, support and fixes are provided only in current version as I don’t have 4.3.X and IPS doesn’t provide old versions to test. So I suggest you to update your board then try it.

Posted (edited)

Pre-sales question:

Can the owner of the quiz create an answer that includes a hypertext link? Example:

Answer: "No, meerkats are mammals, not reptiles. See wikipedia."

Thank you very much.

Edited by Dave Baker

No. It isn't an editor.... and before you request to change it to editor, not going to happen because it will mess the "play" screen with links, images and who knows what else the user adds there. 🙂

Posted (edited)

Thank you for the quick reply!

You might want to think about making hypertext links available in an answer, because it would turn the Quiz app into a damned fine online learning application. Without the ability to point the user to more information about an answer, it's more like a one-time game. But if the quiz owner could point the user to particular pages on the quiz owner's web site (or some other web page that elaborates on a particular chosen answer), I believe it would be much more attractive to potential buyers.

Also, my web site is primarily a news aggregator. Each day it shows headlines (with hypertext links) to about a dozen news articles from various sources on the web. I would want to quiz the reader on whether he or she already knows the answer to a question about a particular news item. If they take the quiz and then are told they gave the wrong answer, they would have a reason to want to click through to see the news article for details.

A question might be "According to the U.S. Department of Treasury's news release this morning, what is the size of the U.S. national debt?"

Answer A (a radio button). $6 trillion.
No, the national debt is $24 trillion, as described in the news release [hypertext link to the news release]

Answer B (a radio button). $42 trillion.
No, the national debt is $24 trillion, as described in the news release [hypertext link to the news release]

Answer C (a radio button). Yes! The national debt is $24 trillion, as described in the news release. [hypertext link to the news release]

Edited by Dave Baker
Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, Dave Baker said:

You might want to think about making hypertext links available in an answer, because it would turn the Quiz app into a damned fine online learning application

Well, I can certainly find a good solution. I can, for example, keep the textarea (and don’t add an editor) and check if there’s something like a URL in the text (http(s), wwww, etc), then add a link automatically. I’ll check to see how it goes. 

EDIT: Just remembered this. I don’t think it’s possible to display HTML in the form fields. Will have to check. 

Edited by Adriano Faria

What's New in Version 1.4.4:


  • Disable merging of identical notification type
  • Not saving score if allowed to play more than once
  • Check to see if the answer is already added to the question in the Multiple Right Answers mode
  • Stop saving games from people that has left the page/tab when the quiz protection is enabled
  • Language bits when the quiz has only one question
  • Add missing language bit

A small feature suggestion. When you are done answering all the questions you can point out how many percent of people were right of wrong when answering this question. For example:

If user answered it correctly then it would show Who is Harry Mason? ( 89% got it correct )

If wrong - Who is Harry Mason? ( 11% got it wrong too )

Or something like that 🙂

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