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13 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

New code or not, every new version released by me will always be compatible with data created by my app. What I said was based in your question: I don't guarantee it will have a version to IPS 5, 6, 7, etc.

Ignore that. But its not good to be rude like that. Anyways thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Below issue desapear when disable the quizees and classifieds apps.

ErrorException: Argument 1 passed to IPS\quizzes\extensions\core\ContentRouter\_Quizzes::__construct() must be an instance of IPS\Member, instance of IPS\Member\Group given, called in /home/panamyfo/public_html/system/Application/Application.php on line 755 and defined (4096)
#0 /home/panamyfo/public_html/applications/quizzes/extensions/core/ContentRouter/Quizzes.php(38): IPS\IPS::errorHandler(4096, 'Argument 1 pass...', '/home/panamyfo/...', 38, Array)
#1 /home/panamyfo/public_html/system/Application/Application.php(755): IPS\quizzes\extensions\core\ContentRouter\_Quizzes->__construct(Object(IPS\Member\Group))
#2 /home/panamyfo/public_html/system/Application/Application.php(302): IPS\_Application->extensions('core', 'ContentRouter', true, Object(IPS\Member\Group))
#3 [internal function]: IPS\_Application::allExtensions('core', 'ContentRouter', Object(IPS\Member\Group))
#4 /home/panamyfo/public_html/init.php(447) : eval()'d code(22): call_user_func_array('parent::allExte...', Array)
#5 /home/panamyfo/public_html/applications/core/extensions/core/GroupForm/Content.php(35): IPS\collab_hook_ipsApplication::allExtensions('core', 'ContentRouter', Object(IPS\Member\Group))
#6 /home/panamyfo/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(188): IPS\core\extensions\core\GroupForm\_Content->process(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form), Object(IPS\Member\Group))
#7 /home/panamyfo/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form()
#8 /home/panamyfo/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#9 /home/panamyfo/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(142): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute()
#10 /home/panamyfo/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#11 {main}

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Sorry if this already has been addressed: I'm setting up my categories so that the new quizzes add a discussion topic. But as I see it the discussion topic is added when the quiz is saved, and before the questions are created. It's also possible to take the quiz when I have just added one question and before I'm done adding all questions. Is it possible to "release" the quiz, for playing and as discussion topic only when the questions are all added?

Or maybe I'm missing something (if so, sorry :) )


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2 hours ago, flimmer said:

Sorry if this already has been addressed: I'm setting up my categories so that the new quizzes add a discussion topic. But as I see it the discussion topic is added when the quiz is saved, and before the questions are created. It's also possible to take the quiz when I have just added one question and before I'm done adding all questions. Is it possible to "release" the quiz, for playing and as discussion topic only when the questions are all added?

This is done. Let me know if you want to test the version for IPS 4.2.

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Is there a way that these quizzes could be also used to take a quiz and it could tell you things? For an example, you set questions to traits, and by the end of the questions it would give you the answer that you are a happy person or we guessed that you're a Capricorn. Another example could be something like Which Famous Person Are You Most Like? And we'd set the questions.

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1 minute ago, CP_User said:


Is there a way that these quizzes could be also used to take a quiz and it could tell you things? For an example, you set questions to traits, and by the end of the questions it would give you the answer that you are a happy person or we guessed that you're a Capricorn. Another example could be something like Which Famous Person Are You Most Like? And we'd set the questions.

This would be a new type of quiz. It's on my radar something like that... I didn't add it now because I have a bunch of resources to upgrade so I couldn't be stuck in one app only for much time.

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Just now, Adriano Faria said:

This would be a new type of quiz. It's on my radar something like that... I didn't add it now because I have a bunch of resources to upgrade so I couldn't be stuck in one app only for much time.

That makes sense, I wouldn't even want to imagine the amount of time these things take. I think personality quizzes or guessing quizzes (I'm not sure what they're actually called) would be a great add-on indeed. I'll certainly be interested if something could be implemented to this app at a later date.

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Just now, xtech said:

 it doesn't appear even if i chose graded mode. The only way i can set it is by converting to study mode and then back to graded mode.

I'll take a look. What's your setting for the category? Only Graded? Study too?

Just now, xtech said:

Another bug: for some reason even i set the question area to WYSIWYG field, it has no effect

No. That setting (Type of Content field) is tied to the DESCRIPTION field when you create the quiz, not in questions.

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38 minutes ago, xtech said:

 it doesn't appear even if i chose graded mode. The only way i can set it is by converting to study mode and then back to graded mode.

Ok, it was starting to get messy due to ability to not show price in Study mode and still have to see if it's a new quiz or editing an existing one. I've made some changes and now the time will not appear when editing... it will be a new option in the Quiz menu:





@xtech, can you test new version before I update file here on IPS? If so, I'll send via PM.

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