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Trying to implement ad block detector

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My site is supported by vendors who advertise on the site.  I'd like to nag people to turn off their ad blockers.  I'm not looking to debate if this is a good idea or ethical thing to do, so please don't add that to this topic.

I found a script here and tested it but it didn't work. http://blockadblock.com/

I followed the very simple instructions and it didn't work.

Has anyone implemented one and got it to work?

I have this https://github.com/sitexw/BlockAdBlock and works fine for me.

Remember to give JS code before

{template="includeJS" if="theme.js_include == 'footer'" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""}


  • Author

Thanks, github stuff looks like it's for programmers.  There are instructions for simple people (like me) to follow.

On 4/8/2016 at 6:54 PM, Square Wheels said:

My site is supported by vendors who advertise on the site.  I'd like to nag people to turn off their ad blockers.  I'm not looking to debate if this is a good idea or ethical thing to do, so please don't add that to this topic.

I found a script here and tested it but it didn't work. http://blockadblock.com/

I followed the very simple instructions and it didn't work.

Has anyone implemented one and got it to work?

@Square Wheels, they also have a bug report where you can report issues. It would be interesting to see if they can get it to work with this software. http://blockadblock.com/bugreport.php

  • Author

Thanks, I reported it.

@Square Wheels

I've just tested this out and it's working fine - showed up a nag display, as configured, for 10 seconds, as configured. Curious what you actually did (ie where did you put the code etc?) to see if you did anything incorrect.

  • Author

Hmm, I copied the code provided and added just before the </body> in templates > front > global > globalTemplate.

I just tried again, nuthin.  I suspect user error.

Got a link to the site?

Works fine for me there, by the way. But try this instead - take it out of there, and instead utilise the Google Analytics Tracking code section to pop it in. It will appear in all themes, and doesn't require any modifications to themes.

I notice that there is 7 members following this topic - and I truly beleive there is an interest in a Plugin/app for this?

I don't mind that my sponsors use ad-block - because they don't get ads at all. Also - active members - I don't mind using ad-block because they are contributing with content. But inactive members should not be allowed to use ad-block - and get restricted access. Or the forum might be slow for them - whatever. So a plugin should be by usergroup..

@Hulu something you could look at? I hope you don't mind me asking in your topic @Square Wheels

1 minute ago, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

I notice that there is 7 members following this topic - and I truly beleive there is an interest in a Plugin/app for this?

I don't mind that my sponsors use ad-block - because they don't get ads at all. Also - active members - I don't mind using ad-block because they are contributing with content. But inactive members should not be allowed to use ad-block - and get restricted access. Or the forum might be slow for them - whatever. So a plugin should be by usergroup..

@Hulu something you could look at? I hope you don't mind me asking in your topic @Square Wheels

Is this a plugin your talking about that already exists? If so you'd have to contact the developer with any questions/suggestions.

  • Author
5 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Got a link to the site?

Works fine for me there, by the way. But try this instead - take it out of there, and instead utilise the Google Analytics Tracking code section to pop it in. It will appear in all themes, and doesn't require any modifications to themes.

I tried in Google Analytics, but got a 403 error.  I suspect my host is blocking submitting Javascript through that page.  I asked them to turn it off.

1 minute ago, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

I notice that there is 7 members following this topic - and I truly beleive there is an interest in a Plugin/app for this?

I don't mind that my sponsors use ad-block - because they don't get ads at all. Also - active members - I don't mind using ad-block because they are contributing with content. But inactive members should not be allowed to use ad-block - and get restricted access. Or the forum might be slow for them - whatever. So a plugin should be by usergroup..

@Hulu something you could look at? I hope you don't mind me asking in your topic @Square Wheels

I don't mind at all.  There is a mod for something similar already, but it clashed with my sites menu Javascript so I turned it off.


If you can throw together something that behaves exactly like the Google Analytics tracking functionality, and then allows you set group permissions on it (so that group A will see it, but group B wouldn't) then it meets the simple requirements...which is to be able to put some javascript in. It doesn't have to be specific to this requirement (AdBlock) - call it "Javascript per group" or something.

4 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

I tried in Google Analytics, but got a 403 error.  I suspect my host is blocking submitting Javascript through that page.  I asked them to turn it off.

I suspect you are right - it's using eval, which is quite often used in malicious javascript content so if the host does have something that doesn't allow eval then you probably aren't going to be able to use it....which might explain why it's not working for you in general.

  • Author
Just now, Nathan Explosion said:

I suspect you are right - it's using eval, which is quite often used in malicious javascript content so if the host does have something that doesn't allow eval then you probably aren't going to be able to use it....which might explain why it's not working for you in general.

Hmm, thanks.  I just entered it directly in the database and it doesn't show up.

Put it back in place in the template, and give me a url link please.

  • Author
7 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Put it back in place in the template, and give me a url link please.

It's back, and I can see it in view source.


  • Author

Oh yeah, I only added the Default.

Thanks - it's not working there because there is a javascript error being thrown. And if I copy that code out from your source and paste it in to via the Google Analytics tracking code then it triggers the same error....so assuming you've copied/pasted the content exactly as is from the http://blockadblock.com/ site then there are 2 possibilities:

1) The code itself from the site is wrong. or

2) The saving of the code in the template is causing the code to be changed.

As I can implement the code via the template (although, I do sometimes get a front-end error) then it's possible that the code from the site itself may be the problem.

Actually, I'm definitely not able to put it in via the template now (I must have tried a different window to test it earlier) - it's always throwing an error on the front-end now, which means the site itself is inaccessible. I reckon there is something in that code that IPS template editor doesn't want you to use.

If/when your host comes back re: that blocking you mentioned, put the code in to the google analytics tracking code and I think you'll be fine from then on.


  • Author
4 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

If/when your host comes back re: that blocking you mentioned, put the code in to the google analytics tracking code and I think you'll be fine from then on.

Thank you for your help!  My host has been pretty good about unblocking "stuff" for me.

  • Author

My host turned off ModSecurity and it works now.

  • Author
1 minute ago, Nathan Explosion said:


^_^  so it worked for you on my site?

u have fixed, ok, but instead to remove mod security u can also unpack javascript, put in js file, and link via google analitycs page in acp:

eg: code from here > http://blockadblock.com/blockadblock_basic_script.php

> put here > http://jsbeautifier.org/

var KADKQXtCsKis = '',
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for (var i = ; i < 12; i++) KADKQXtCsKis += MGSOeUAjgD.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * MGSOeUAjgD.length));
var WtKCWMYxiY = 7,
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window['' + KADKQXtCsKis + ''] = (function() {
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                } else if (isNaN(a)) {
                    n = 64
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            n = e.t$(n);
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                    n += String.fromCharCode(t >> 6 & 63 | 128);
                    n += String.fromCharCode(t & 63 | 128)
            return n
        t$: function(e) {
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                t = ,
                n = c1 = c2 = ;
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                    c3 = e.charCodeAt(t + 2);
                    i += String.fromCharCode((n & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63);
                    t += 3
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    var r = ['YWQtbGVmdA==', 'YWRCYW5uZXJXcmFw', 'YWQtZnJhbWU=', 'YWQtaGVhZGVy', 'YWQtaW1n', 'YWQtaW5uZXI=', 'YWQtbGFiZWw=', 'YWQtbGI=', 'YWQtZm9vdGVy', 'YWQtY29udGFpbmVy', 'YWQtY29udGFpbmVyLTE=', 'YWQtY29udGFpbmVyLTI=', 'QWQzMDB4MTQ1', 'QWQzMDB4MjUw', 'QWQ3Mjh4OTA=', 'QWRBcmVh', 'QWRGcmFtZTE=', 'QWRGcmFtZTI=', 'QWRGcmFtZTM=', 'QWRGcmFtZTQ=', 'QWRMYXllcjE=', 'QWRMYXllcjI=', 'QWRzX2dvb2dsZV8wMQ==', 'QWRzX2dvb2dsZV8wMg==', 'QWRzX2dvb2dsZV8wMw==', 'QWRzX2dvb2dsZV8wNA==', 'RGl2QWQ=', 'RGl2QWQx', 'RGl2QWQy', 'RGl2QWQz', 'RGl2QWRB', 'RGl2QWRC', 'RGl2QWRD', 'QWRJbWFnZQ==', 'QWREaXY=', 'QWRCb3gxNjA=', 'QWRDb250YWluZXI=', 'Z2xpbmtzd3JhcHBlcg==', 'YWRUZWFzZXI=', 'YmFubmVyX2Fk', 'YWRCYW5uZXI=', 'YWRiYW5uZXI=', 'YWRBZA==', 'YmFubmVyYWQ=', 'IGFkX2JveA==', 'YWRfY2hhbm5lbA==', 'YWRzZXJ2ZXI=', 'YmFubmVyaWQ=', 'YWRzbG90', 'cG9wdXBhZA==', 'YWRzZW5zZQ==', 'Z29vZ2xlX2Fk', 'b3V0YnJhaW4tcGFpZA==', 'c3BvbnNvcmVkX2xpbms='],
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        o = '#777777',
        g = '#adb8ff',
        f = '#FFFFFF',
        w = '',
        u = 'Welcome!',
        b = 'It looks like you\'re using an ad blocker. That\'s okay.  Who doesn\'t?',
        h = 'But without advertising-income, we can\'t keep making this site awesome.',
        m = 'I understand, I have disabled my ad blocker.  Let me in!',
        t = ,
        c = ,
        a = 'moc.kcolbdakcolb',
        d = ,
        W = n() + '.jpg';

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        return !1

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            e = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
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        EepEtvNRtt: function(n, l) {
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                window['' + KADKQXtCsKis + ''].EepEtvNRtt = function() {
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                        d = e.decode(d);
                        if (s(d)) {
                            i('case2: And Adsense pre-exists.');
                            if (r.innerHTML.replace(/\s/g, '').length == ) {
                                i('case2: Ads are blocked.');
                                window['' + KADKQXtCsKis + ''].ZrFDcwBvZT()
                    t = 1
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                            o = e.decode(o);
                            i('case3: standard bait says ads are NOT blocked. Maybe ???  No Adsense is found. Attempting to add Google ad code to head...');
                            var a = document.createElement('script');
                            a.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
                            a.setAttribute('src', o);
                            a.onerror = function() {
                                window['' + KADKQXtCsKis + ''].ZrFDcwBvZT()
                            t = 1;
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                            r = ;
                            window['' + KADKQXtCsKis + ''].EepEtvNRtt = function() {
        ZrFDcwBvZT: function() {
            if (c == 1) {
                var Y = sessionStorage.getItem('babn');
                if (Y > ) {
                    return !
                } else {
                    sessionStorage.setItem('babn', (Math.random() + 1) * 1000)
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save in js and can  work also with mod security and/or strict Content-Security-Policy ^_^


  • 5 weeks later...

I am having issues as well. If anyone would be able to put this in a plugin I would certainly pay for it. I am having the same issues described above. 


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