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Michael Parent

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  1. After repeatedly complaining to Siteguarding, and clearing the forum system cache a second time, suddenly the issue is fully resolved. I have a suspicion their system was blocking the folders from being written to, but I guess I have no way to verify. Does anyone know if there's a way to see if folder permissions etc have been changed on specific dates, via c-panel for example?
  2. I've done that and even changed the entire captcha google account in case the whole account was somehow broken and the same problem persists anyway. Thanks for the suggestion, but I tried this. :9 Thanks very much for this info. We have our community hosted at siteguarding.com and there's a good chance they "protect" (read as over-protect) folders from being written into. I'll give this info to them and see if they can fix it. I'll report back if that resolves the issue or not.
  3. It's been days now and we can't find the cause or solution for this problem ,and the support ticket system seems to be gone or hidden beyond finding in the IPS dashboard. When new potential members want to create a forum account either for the forum or to buy our product or both, they get as far as the sign up page and are able to fill everything out, but the section titled "Security Check" just has the title and no captcha or check box or anything else... and when a potential customer fills out all the other info and clicks "create my account", after a few seconds it just says something like "failed security check, try again". Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Are there any IPS technical support staff around, and if so, where did the support ticket system go? How do we contact you in case of an emergency? This already cost us a few hundred dollars in sales and will continue to do so every few days.
  4. I have a massive problem costing us new customers and costing us sales for days now, and this is how I discovered the system has changed and support tickets are either gone or hidden. Why? What should a long-time customer do if a technical issue of some kind is blocking new users from joining or making purchases of our products, just send a generic 'contact us' email or post here on the forums and hope it reaches the eyes of actual IPS staff?
  5. Can you give me some tip, or link me to general instructions for editing a template please?
  6. Hi, I'm using the slider and using the following code to add a button. Any idea how I can change the position of the button to somewhere near the bottom left corner of the slider? "<a class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important" href="https://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/store/product/30-spriter-2-pre-order/"></i> Pre-order Now</a>" You can see the slider I'm talking about here: https://brashmonkey.com/forum/ Thanks very much,
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