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Okay, new issue.  I updated to the latest version and wanted to center my awards.  They are set to center in both posts and hovercard displays, but they still display to the left.  I changed the setting to right and the awards moved to the right, as they should have. Then I changed it back to center and they went back to the left.  This issue exists in default theme and my custom theme.

Second question I have is in regards to the awards cabinet box.  On the right hand side, the box extends all the way to the edge of the post display area.  I would prefer to have a little more padding there so it looks better.  Where can I adjust this?  Image below shown with custom theme, but issue is identical in default IPS theme.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning!

First let me say I love this plugin!

First Question:

I recently created a group to allow certain people to award members, but they are finding they can only award members from the member profiles. If the try and award a member somewhere else the form doesn't complete load?

iaward problem.png

Am I doing something wrong? Note, it works fine if that same user goes to the members profile and awards it there?

Second question:

My footballers give each player 1 award representing how many championships they won, and when someone wins a new one they get a new award like "Won 7 Championships" and have removed the previous award like "Won 6 Championships"

But I can't find a way to give the person handing the awards out permissions to remove awards outside of the ACP - do you think that could be added in a future update? (removing an award from a user without allowing ACP access?) I think it would be ok for that only to be available on the user's profile  - awards tab.

Thanks as always,


Edited by Shawn Tierney
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For the first question, do other forms load? Because that looks more like a standard ckeditor issue. Try CTRL+F5 and see if it resolves itself. Normally it means the default IPS javascript isn't loading correctly. I had those issues on pages that the editor didn't load standard and it ended up being an issue with memcached.

For number 2, we are working on this feature for the next release.

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