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Delete My Account

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  • 7 months later...
18 hours ago, opentype said:

First installation of the app. 


17 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Take a look in your core_members table to see if a couple of columns for this resource is still there. If so, drop them. It seems the uninstall didn’t remove them.

Was that the issue? If no, send a PM with ACP access so I can take a look.

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4 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:


Was that the issue? If no, send a PM with ACP access so I can take a look.

As mentioned in the first post I fixed it by uninstalling the app again after the initial failed installation. It always worked the second time around. So there is nothing for me to investigate anymore. I was just telling you in case you want to have a look at the problem and maybe avoid it for other customers.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found a MAJOR issue with this and downloads app.

When a contributor is allowed to delete their account they become a guest.  Thus guests to your site become owners of paid files and can download them for FREE!!!!

Please help!! My users figured this out and I am hemorrhaging lost sales.

  1. User Tom contributes paid file
  2. User Tom deletes account
  3. User Tom becomes Guest
  4. Any Guest on Earth can download paid files for FREE


download now.PNG


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@SJ77, made a couple of tests.

- Using DELETE MY ACCOUNT app to delete a member:


- DELETE MY ACCOUNT app uninstalled and deleting a member via Admin CP:


Both has the same behaviour, as told above... all comes down to the category permission: you allow guest to download files.


It seems a Downloads bug to me because even with the group setting Can download paid files without paying? disabled:


they can download a paid file without pay for it. I would report it as a bug.

Edited by Adriano Faria
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Thanks for the quick feedback, I will check on this

YEP, I have this set correctly. I have had it set correctly all along.

Guest are still able to download the files because OWNERSHIP is transferred to them. Guest = Owner and has permission to download.

Please help.

guest permissions.PNG

EDIT: I see, you are saying it's a bug with IPB?

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/4/2016 at 4:26 PM, Adriano Faria said:

The account deletion itself is handled by the framework and has exactly the same behaviour when you delete an account on ACP. I won't change that.

Does this means that we can choose between keeping the username or anonymizing member's content, as when we delete a member from AdminCP?

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What's New in Version 2.2.1:

New features

  • Added a new setting so admins can enter Deletion Terms in a translatable editor field 
  • It'll send out emails: 
    • When the request is received (with a direct link to cancel it)
    • When the request is approved
    • When the request is cancelled

Use it on IPS 4.3 only


New setting:



This version was kindly provided by @Martin A. for a custom job.

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