Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,502 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I'd like to find someone good to code some custom mods for me. I don't really know where to start this search. Maybe PM some coders that have done good mods to see if they are available for custom mods. So, I think it would be a good idea to have a "Looking to hire?" forum or a section in the new Customer Resources section that allows coders and buyers to post "work wanted ads". If there is already such a section or a website where IPB coders all hang out and I can post such a request, please post a link here.
Last reply by KT Walrus, -
- 1 reply
This is a request for you to make site-wide search and advanced search more generic. I'm writting an app for IPB that can only be used by subscribers. I've read the article and implemented searchPlugin and searchDisplay and they are working however the integration capabilities could use more support. 1) My app disables searching app specific data for non-subscribers resulting in a "No results found for..." message. I'd like the ability to change this message to something like "Only subscribers can search the <app-name> database". 2) The advanced search form is currently geared toward searching forums and uses forum specific lables like author, forum, post, …
Last reply by Michael, -
- 2 replies
I'd like to make a quick suggestion: Integreate the Customers Resources page with our Admin CP! Instead of having to download the zip file, allow us to click Install Addon/App/W/e and it will download & install it for us!! If there is file edits needed, upload the files for us, then guide us through it. Now THAT would be innovative. :D
Last reply by Martin A., -
- 0 replies
good night, I would ask for a new version that has an option to disable a particular member to receive votes in the reputation system, so as to receive .... There is this possibility? For members who have not wanted to be receiving points of reputation system .. I look for news ... cumps.
Last reply by Canaril Almada, -
- 5 replies
The new emoticon panel that Rikki has included in 3.0.2 is great but needs a little tweaking to make it "perfect"
Last reply by Predoggg1, -
- 44 replies
Well, let's hope this one goes a bit better than my last topic, which (seriously) wasn't meant to turn out as a flame war, or start one, but express my concern over what I felt to be a poor support timeframe. Anyways, it's always good to have full product documentation, somewhere, yet, the links (in the admincp itself) go to support/docs/getting_started/board_gsg.php (on the IPB site) which doesn't exist. Oversight? Maybe the manual's not done yet? Checking the 'support' dropdown, I see FAQS (which don't cover everything), in the client area, I see a link to a 'knowledge base' which, again, like the FAQS don't cover everything @ all (and it shouldn't). Maybe I'm mi…
Last reply by Mark, -
- 5 replies
Hi, my company recently purchased a license from IPB. I have yet to find a place to enter the key so I can download things from the community resources. Where could I go about doing this?
Last reply by Mat Barrie, -
- 4 replies
Does the code base for v3 support mysql slaves yet?
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 3 replies
Any chance of this being made a link. Thank you.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 8 replies
I'm glad to see you finally installed IP.Download Manager here on the company board. But too bad I lost all my favorites. >_< Also wondering... is IP.Content is the new name for CCS? Congrats on the Alpha stage! and looking forward the big update of IPS addons! :D
Last reply by Alex, -
- 0 replies
I've had to change a few lang bits in the ACP lately, and the process isn't as easy as it should be. First, the strings aren't sorted by key when viewing a word pack. And, the Find box is not available on the search results page to narrow your search or to start a new search. And, the search doesn't search key values either (only the Text). And, finally, it would really help to enable Live Search on this search box so can quickly zoom in on the bits I want to see/change. I spent a few extra minutes to find the string I was looking for (because the Text was only a common word and the results were over 8 pages shown in an order that didn't help much - since I didn't kn…
Last reply by KT Walrus, -
- 7 replies
I think the current approach to having lots of individual JS and CSS files on a page with some loaded by the minify script isn't quite as efficient as it should be. I suggest that you spend a little development time to implement a better solution. I believe that one of the reasons that IPB3 feels slower than IPB2 for some is that the pages have lots of JS and CSS files that are loaded individually and some by using a query string (which some browser implement the standard of never caching files that use query strings - some browsers ignore the standard and cache anyway). Since browsers are required to never cache a file that uses a query string, make all JS and CSS fi…
Last reply by Enkidu, -
- 2 replies
This feature was on a forum that I used before (MyBB) and I used it all the time. Basically there was a directory in the admin folder named /backups/ When making an SQL backup, you had the option to create the backup in that directory, instead of downloading it. Maybe a similar feature could be included in IPB? Just a suggestion :)
Last reply by Alex K., -
- 5 replies
When I go to a users profile, click"find posts" on the left - I get the first page of results ok. However, when I click on any consecutive page of results "2", "3", "last" etc I am redirected to the board index rather than the consecutive page of results.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 reply
Is there any plan at some point to allow third party developers the opportunity to have the error code information for their resources made somewhere publicly accessible, like here on the IPS site? I know Mark's been working on this to track all of IP.Board's error codes, but it'd be great if we could add our own error codes into this too. I can include the Excel file of these error codes I created for my app in a documentation folder for it, but that's really only good for the site owner, not the members who might see these errors too.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 reply
Is there any reason that you have forums like Peer-to-Peer Discussion visible to non-customers if they can't read or post in it? In my opinion, it makes it more of a pain to mark the topics read. I would suggest that you just make these forums hidden to non-customers. But, this is just my opinion.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 4 replies
I just wanted to give kudos to the staff for all of their work on the new board. We have a forum which carries a visual theme which we have kept with since the version 1.x days. Despite the skin changes that came with 3.0, we have found that skin development time was cut in half to bring our look into line with the previous layout while still keeping the improvements that were made to the software. Our migration strategy ended up being especially fun, as we migrated to a new domain at the same time as we were applying the upgrade. The only real issues that we had in our first test run were related to not uninstalling mods in the old structure before upgrading. As long…
Last reply by Josh, -
- 6 replies
Hi. I've started to test and take notes on how IPB 3 could be improved. I know this probarbly is something you can't add at the moment since IPB 3.0 is feature locked. But I think it should be changed to be this way in the feature. To me it seems that the reported content (inside the quote) and the report reason is stored in the same database field. This gives some limitations. You can't modify the skin so you easily can add the possibillity to hide the quotes. Hiding the quotes and only showing it when requested would be a good addition because then it wouldn't take forever to go down to the comment field. (Yes, I know I can click "page down", but I hope you get my point…
Last reply by TSP, -
- 1 reply
When you disable a member's posting ability, he can't access the Messenger at all, and this isn't the purpose. When I disable his posting ability I want him to get a PM explaining why he got this punishment. He needs to have an access to view conversations, but not reply to them.
Last reply by Kfir, -
- 2 replies
in the bottom of every topic it says "share this topic" how about to add some icons to replace the words? it would look more pretty than those words
Last reply by RenegadeFamily, -
- 11 replies
I looked and cannot find if its a setting that can be turned on. So I am guessing that there is no way to print (with formatting..don't tell me ctrl+p its rubbish)the conversations? The way the forum handles printing of topics would be great for conversations as well. I do not know why this was not provided from the start? Can we please have this feature in the future.
Last reply by acfan_merged, -
- 3 replies
Hello If you're a youtuber or youtubing you would know by know that youtube relies on its community to flag contents that are "not appropriate" and I think the process is automated or is it? anyways, I wander if we can emulate the same principle here in IPB where the users can decide if the contents of a post is unappropiate and flag it accordingly, and when the flag's number reaches a threshold, it hides the content of the post and displays a warning message that the contents might not be appropriate for "minorities". Now, who thinks this is a good idea? and who thinks youtube is stupid? because it's their idea not mine :) Enkidu
Last reply by Enkidu, -
- 0 replies
This is probably how it's intended to work, which is why I didn't place this in the tracker. When you choose to upgrade your application(s) from ACP, you are redirected back to the public side when it's completed. I request that you're redirected back to ACP, or at least get the option to do so.
Last reply by Martin A., -
- 2 replies
hello everyone. i'm try to create my own style for ipb and i have some questions to ipb team but... i can't start a new topic in the forum category i needed (Skinning and Design) i'm sorry, but why ? should i write my questiongs here ? ps sorry for my bad english =(
Last reply by Mark H., -
- 0 replies
The board index onlinestats (X members, X guests, X anonymous users) should be ONE lang-string. At the moment i cant translate those language strings to german to give it a sense... On the forum index page (and ALL other pages) "X members, X guests, X anonymous users" is one language string, the string for the boardindex changed from IP.Board 2.x -> 3.x from one to three strings. Why? :ph34r:
Last reply by,