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  1. Add some nice AJAX uploading effects or something please.. then make it paid once you add nice effects :)
  2. And revamp the Moderating Team Page. Allow us to indicate when we make a usergroup if this usergroup is sfaff. if it is, display the color-formatted names on the moderating team pages separated by groups. The groups will be listed in order with the most power to least... you can come up with some way of detecting which group has more access. So, admins would go up top, then co-admins, global mods, mods, etc. Just an idea.. Moderating Team page hasn't really changed in years.
  3. When you get a new PM on IPB, the cool little AJAX popup comes up.. I read it, fine, but it is still marked as unread until I go to my Inbox. Perhaps add the ability that if I click on the popup once, it will be automatically marked as read. PLEASE
  4. I'm sure it would be very easy.. +1
  5. I'd like to start out with the obvious. The IPS support has beyond excelled and exceeded my expectations. If you have any issues, they'll fix them for you, not tell you how to fix it. The community is great, and the modding community is improving. I don't know much about coding, but I do know an increasing amount of file-edit free modifications made possible through the new IPB hook and application system. I'll let the experts tell you about the coding. :) Just letting you know that my experience so far has been great.
  6. *This was never included in IPB release as stated.*
  7. Sorry for the bump, but I'd like to continue with my suggestion. Add one more field if there currently isn't any kind of like a "note to user." That note will be displayed to the user when he tries to access the board and sees he is banned. Such as: You have been banned for %reason%. You have been banned for %bantime% will be unbanned on: %unbandate%. If you have any questions, please click here to contact us. (The contact us link will open up the admin's email mailto: link
  8. Even though I have no idea what this coding talk means, I just laughed at the convo. :P
  9. Hello. A quick suggestion for trash can. A feature to kind of "revert" the topic/post back to its original spot. This way, if for example one of our moderators deletes a bunch of topics and sends them to the trash can, we can easily move them back without having to manually move topic by topic. Please consider this.
  10. I'd like to make a quick suggestion: Integreate the Customers Resources page with our Admin CP! Instead of having to download the zip file, allow us to click Install Addon/App/W/e and it will download & install it for us!! If there is file edits needed, upload the files for us, then guide us through it. Now THAT would be innovative. :D
  11. A staff page like vB but better!!! Have an option in each user group saying Is this group staff? If so, it will display the group with all of its members in the staff page. The current one is useless!! We end up having to make a new topic describing each staff group member, etc. Please!!!!
  12. Please consider implementing this. When using Facebook Connect, immediately ask for them to enter a Display Name. I do not, and probably many others don't want their full name being displayed to strangers. Thanks.
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