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IPB 3.X suggestion - Reported content should be a field on its own


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Hi. I've started to test and take notes on how IPB 3 could be improved. I know this probarbly is something you can't add at the moment since IPB 3.0 is feature locked. But I think it should be changed to be this way in the feature. To me it seems that the reported content (inside the quote) and the report reason is stored in the same database field. This gives some limitations. You can't modify the skin so you easily can add the possibillity to hide the quotes. Hiding the quotes and only showing it when requested would be a good addition because then it wouldn't take forever to go down to the comment field. (Yes, I know I can click "page down", but I hope you get my point. If long posts gets reported it's good to have the possibillity to hide it, to make it easier to see the comments and the report reasons.)

I wouldn't complain about the missing possibillity to hide it if the information was stored in two database fields, since I probarbly could've added it myself by editing the template, but since it's stored in the same databasefield, the only way to do it is by changing the php-files, and that is something I dont want to do too much.

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Fair enough. It wasn't quoted/included at all, but some users were (rightly) worried that a post might be edited before a moderator saw it, so we've gone with the simple solution of quoting the original post with the report for now. We should be able to easily change this in the future, though it wouldn't be backwards compatible of course.

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Yes, I know. I myself were one of the people suggesting that you should add the reported content, and I'm happy you did add the reported content, but we forgot to think about the fact that it wouldn't be possible to easily add hide/show functionality in the skins. You say it wouldn't be hard to add this to future versions, would it be possible to add it to the release version of IPB 3? Or is that totally feature locked?

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[quote name='teraßyte' date='01 June 2009 - 10:04 PM' timestamp='1243890271' post='1806872']
A quick "fix" would be to put the quote of the post inside a spoiler tag :D

1) Change the content that is inserted into the database
2) Add the extra database field myself, and then add the feature into the php-code myself

And I dont want to change the php-files to much myself, since then I have to change when each upgrade comes etc.

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  • 3 months later...

I have asked this in a number of areas, so I apologize for the multiple postings, but I just can't figure it out. Where can I add a new field to be included in a post (a separate line outside of the free form)? I am looking from this area, too, hoping to see how to add one. I am struggling for advice.


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