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By popular demand, we will be hosting a chat where we overview how our Cloud services architecture works from a technical perspective.

This is one that will be pretty free-form so please post questions in the comments below before the event so we know what to cover.

This one is for the nerds among us (which I think is most of us?) so if you don't want to hear a lot of technical acronyms then no need to join 🙂 

We know we will talk about the general setup, challenges, and future plans. Please let us know what else you are curious about!

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Happy Friday! Thank you for joining and checking out this event! 

If you missed this event or want to watch it again, the video is below. For a quick review, we have provided the questions and answers that we talked through today in this topic. Look forward to discussing more there.  

Enjoy! ðŸŽ‰