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  1. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to opentype in Pages feature request: database relationship field pagination and ordering   
    The use of the Pages database relationship field creates a comma-separated list for outgoing and incoming links. This is usually fine when there are just a couple of entries. 
    But there can also be hundreds of entries and then the field becomes way too limited. Suggestion:
    Ordering becomes an issue. With 100+ entries, there needs to be admin-defined ordering based on fields (e.g. title or custom fields) or something like record ID, publishing date et cetera. Just like it exists for the database itself. In fact, taking over the ordering from the specific database being linked would probably solve it for most cases.  Pagination becomes necessary when there are lots of entries.  Template. Make the field output part of the Pages template system, so it can be customized on a database level. (So far, we had to hack the theme templates, but that won’t be easily possible anymore in 5.x). 
  2. Like
    Afrodude reacted to teraßyte in Upgrade from v2.3.5 (ID: 23008)   
    If you have only ~80 topics, and you don't mind your members having to re-register their accounts, it's indeed faster to start from scratch with a fresh install.
    You'll lose less time re-posting the topics yourself than going through the upgrade process twice.
    I've done my fair share of legacy upgrades from 2.x to 4.x, and for 80 topics it's not worth the hassle if there's no other data you care about on 2.x. 😅
  3. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from MeMaBlue in [Suggestion] Forums as cards in grid view   
    Wouldn't it be preferable if this setting could just be applied to selected primary forums rather than all of them?


  4. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from A Zayed in [Suggestion This Site] Add filter to Theme Differences   
    It would be nice if we can filter the theme differences.
    For example, I have forums license only, and I want only to see the theme differences in there only or I want to see System --> globalTemplate only etc.... I don't really need to see a very long page of other apps that I don't use.
    Theme Differences - Invision Community
  5. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Olivia Clark in Invision Community Insight: Deprecation Communication, March Release and more.   
    @Matt it would be nice if you include this to the main menu.
  6. Thanks
    Afrodude reacted to Marc Stridgen in Bug in Pages 4.7.7   
    I have added a new bug report on this
  7. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Grafidea in Pages UI Polish   
    @Ehren has done a great job recently, but this is area has been missed. This is just to point at it as hopefully it gets polished in the future.

  8. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Dreadknux in [Suggestion] Add Full Backup to Pages Database   
    Agreed! The way things are going with my community, the CMS/Pages content will likely be some of the most valuable we will have (with collaborative databases etc), would be great to have an extra layer of backup security for this app.
  9. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from Dreadknux in [Suggestion] Add Full Backup to Pages Database   
    It would be very nice if we can have an option to Backup "Download" and "Reupload" everything in Pages database because right now "Records are not included.".

  10. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from abobader in Pages UI Polish   
    @Ehren has done a great job recently, but this is area has been missed. This is just to point at it as hopefully it gets polished in the future.

  11. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Hisashi in [Articles] html formatting error   
    The title is going behind the user's profile picture. @Ehren

  12. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Ehren in [Articles] html formatting error   
    Thanks Hisashi, I'll keep this in mind for a future update 🙂
  13. Like
    Afrodude reacted to MichaelLa in upgrade to v4.7.8 problems   
    Yep, we're on the latest version.
  14. Like
    Afrodude reacted to SeNioR- in Pages UI Polish   
    By the way:
    The "Login" button is not responsive and streams are better to put on one line with truncated text:

    .ipsDrawer_itemParent > .ipsDrawer_list > li > a:not( .ipsButton ) { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } and for Button:
    .ipsToolList > * { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } Pagination (larger font adds bottom scroll bar)

    @media screen and (max-width: 979px){ [dir] .ipsPagination:not(.ipsPagination_mini) > li { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: clip; } }
  15. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Charles in [Suggestion] Similar Content Block   
    It would be very nice if we can pick from which app I want "Similar Content Block" display the similar contents.
    For example,
    If I pick forums, I will see which forums I want to see the similar contents. All apps from everywhere. If I pick Pages, I will see which database I want to see the similar contents. Multiple apps with multiple options. Etc..... 
  16. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from SeNioR- in Pages UI Polish   
    @Ehren has done a great job recently, but this is area has been missed. This is just to point at it as hopefully it gets polished in the future.

  17. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Ehren in Auto space after "Mention"   
    That potentially sounds like an Android thing, not a CSS thing 🙂
  18. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from SeNioR- in Bug in Pages 4.7.7   
    Any update on fixing this bug guys? 
  19. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from psychol. in [Suggestion This Site] Add filter to Theme Differences   
    It would be nice if we can filter the theme differences.
    For example, I have forums license only, and I want only to see the theme differences in there only or I want to see System --> globalTemplate only etc.... I don't really need to see a very long page of other apps that I don't use.
    Theme Differences - Invision Community
  20. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Marc Stridgen in hCaptcha not showing on Contact Us form   
    I believe that is indeed correct, yes. Thank you for the feedback 🙂
  21. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in hCaptcha not showing on Contact Us form   
    Yes, I can confirm it's working now, but it will always open on new page. If you are using a custom theme guys, make sure you update the footer template in order to make this work.
  22. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Marc Stridgen in hCaptcha not showing on Contact Us form   
    Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  23. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Ehren in Auto space after "Mention"   
    Sure thing. Adding this to your custom.css file should add a space after the mention tag inside posts and the editor:
    :is(.ipsComposeArea,.ipsType_richText) [data-mentionid]{ margin-inline-end: .5em; }  
  24. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Dreadknux in Where is the Past Date Settings for Records?   
    Thought about this some more and it's not a huge issue for me so much anymore, as I found a plugin that allows me to change the publish date of a record:
    So the solution here is to install the above, set as 'hidden' any records I'm creating that I want to backdate, then use this plugin to change the record date before unhiding (it even changes the associated forum topic when using forum sync, which is perfect). That does exactly what I've been asking for this whole time, so no need to worry spending any more resources on publish dates in future versions now. Thanks!
  25. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from abobader in [Suggestion This Site] Add filter to Theme Differences   
    It would be nice if we can filter the theme differences.
    For example, I have forums license only, and I want only to see the theme differences in there only or I want to see System --> globalTemplate only etc.... I don't really need to see a very long page of other apps that I don't use.
    Theme Differences - Invision Community
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