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  1. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Gary in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 is released!   
    @Gary https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/
    The issue I reported here I believe accidently occurred. 
  2. Like
    Afrodude reacted to teraßyte in [BUG 4.7.7] Recounting a member's reputation from ACP throws an exception   
    Recounting a member's reputation from a profile in ACP makes the code throw this exception:
    Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Object of class IPS\Db\Select could not be converted to int" Stacktrace: #11 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /dev47/system/Member/Member.php:1334 #10 Whoops\Run:handleError in /dev47/system/Member/Member.php:1334 #9 IPS\_Member:get_pp_reputation_points in /dev47/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php:335 #8 IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord:__get in /dev47/system/Member/Member.php:3509 #7 IPS\_Member:apiOutput in /dev47/applications/core/extensions/core/MemberSync/System.php:426 #6 IPS\core\extensions\core\MemberSync\_System:onProfileUpdate in /dev47/system/Member/Member.php:4033 #5 IPS\_Member:memberSync in /dev47/system/Member/Member.php:442 #4 IPS\_Member:save in /dev47/init.php:935 #3 IPS\_Member:recountReputation in /dev47/init.php:935 #2 IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members:recountReputation in /dev47/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php:107 #1 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in /dev47/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:153 #0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in /dev47/init.php:935  
    The issue comes from the code below in /system/Member/Member.php on lines 3821-3830:
    /** * Recounts reputation for this member * * @return void */ public function recountReputation() { $this->pp_reputation_points = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'SUM(rep_rating)', 'core_reputation_index', array( 'member_received=?', $this->member_id ) ); $this->save(); }  
    Simply adding ->first() in the query fixes it:
    $this->pp_reputation_points = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'SUM(rep_rating)', 'core_reputation_index', array( 'member_received=?', $this->member_id ) )->first();  
  3. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Themeo in Nexxe Theme [Dark/Light] - Support & Ideas Topic   
    Certainly, but it does not affect the operation of the menu, because it is modified for the template.
  4. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Olivia Clark in [Bug] Schedule posting new topics dates   
    I read it on the release note. I will test it again, and if I see anything, I will let you know guys. Thanks 
  5. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to The Old Man in Redis 6 compatibility   
    Yeah, that was basically was Matt was saying earlier in this topic and it does indeed eventually clear by itself on an ongoing basis. I think people (like me!) are just used instant results. Agreed you can just restart it, if you server isn’t heavily loaded and you’d not see (or want avoid) impact on other pool users which may be considerations.
    On a similar note it’s useful to also bear in mind, the Redis memory usage indicator can be a bit misrepresentative. It’s a system wide value, so if you have other uses (like Wordpress sites or even other IPS sites) using the same instance, you’d see the same (total) memory stat showing in different sites and communities, unlike the counts for cached topics, ads etc which are unique stats.
    I’ve found with Wordpress Redis plugins they tend to let you use the built-in Redis database ID number to ‘virtually’ separate your caches which may be useful if sharing the same instance/pool across sites as it offers a bit more subtle control and more independent stats.
    It would be great if IPS4 was updated to support the newer ACL User Name and Passwords format that was introduced in Redis 6 and retained in Redis 7. I’m a little surprised the big enterprise accounts we hear about haven’t pushed for that in terms of PCI security compliance.
  6. Like
    Afrodude reacted to VladMal in I try to update my version to laters one but getting error   
    Thank you @Marc Stridgen, Thank you @Afrodude for your help. It was really helpful. I have upgrated using your instruction and all went fine. Thanks!
  7. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from The Old Man in Redis 6 compatibility   
    Yes, it will go less, so it's completely normal. 
  8. Thanks
    Afrodude got a reaction from AlexJ in Redis 6 compatibility   
    Yes, it will go less, so it's completely normal. 
  9. Like
    Afrodude reacted to The Old Man in Redis 6 compatibility   
    Redis no longer stores the page cache which could get pretty hefty, so it would be smaller than before. Apparently IPS doesn’t clear the Redis cache when you run the support tool btw.
  10. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Redis 6 compatibility   
    Keys set by the software in Redis are set with an expiration, so Redis itself will remove them when they expire. It's not really feasible to blanket remove all keys from a Redis database, since it may contain data that does not pertain to the software (and that data may not be transient, like the data the software sets is).
  11. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from SeNioR- in Who's online intermittently not rendering profile links   
    It's a known issue since Nov 2022.
  12. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from aXenDev in Add an on/off option for the group name labels under profile pictures on the forum   
    @EvanDC is creative a secondary group? If the answer is yes, then use this free plugin.
    You can pick to show only groups image, text only, or both together.
  13. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Kirill Gromov in Guest Accessible Controllers & Actions   
    I fell into this trap, it's really not easy to think about the guest every time, thanks!
  14. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Daniel F in Guest Accessible Controllers & Actions   
    I'm not sure why, but recently the number of submissions with some issues related to guests and handling them increased a lot recently.
    Sometimes it's harmless, like showing some content and using \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id in the where condition, but sometimes it's really dangerous because either you're allowing an attacker/or just random visitor to delete all the guest accounts,to spam the board as guest, to flood peoples member table with hundreds of guest accounts and and and... There are dozen of bad scenarios which I've seen in the last months.
    So, when working with the visitor object ( Member::loggedIn() ) in controllers, ask yourself=> Should this controller be accessed by guests at all? If not, just put the following code in the controllers' execute method to block guests.
    /* Logged in?*/ if ( !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) { \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'no_module_permission', '2....', 403, '' ); } If it's only related to specific actions, call it in the specific actions! Never trust that a controller or method won't be called by somebody, just because the navbar link is visible to only logged in members:)
    Also when you want to change something for the currently logged in member, don't expect that he's logged in! You really should make sure that the member is logged in and not a guest before you start to change some properties and use the save method to store the changes,  otherwise you'll save the guest instance in the members table, which will look like this which in 99.9999% isn't what you want & need;)

  15. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from Day_ in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    @Randy CalvertPlease stop doing this because, with all due respect, no one has mentioned you to quote me in order for you to speak on behalf of IPS. I knew it that you will be the first to respond.  
  16. Like
    Afrodude reacted to teraßyte in Follow Specific User Content   
    On a big site with 1.5M rows in the plugin's table the queries are extremely slow and take up to ~3 seconds.
    Looking at the table and the code, I found there are no indexes that can be used to speed up the queries. After manually adding a couple of indexes the queries are almost instant.
    Here are the 2 indexes I added:
    ALTER TABLE `followspecificusercontent_data` ADD INDEX `cfe_rel_id_member_id` (`cfe_rel_id`, `cfe_member_id`); ALTER TABLE `followspecificusercontent_data` ADD INDEX `cfe_type_rel_id` (`cfe_type`, `cfe_rel_id`);  
  17. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Kirill Gromov in New Topic Form Information - Supporttopic   
    Hello. For compatibility with 4.7 you need to change the file /applications/newtopicdescription/hooks/forum.php 
    public function clubForm( \IPS\Helpers\Form $form ) to:
    public function clubForm( \IPS\Helpers\Form $form, \IPS\Member\Club $club )  
  18. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from CheersnGears in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    How about more information on the bugs that have been reported and unfixed for more than 1.5 years and others that been reported for several months? Or the management main focus now is the cloud and its new features?
  19. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from SeNioR- in Redis 6 compatibility   
    @AlexJ what Redis version are using at this moment? I am using 7.0.8 latest stable version. 
    1% (38.84M/23.27G)
    This is usually happened whenever you clear your site system cache, and then once it finished building the new cache it goes down to 40MB. Is this what happen with you or there's something else? 
  20. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Matt in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    It's completely incorrect because this is exactly what happens when someone gets involved in another person's personal matter; they start mixing things up and explaining things as they want.
    My criticism is not directed at the lack of self-hosting development or at comparing it to cloud plans. My complaint was that you guys were working really hard to add new cloud features even though there were several open bugs for many months that had not yet been fixed.
    We already did that, and the only information we receive from IPS staff is that the reports are still open. Furthermore, several issues that went unnoticed were reported by great third-party developers along with the fix in order to make it easier for the IPS developers' team.
    Developer Connection - Invision Community
    As of today, I have been with IPS for 18 years. I am really proud of the entire team and all that they have accomplished, and I will always support IPS. It is unfair that anytime someone offers assistance, his efforts and suggested solutions are ignored since there have recently been so many issues that they may sometimes be overwhelming especially whenever we see that you do have a deadline to release cloud new features, and yet several bugs report that been opened. A bug report that has been open for more than three months and is still unresolved, in my opinion, is unreasonable.
  21. Like
    Afrodude reacted to AlexJ in Redis 6 compatibility   
    I have similar question. I am noticing odd pattern in reddis. Wouldn't memory consumption increase or remain same over the period? I am not able to follow how reddis consumption goes from 250MB appx to 40MB appx. 
    Sharing since you folks are also using reddis and rather then creating new topic, this topic down the road, might hold useful info for other users as well.

  22. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from AlexJ in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    It's completely incorrect because this is exactly what happens when someone gets involved in another person's personal matter; they start mixing things up and explaining things as they want.
    My criticism is not directed at the lack of self-hosting development or at comparing it to cloud plans. My complaint was that you guys were working really hard to add new cloud features even though there were several open bugs for many months that had not yet been fixed.
    We already did that, and the only information we receive from IPS staff is that the reports are still open. Furthermore, several issues that went unnoticed were reported by great third-party developers along with the fix in order to make it easier for the IPS developers' team.
    Developer Connection - Invision Community
    As of today, I have been with IPS for 18 years. I am really proud of the entire team and all that they have accomplished, and I will always support IPS. It is unfair that anytime someone offers assistance, his efforts and suggested solutions are ignored since there have recently been so many issues that they may sometimes be overwhelming especially whenever we see that you do have a deadline to release cloud new features, and yet several bugs report that been opened. A bug report that has been open for more than three months and is still unresolved, in my opinion, is unreasonable.
  23. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from G17 Media in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    It's completely incorrect because this is exactly what happens when someone gets involved in another person's personal matter; they start mixing things up and explaining things as they want.
    My criticism is not directed at the lack of self-hosting development or at comparing it to cloud plans. My complaint was that you guys were working really hard to add new cloud features even though there were several open bugs for many months that had not yet been fixed.
    We already did that, and the only information we receive from IPS staff is that the reports are still open. Furthermore, several issues that went unnoticed were reported by great third-party developers along with the fix in order to make it easier for the IPS developers' team.
    Developer Connection - Invision Community
    As of today, I have been with IPS for 18 years. I am really proud of the entire team and all that they have accomplished, and I will always support IPS. It is unfair that anytime someone offers assistance, his efforts and suggested solutions are ignored since there have recently been so many issues that they may sometimes be overwhelming especially whenever we see that you do have a deadline to release cloud new features, and yet several bugs report that been opened. A bug report that has been open for more than three months and is still unresolved, in my opinion, is unreasonable.
  24. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from G17 Media in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    I understand what it means. What I said about made up and genuine is completely different sentence to explain the matter.
    This is a major problem, especially when someone can't help but become involved in other people's personal matters when no one has asked him to.
    You have a nice day. 🙂 
  25. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from G17 Media in Invision Insight: 4.7.7 Beta 4 and a teaser!   
    It's not a snarky message as you are trying to show everyone. Everything I just said is genuine and not something I made up, so please mind your own business and stay out of other people's personal matters. Once more, nobody hires you to represent them.
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