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Posts posted by Prank

  1. 31 minutes ago, All Astronauts said:

    4.6 tools are not going to work with 4.5... not sure why you thought that.

    Oh I never thought that, but I couldnt find any others so gave it a go.

    31 minutes ago, All Astronauts said:

    Go here:

    Click on the changelog:


    Choose the CORRECT version for what you have installed, then download those tools.

    NOTE: Pretty sure you'll be alright once you get the correct files into your install. DEV TOOLS are essentially the root javascript files, and then each app's DEV folder which just have again, more js, plus css, and templates, and such, but none of the core "code"

    This is fantastic, thank you. I must have checked every possible link except the changelog. 🤦‍♂️


  2. I grabbed the 4.6 ones as they were the only ones available, but nothing works now with all sorts of different errors like "Call to undefined method IPS\Notification::webPushEnabled()"

    I'm assuming 4.6 dev tools are simply incompatible with 4.5.

    I'm a little surprised at the hoops you need to jump through to develop on this platform.

    Would really appreciate any help.

  3. Hi All,

    I wrote a big topic today for my site and I uploaded a heap of images to it.

    Two issues stopped me from publishing though and I had to leave the topic in our moderators chat section;

    1. The images are not converted to thumbnails. Whether we insert the images into the post or not. So its just a big long post of images.
    2. The images that we do 'insert into post' still appear at the bottom of the post, so we get duplicates.

    It's been a while since I've posted anything pic heavy like this but I'm sure this isn't how it used to work ? I did a heap of searches on here and couldn't find anything matching my issue so I'm hoping its just a config issue.

    Would appreciate any input. Thanks guys



  4. 11 hours ago, Matt said:

    We're currently revamping the spam defence system to make it more accurate and to catch more spam. We'll announce the changes soon.

    Any rough estimate here? I'm looking at writing an integration with Akismet.


  5. I know this is a little old but the discussion needs to continue.

    I have a fairly busy board and have found that the spam prevention hasn't been stopping much at all given the spam attacks we've recently been getting. CleanTalk is fairy useless now also and I'm relying more heavily on my WAF on CloudFlare.

    So, with this in mind I'm worried about disabling spam prevention but I have changed all > 1 to moderate the registration so I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens. 

    Note that 2 & 3 seem to never be triggered. 

    For yesterday (17/2)

    48 total registration attempts.
    1 x code 3
    32 x code 4
    15 x code 1


  6. 10 hours ago, Dll said:

    Mostly by not getting hung up on page speed score tests and worrying more about user experience, I expect.


    While I don't want to get into an argument the reason these scores are important to me is because Google have stated that various lighthouse metrics will be used in SEO ranking. Including the content shift score which will be used from 2021. There are 9 confirmed metrics that will affect seo from memory.

    I think my site is fast enough and works will for all speeds but a huge number of my page views come from Google searches and I can't risk losing them.

    Thanks for the info @Adlagoi was more wondering why the tags were not present in the source. 

  7. Great info in here, thanks @Adlago!

    Question though; I cannot get my CSS to add preload tags to the source.

    I can add this and it works;

            <link rel="preload" href="/forums/applications/core/interface/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous">        

    I can add this and it works; 

            <link rel="preload" href="/forums/uploads/css_built_16/341e4a57816af3ba440d891ca87450ff_framework.css?v=4dabe886c51604917814" as="style" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous">

    But whenever I try to utilise the loops that currently load CSS, nothing happens;

    {{foreach array_unique( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, SORT_STRING ) as $file}}
    	<link rel='stylesheet' test="test" href='{expression="\IPS\Http\Url::external( $file )->setQueryString( 'v', \IPS\Theme::i()->cssCacheBustKey() )"}' media="all">

    (Note test param) - this works!


    {{foreach array_unique( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, SORT_STRING ) as $file}}
    	<link rel='preload' href='{expression="\IPS\Http\Url::external( $file )->setQueryString( 'v', \IPS\Theme::i()->cssCacheBustKey() )"}' as="style">
    	<link rel='stylesheet' href='{expression="\IPS\Http\Url::external( $file )->setQueryString( 'v', \IPS\Theme::i()->cssCacheBustKey() )"}' media="all">

    This does not work - I do not get the preload tag in source.

    I have tried adding separate loops that add only the preloads; 

    {{foreach array_unique( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, SORT_STRING ) as $file}}
    	<link rel='preload' href='{expression="\IPS\Http\Url::external( $file )->setQueryString( 'v', \IPS\Theme::i()->cssCacheBustKey() )"}' as="style">

    And I've tried creating new templates, adding directly to global template, just wont work .

    I'd love any advice. Thanks!

  8. Just now, Michael.J
    On 8/18/2020 at 5:27 PM, Prank said:

    Whats the first thing I should do to troubleshoot?

    Was this after updating to IPB 4.5?

    On 8/25/2020 at 4:34 AM, Square Wheels said:

    Is this 4.5 Compatible?

    Just released an update that is pending approval.

    Sorry Michael I only just saw this. No my forums are still 4.4.

  9. Hi @Michael.J

    I use this app religiously, thanks so much.

    Mine seems to have stopped sending PM's though. .I only noticed today that its been several months since one was sent and I get anywhere between 5 and 10 new users per day.

    Whats the first thing I should do to troubleshoot?

    Thanks again! 



  10. 11 hours ago, Adlago said:

    Try and create a new theme - manual mode.
    Put in Custom CSS on a new theme all the personalizations of, for example, a dark theme.
    Check for issues.

    I replaced my current default theme with a new one and disabled designer mode and its working really well. Thanks very much!


  11. 10 hours ago, Adlago said:

    Try and create a new theme - manual mode.
    Put in Custom CSS on a new theme all the personalizations of, for example, a dark theme.
    Check for issues.

    Thanks, I'll give that a go at some stage. It sounds like a lot of work so I'll need to pick a low traffic period when i have a few hours available. 

  12. Hi Guys,

    About 10 days ago my server crashed, I'm not sure of the reason but she's been up and running fine since.

    But, I've been having issues with my forums ever since. I have contacted support but they refused to help me over ssh and require sftp access which sounds straight forward but that would result in some major file changes on my server to make sftp write permissions work.

    So, I'm now on my own.

    This is a really strange issue...

    I use 2 themes, my 'default' theme and a 'dark' theme. Both just lightly modified from the default theme.

    99% of my registered users (130k or so) use default and i have a few hundred only on the dark theme.

    My site will not load at all without the designer mode on. When designer mode is off I get these;
    PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Class 'IPS\Theme\Cache\class_forums_front_topics' not found
    ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\Theme\Cache\hook87::imageInfo(), 1 passed in
    ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\Theme\hook87::imageInfo(), 1 passed in

    BUT my dark theme will load.

    When I enable designers mode my default theme will load and the dark theme will not, it gives;
    BadMethodCallException: NO_TEMPLATE_FILE

    The whole time I am testing, the theme cache is pretty empty.

    [root@ded2100 forums]# ls -la system/Theme/Cache/
    total 16
    drwxrwxrwx+ 2 nginx nginx 4096 May 17 17:52 .
    drwxrwxr-x+ 7 nginx nginx 4096 May 12  2018 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1 nginx nginx    0 Mar  4  2019 index.html
    -rw-rwxr--+ 1 nginx nginx 4484 Jul 15  2019 Template.php

    I have tried several methods to rebuild cache, including through support and selecting 'something is not working right' and also through the clear cache plugin. I've also systematically disabled each application and plugin and reloaded the page. 

    I'd love any assistance at all here. Thanks in advance!


  13. Hi @HeadStand I'm close to having my newsletters ready for the public which is exciting but I had some q's for you.

    1. Is there a way to have a dynamic title? Maybe the first few content items combined or something?
    2. My unsubscribe links are broken and link to "/forums/newsletters/unsubscribe/&key=*%7Cunsubscribe_key%7C*" which gives a page not found error.



    On 8/14/2019 at 10:30 AM, Giray said:

    Please don't all light me up at once 😰

    I've tried to read through the thread to figure out how to insert images into the template. Sorry, it's above my paygrade. In short, does anyone have templates with both code and screenshots to show what those templates look like with images inserted? Happy to buy a couple of nice looking templates. Currently my newsletter comes out standard with the items line by line. I just want to dress them up slightly.

    Again, don't shoot!


    PS. And I'm still having trouble figuring out manual content. Working on it...

    Do you mean images from inside a post? This is pretty tricky. I fell back to having the users' avatar image as that is much easier.


  14. 8 hours ago, HeadStand said:

    The default templates are responsive. Beyond that, I don't have any samples - I'm terrible at this kind of thing, so I gave the most bare-boned templates possible.

    Thanks for that. I'll have a play. Maybe we could open this thread or other threads to user submitted templates? Would really help people get the most out of this. I'd be happy to provide mine.


  15. 3 hours ago, Yungsun said:



    I would like to put the portal as the home page on my website. We can read on this page https://www.devfuse.com/forums/tutorials/article/122-set-portal-as-forum-home/ that it's necessary to modify the initdata.php file but I don't see it with index.php and conf_global.php, and I don't find the text 

    define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'forums' );[/CODE] in init.php


    Could you give me more informations about how to proceed please?

    I have my forums in a sub directory - ie, www/forums/

    To get my users to the portal, I do the following in www/index.php (not in www/forums/index.php);

    header('Location: /forums/portal', true, 302);

    It's ugly, but it works.

  16. My search results fail to show. A JS error is printed to the log;

     Cannot read property 'CustomSearchControl' of undefined


    I created a non-paid search engine to test with, the same issue occurs with that.

    I have cleared the cache also.

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