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Posts posted by Prank

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lindy said:

    Some of this is actually quite a large engineering task. Improved app searching through Commerce, Pages, etc. is definitely something that will be addressed and I know at a user-level, this seems like a no-brainer, but to allow IPS4 to do things like the activity stream and advanced search across all apps simultaneously, it utilizes a search index... this means data is aggregated into a single table for efficient-esque access. It's not efficient, in its current architecture, to dump everything in Pages, custom Downloads fields, etc. within it as well. So, there are a couple of ideas being discussed internally that need to be vetted, POC'd and benchmarked before being considered further. 

    It will happen in due course. Our focus right now is on engagement -- things like reputation, keeping people active, etc. We'll likely be getting into enhanced search (yes, including external search engine support) by summer. 


    You guys could always re-implement Sphinx. Wouldn't that do all of this out of the box? 

  2. 13 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    There's a setting on Extra Fields that allows search but I don't remember if the field appears on search form. 

    Thats a big feature for me. How can I find out if it does? 

  3. I'm sorry if this has been asked, I searched the topic but couldn't find my answer.

    Does this support additional field searching?

    Eg, if I have a product that only fits Nissan, can I create a field for 'Car Make' and then allow end users to search that field for Nissan ? 


  4. 15 hours ago, newbie LAC said:


    The plugin use inbuilt methods. If you give me acp/ftp access I'll look into.

    Thanks but don't worry. The search on my site is pitiful and just can't perform well with over 7m posts. I'm switching all search to Google now.

    Thanks again

  5. Hi Mike,

    Another awesome plugin/app from you. Thank you so much.

    A quick question - Can I move the guest message below the top ad? I'm not seeing the ad on mobiles unless you scroll and I can't lose those impressions.

    Thanks very much!


  6. 1 hour ago, Mike John said:

    My limited understanding of css is that it should only set a "max" dimension and if below should still use the images natural dimensions.

    Correct! At least, thats my understanding also.


    1 hour ago, Mike John said:

    If your Portal publicly available? If so, I wouldn't mind viewing it and ruling out any client side issues on your end. I recently worked on another site with the Portal installed and the image loaded fine with a custom theme as well.

    Yep. www.sau.com.au/forums/portal

    You can see a squished one on pg5 atm;



    Screen Shot 2016-09-25 at 2.08.10 PM.png

  7. Hi Mike,

    Yep, the problem exists on default theme.

    That line is as you posted it;

    {{if $firstImage}}
        <img src='{$firstImage}' class='ipsPos_right ipsThumb ipsThumb_large ipsResponsive_hidePhone' />

    The class ipsthumb_large adds a max width & height of 175px. It seems this is what is constraining it.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Mike John said:

    Have you made any changes to the portal template yet? I did a little testing on this before and was sure it was somewhat adaptive to different aspect ratios.

    No changes to the template - maybe thats a quick fix? Which template houses this?

    Thanks Mike.

  9. I have uninstalled the plugin and removed your account. I am irritated that you just logged in and made changes without asking me (and going against what I told you).

    The plugin obviously doesn't work with busy sites and I wont let you test changes on my production environment. 

    I'll just cut my losses and move on. 

  10. Mike, my portal just shows a 404. :(

    index contents looks fine;

     * @package             Portal
     * @author              <a href='http://www.devfuse.com'>DevFuse</a>
     * @copyright   (c) 2015 DevFuse
     * Path to your IP.Board directory with a trailing /
    $path   = 'forums/';
    $_GET['app']            = 'portal';
    $_GET['module']         = 'portal';
    $_GET['controller']     = 'portal';
    require_once $path . 'init.php';

    But page visit gives 


    The page you requested does not exist

    This is only since last update to IPB


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