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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Dll

  1. There's a patch for this, if you go to support in the acp there's the option to install it.
  2. I'd think you could use some javascript to look at the ips4_member_id cookie and place the relevant script depending on what's there? if (document.cookie.split(';').some((item) => item.includes('ips4_member_id'))) { MEMBER ADSENSE HERE} else{GUEST ADSENSE HERE} Or something along those lines. Quoted the wrong person - was meant for @Kjell Iver Johansen
  3. You're not out of luck, you just need to use your own email provider through SMTP or Sendgrid and not the built in one.
  4. Re the video encoding - I think a wider version of that was going to be an enterprise only thing at one point? Is the gallery version going to be available on other levels of the cloud offering?
  5. Kind of surprised this isn't available already. It would be good to be able to import RSS feeds into club forums as well as standard ones.
  6. Looks like this is being caused by the ignore topics application. @Adriano Faria - could you take a look please.
  7. Since upgrading to 4.7.5 the moderation checkboxes on the forum view and in reports have vanished (they're still there in topics). Is this by design, or is there a bug?
  8. Set the TTL of your dns to 5 minutes a few days in advance, then the propagation will be much faster.
  9. As opposed to the ones selling their own brand of snake oil 🫣 I've run a web based business for many years, so it's fair to say I've done my share of problem solving website related issues. The best way to deal with most problems is to find to the root cause. So if it's ads slowing a site down, that would be the place to look. If it's a slow server, it would be that, and so on. Messing about with unrelated things to attempt to use them as sticking plasters is seldom the answer in the long or short term. Particularly when doing that is time consuming, can cause other complications and takes time away from what you could be doing or spending your money on. I've also learned when to figure out when a problem actually needs solving and when it doesn't. And I'd recommend to anyone who cares to listen that a site scoring reasonably on speed tests, passing core web vitals and providing a good user experience doesn't need time or money wasting on trying to score a bit better on speed tests.
  10. Surely on a site with ads, if they're slowing it down then it's the js in the ads doing it?
  11. Thanks @Gary, nice to see you keeping @Jordan Miller's flame alive but doing it in your own style.
  12. At the moment, we create blocks for some ad units, so we can use php to check cookies etc, but you can't use things like {block="my_block_key"} in the advertisements at the moment. So, we end up placing them manually into the templates. So, if it were possible to use those inside ads, and place them using your app it would be very useful for us.
  13. This is great, but what could make it even better for us would be a way to do the same with custom blocks, or to be able to use custom blocks within ads, as we want to be able to run some php logic in them.
  14. You'll laugh, but I'm on Sky too. Maybe it's your wifi!
  15. No problems for me, and I'm in the UK.
  16. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ranking-factors/core-web-vitals/#close I didn't say it would hurt, and it won't hurt. But, if there are only so many hours in the day for you, as someone running a site, I'd imagine you'd prefer to be doing something which moves the dial for your users, traffic and so on. And in my opinion, that doesn't involve messing about with css and the like to shave a few ms here and there and get better test scores.
  17. Do you have any plans to add the noindex option to whole forums at all? This would be quite useful for us.
  18. All sounds great, except you do miss a couple of pretty important points. 1. If a site passes the core web vitals test, that's the limit of potential ranking improvements as far as Google is concerned. So, if you really do have a faster site in terms of your scores than other Invision sites, since a stock build on reasonable hosting will also pass those tests, you've no advantage. 2. A higher score on one of those speed tests may only equate to <100ms of real world difference to a user. Which they won't notice. So, on that basis, is it worth the time, effort and/or cost, or would spending that on things that do make a real difference be better? It's up to you to decide if course, but I know what I'd rather do. And in the meantime, Invision can continue to modernise the platform and tidy up the js and CSS as they've said they will.
  19. I'm wondering if this is going to go down by $50 every time I return, should I wait a few more hours?!
  20. Thanks for your reply @Miss_B - to be honest it's not feasible for us to log all of our users out, ideally it would be good to set the cookie not just on login, but if an existing user posts and they don't already have the cookie set. And, without it setting a cookie at the point of registration, it's going to be of limited benefit for us. I'd be happy to consider paying for a custom build of this to include those options, if that's an option? Please pm me if it is.
  21. This isn't proving too useful to us as it currently works, unfortunately. As it only sets the cookie when the user logs in, it's setting very few as most users just stay logged in for a long period. It also doesn't pick up new registrations as they log in either. Also, although it's not as useful as the cookie detection method, the ip method isn't using the x-forwarded ip if that is used on the forum, so gives most users the same IP on our community.
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