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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Dll

  1. Hi, we're using the status update hook, and our members love it but we're starting to see instances of people joining to spam it, which isn't so helpful. I know we could stop new members from editing their profile but that seems a bit draconian, so it would be really good to see a per usergroup option to disable the ability to do status updates. Any chance? Cheers
  2. I really can't understand the point you're making Fast Lane, in order to fully support IE6, IPB would have to remove the features in 3.0 which are using the new technology which is spreading across the web at the moment. If they did that, then IPB would lag way behind many of the other forums and social networking sites out there and would risk alienating the 77% of people who are used to the new technology and come to expect the features it brings. Are you seriously saying they should do this?
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