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Everything posted by Dll

  1. Not auto-ads, as they don't require anything 'on page', just the code in the header.
  2. You could add it to the header template?
  3. That's not strictly true, you could add the code in a pages block, drop that into the header and then only assign view permissions to people who you want to show the ads to.
  4. You're never going to get perfect delivery from a shared email hosting solution that uses shared ip's, as your reputation is linked to lots of things you can't control. That's why many email providers give the option to purchase your own ip address.
  5. Thanks @Charles, that would be good. No reason to think it wouldn't be secure or anything like that, but just good to tick it off the list.
  6. Hi, as we moved away from the cloud well over a month ago now, it's a bit of a surprise that our staging site is still online. Please can you remove that +the old live one if it's still in your database. Thanks.
  7. Dll replied to Ocean West's post in a topic in Feedback
    The timeline scroller is available on mobile:
  8. Dll replied to Ocean West's post in a topic in Feedback
    Not sure if it's acceptable to link to other forum software, but have a look at Discourse @Ehren, it got infinite scroll and there are no issues with big threads, such as here: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/classic-era-patch-updates/1894672 I even found a 12 year old thread with more than 100k posts here: https://forums.mixedmartialarts.com/t/the-sweet-science-the-ug-s-boxing-thread/2086472
  9. Dll replied to Ocean West's post in a topic in Feedback
    Does it make sense though? Someone on a topic list is looking for content, someone in a topic is consuming content. That's two very different intents. I'd have thought it would make a lot more sense to treat them differently.
  10. Dll replied to Ocean West's post in a topic in Feedback
    Why is the footer in a thread important? I can understand it on other pages, but surely the point of a thread is the thread, not distracting people to go elsewhere from a footer in the hope they may scroll that far?
  11. To be fair, it's not a very efficient query at all. We've been looking at ways to improve it by adding additional indexes, but ideally it would be nice to see it improved - this thread isn't the only one I've seen with people having issues with both the fluid view and combined fluid view.
  12. Have you tried going to the support page in the acp and reloading the cache as none of the javascript files for invision seem to be loading currently. You're also going to need to change your files settings to stop using the invision S3 storage at some point, as you're still pointed to that (it's working right now, but won't forever)
  13. I think there may be a bug in member merges and deletions in 4.7.17. We just deleted a member and chose the anonymise option, it ran through a bunch of processes then hid all of the members posts and topics as well.
  14. Dll replied to AlexJ's post in a topic in Developer Connection
    Can I ask, how much of an effect has the closure of the marketplace had on you (and other developers) in that respect?
  15. Bear in mind that with so many people using VPN's, and the fact most broadband and mobile internet providers are using shared and not fixed IP's, just because someone has the same IP as someone else, it doesn't mean they're definitely linked in any way.
  16. I agree, to an extent - I'm not sure there's a cdn cache policy that can be especially helpful for profiles and multiple pages within them, as they're relatively low human traffic, with lots of unique pages which won't necessarily be visited particularly frequently beyond when bots are hitting them. But, absolutely, we're using our WAF to mitigate everything fine. I'm not sure that should be used instead of well-written, efficient SQL queries though, and I'm pretty sure there's scope to improve those in this instance.
  17. Yes, petalbot isn't the best and as you can see we're already blocking it. But, I can show you an example of bingbot doing virtually the same, cycling through the pages profile/[user]/content/page for dozens of profiles at a time overnight last night . Maybe not as hardcore rate wise as petal bot, but it's still sizeable when you take into the account that the SQL being used is cumbersome. The point is that the search bots do crawl at the rate I've described (even if you ignore the likes of petalbot), and do cycle through the pages in the profile. Eg - I'm not making this stuff up!
  18. So, this is one very small example of a search engine spider, cycling through pages within a profile. I've redacted some things, and as I say it's a small snippet of hundreds of requests over a short space of time. [ { "action": "managed_challenge", "clientASNDescription": "HWCLOUDS-AS-AP HUAWEI CLOUDS", "clientAsn": "136907", "clientCountryName": "SG", "clientIP": "", "clientRequestHTTPHost": "[redact]", "clientRequestHTTPMethodName": "GET", "clientRequestHTTPProtocol": "HTTP/1.1", "clientRequestPath": "/profile/[redact]", "clientRequestQuery": "?status=19529&type=status&page=180&dir=next", "datetime": "2024-05-29T12:05:30Z", "rayName": "88b65a5fca693dc9", "ref": "", "ruleId": "cc2a31b194ad401d9b56ad3b96181c77", "rulesetId": "14c2060af910455eb569f0e6734d7225", "source": "firewallCustom", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://webmaster.petalsearch.com/site/petalbot)", "wafAttackScoreClass": "clean", "matchIndex": 0, "metadata": [ { "key": "ruleset_version", "value": "64" }, { "key": "version", "value": "13" }, { "key": "type", "value": "customer" } ], "sampleInterval": 1 }, { "action": "managed_challenge", "clientASNDescription": "HWCLOUDS-AS-AP HUAWEI CLOUDS", "clientAsn": "136907", "clientCountryName": "SG", "clientIP": "", "clientRequestHTTPHost": "[redact]", "clientRequestHTTPMethodName": "GET", "clientRequestHTTPProtocol": "HTTP/1.1", "clientRequestPath": "/profile/[redact]", "clientRequestQuery": "?status=19625&type=status&page=4&dir=prev", "datetime": "2024-05-29T12:05:23Z", "rayName": "88b65a334c539e3e", "ref": "", "ruleId": "cc2a31b194ad401d9b56ad3b96181c77", "rulesetId": "14c2060af910455eb569f0e6734d7225", "source": "firewallCustom", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; 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PetalBot;+https://webmaster.petalsearch.com/site/petalbot)", "wafAttackScoreClass": "clean", "matchIndex": 0, "metadata": [ { "key": "ruleset_version", "value": "64" }, { "key": "version", "value": "13" }, { "key": "type", "value": "customer" } ], "sampleInterval": 1 }, { "action": "managed_challenge", "clientASNDescription": "HWCLOUDS-AS-AP HUAWEI CLOUDS", "clientAsn": "136907", "clientCountryName": "SG", "clientIP": "", "clientRequestHTTPHost": "[redact]", "clientRequestHTTPMethodName": "GET", "clientRequestHTTPProtocol": "HTTP/1.1", "clientRequestPath": "/profile/[redact]", "clientRequestQuery": "?status=20010&type=status&page=5&dir=next", "datetime": "2024-05-29T12:05:12Z", "rayName": "88b659f29af83d80", "ref": "", "ruleId": "cc2a31b194ad401d9b56ad3b96181c77", "rulesetId": "14c2060af910455eb569f0e6734d7225", "source": "firewallCustom", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://webmaster.petalsearch.com/site/petalbot)", "wafAttackScoreClass": "clean", "matchIndex": 0, "metadata": [ { "key": "ruleset_version", "value": "64" }, { "key": "version", "value": "13" }, { "key": "type", "value": "customer" } ], "sampleInterval": 1 }, { "action": "managed_challenge", "clientASNDescription": "HWCLOUDS-AS-AP HUAWEI CLOUDS", "clientAsn": "136907", "clientCountryName": "SG", "clientIP": "", "clientRequestHTTPHost": "[redact]", "clientRequestHTTPMethodName": "GET", "clientRequestHTTPProtocol": "HTTP/1.1", "clientRequestPath": "/profile/[redact]", "clientRequestQuery": "?status=20083&type=status&page=27&dir=next", "datetime": "2024-05-29T12:05:05Z", "rayName": "88b659c59b07408f", "ref": "", "ruleId": "cc2a31b194ad401d9b56ad3b96181c77", "rulesetId": "14c2060af910455eb569f0e6734d7225", "source": "firewallCustom", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; 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Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://webmaster.petalsearch.com/site/petalbot)", "wafAttackScoreClass": "clean", "matchIndex": 0, "metadata": [ { "key": "ruleset_version", "value": "64" }, { "key": "version", "value": "13" }, { "key": "type", "value": "customer" } ], "sampleInterval": 1 },
  19. Errm, I'm not guessing. I've been viewing it with my own eyes this morning as a combo of bing, google, yandex and a bunch of ai bots have been hitting those (and other) pages, peaking in the hundreds per minute at times on the profile pages. Since we migrated back to self-hosted from the cloud, it's been quite eye-opening to see what's going on under the hood again. This being one of the things that have come up.
  20. Just for some context, a user or users calling that by going to profile pages and scrolling through a few pages of content isn't a particular issue despite the SQL being inefficient. But now search engine crawlers are going to profiles as well, consuming up to hundreds of these pages a minute, going through each page of content for each user, then the inefficiency is magnified. It's scanning potentially millions of rows each time, some of which aren't indexed well or at all in amongst a fairly complex set of clauses
  21. Just as an example of how nasty the SQL for profile pages is, it's this. SELECT main.* FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( index_class='IPS\\forums\\Topic\\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\\cms\\Pages\\PageItem' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records1','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment1','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review1') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records2','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment2','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review2') ) ) AND index_author=94 AND ( index_container_class IS NULL OR index_container_class NOT IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album') OR index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(2,index_permissions) ) ) AND index_hidden=0 ORDER BY index_date_created DESC LIMIT 0,15 Bearing in mind someone may have 100's of pages of content on their profile with google etc wanting to crawl every single one, if the crawler is allowed. Performant it isn't.
  22. I'd recommend blocking crawlers from hitting profile pages for a period, to see if that resolves these issues. It appears that the user profiles are very inefficient, particularly on large communities with a lot of posts. While it's useful to allow google to spider them these days, it doesn't appear to be good for performance right now.