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My Sharona

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by My Sharona

  1. Thank you for the response, much appreciated. Reading that blog article, I am assuming I would need server access. As such, I imagine IPS Cloud members would not be able to do this. Is there another avenue?
  2. Can I jump onto this conversation without creating a new thread? I *think I understand the above discussion but my problem is slightly different. Is there a way to incorporate a font that is a custom creation and not a Google Font?
  3. Thank you for the reply. Just received a respond from tech support as I had somewhat of an addendum to this query. That being, I am unable to utilize .webp in general posting as well even though all extensions are allowed. As such, I am assuming the GD library setting translates to the thread posting aspect as well(?).
  4. Is .webp currently supported for logos? Unless I am mistaken, within the ACP, I only see an option within "Posting" to set images upload extensions but I see no other abilities to set extensions throughout the site. Am I missing where I can enable this? When I try to upload a .webp logo, I get the error:
  5. The consideration is appreciated. Love the plugin btw. You do excellent work and your support is top notch!
  6. @opentype Have you given any consideration to expanding the templates for the feed types? In my instance specifically, the commerce feeds? TYIA for your response.
  7. Does anyone know if this works with 4.6.10? TYIA
  8. Sorry, just seeing this now. It has been addressed, thanks.
  9. With the current set up of the Moderator creation, within the ACP, there is only an allowance under the "Content" section to allow the Moderator group/member to 'view reports', which allows for the member/group to be able to see Reported Posts, globally. This is not ideal when one wants to create a member/group of Moderators to be able to moderate in specific sub-forums and to have their input heard only on posts that are being reported within their moderated sub-forum. There should be a choice within the "Forums" section, "Can View Reported Content" that would allow for a hierarchical reported posting listing. If this was so, they would not be able to view globally reported posts but rather posts associated with their purview. Thank you for reading.
  10. Is there a file somewhere of the icons used for the badges? Also, for the default "Ranks" icon?
  11. I am assuming the IPS Cloud does, or rather, will.
  12. So, in 4.6 I will be able to choose a default image?
  13. I have searched the community and not found this specific query addressed previously. If I have somehow missed it or if this is better served in a different forum (maybe the feature suggestions sub(?)), my apologies. Anyhoo... When you, either "Promote" a thread to Twitter or merely drop a link of a thread into a Tweet, the default image provided by the software is thus: Within the ACP there are settings to set default hashtags as well as a Bitly link compression. Why is there not an option to include a default image(?). I am specifically referring to the clipart typewritten page image on the left hand side of the dividing line. This is not very eye-catching on Twitter. What I would like to be able to do is to include an image of my choosing such as the site logo or some such other. Until Invision incorporates this, what should be a standard option in my opinion, is there a template edit or some other way of implementing this workaround so that a desired image displays as the default instead of the supplied clipart? Thank you for reading.
  14. @newbie LAC I see by your signature that you are in the hospital. I hope all is as well as can be expected. I want to thank you for this mod, you have made a lot of peoples lives easier, mine included. When you get around to it and are able, I have a question regarding the "Pages" application. I utilize that app on my site and would love to be able to add an advert to published articles every 3 paragraphs or something close to it. Any guidance you might be able to provide here would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards.
  15. I have found that copying and pasting html into a title does indeed work. It also breaks the page. This ability somewhat mystifies me in that while I can restrict a user group's html posting abilities, they still are able to post html they have copied from another site.
  16. Just circling back here and wanting to give some love to @Adlago after the fix was validated by Google Analytics. This fix does solve the CLS issue we were/are experiencing. Thank you sir!
  17. Just wanted to give Nathan a little bit of love here and tell anyone that may need this, that it does indeed work.
  18. Just a minor follow up here @Nathan Explosion. I don't see where the crawler has logged in (no IP associated with the account). Should a "submit" parameter be included as well? Something like: _processLogin = elSignIn_submit TYIA
  19. Thank you, Sir. Much appreciated. I shall afix the parameters to what you have above.
  20. Thank you for the response, Nathan. I don't know that I am having a login issue outside of having the wrong login parameter. I initially thought it would be POST but didn't understand why, for both POST and GET that they want an 'equals' parameter for both. When choosing, "Plain HTTP", the 'equals' goes away so I thought it must be that. What is the purpose of the 'equals' for the password and username and should the respective parameters be the same for both sides of the equations?
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