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My Sharona

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by My Sharona

  1. Without a template edit, you can't. What I used to do is to post the image to a hidden gallery album, copy the url and paste that to the article. It will then display according to image parameters set. This creates secondary issues however. You would have to remove the image that you post via the ACP "Image" within the "Content" section of an Article creation or else you would have both images displaying. When you do that though, then your "Categories" image draw is blank. I said used to because @opentype's SuperBlocks and SuperGrid plugins fixes this issue beautifully.
  2. Apparently no error message. No not running 4.7, running the version most previous. It is curious though that this only started when 4.7 was released. On IPS Cloud, so whatever version they are running. From a user who is experiencing said issue: "The page won’t load, you can’t back out off the page or reload. You have to shut down the browser."
  3. Earlier today I started a ticket via email with IPS support regarding this issue. I wasn't sure posting to the forums was the proper avenue here. Turns out I probably should have instead of posting the ticket. The reason I say that is because I think it might be good to see if any other boards are experiencing this same issue. The issue at hand is as the title says; Tweet embeds causing pages to crash upon load. @Jim M was the IPS Support Staff who so graciously helped me with my ticket. Unfortunately he was unable to reproduce the issue on my board and thought that quite possibly the problem might be on Twitter's end, as they may have issued an update that is causing the matter. What we know - it seems to only affect Apple devices - iPhones and iPads (not sure at this point about it affecting any desktop machines). The browser in question seems to be Safari 15.3. It also seems to be random. In that, it doesn't appear to affect thread pages with the same conditions. These conditions would seem to be just having Twitter embeds located on it. The first I became aware of the issue was a thread with only two posts on it and it was only the second post that contained any Tweet embeds (2). The next report was on a thread that was 48 pages long. The 48th page started to crash after it had about 6 or 7 posts to it and 5 of them contained Tweet embeds. After the thread got to the 49th page, peeps stated that they could load that 49th page, just not the 48th. We have many threads that have tons of Tweet embeds and these Apple device users claim that they load fine. It is quite an odd situation to be sure. Hopefully you are not experiencing this issue, but if you are, if you could post your experience, maybe it would help to solve this issue. I for one would be greatly appreciative to get this resolved. I will update myself as, since I have put this matter to the general forum, it seems more are reporting the same experience. I might add that this has only propped up in the last 5/6 or so. Please be specific to include the device, browser and version experiencing the issue. Thanks!
  4. Right you are. And... I knew that. I'm an idiot, sorry for wasting your time (yours as well @Mark H).
  5. Correct, a Pages page. If you accept PM's I will pm you the url. Thank you Mark, good to know. From the sounds of your reply, it is not supposed to be omitted from the Block Manager in 4.7.
  6. This did not help. For clarity, I am referencing the front end Block Manger on Pages.
  7. I have two sites on the Cloud. I upgraded one to 4.7 and am comparing the two different versions before upgrading the other. On "Pages", within the "Block Manager" > "Pages", 4.6.x.x has the "Record Feed." Same location on 4.7 of the upgraded site, same software location, there is no "Record Feed" block. And, I do utilize the Record Feed on the yet to be updated site.
  8. is gone from the Block Manager in 4.7?
  9. Unfortunately @newbie LAC has not been seen in some time. It may be that he has suffered health issues.
  10. Is there some documentation of Fixes and improvements to our Zapier integration what this actually covers?
  11. So if I have any Custom CSS, it is now gone with 4.7?
  12. The red area is exactly my concern and I would really love to be able to use the "Page builder" aspect. I'm not really adept at doing what you outline, creating templates and then calling them. Might you be able to explain how to do such or maybe I contact you privately to do so for me? Thank you for taking the time, much appreciated.
  13. I am wanting to do this to a specific set of pages only. When creating the page via the "Content Editor", would I then have to utilize, "Manual HTML"? Or could I use the "Page Builder" and edit a template? It would work easier for me to be able to utilize the "Page Builder" aspect.
  14. Is there a way to change the width of columns? Additionally, would this affect the display of certain blocks? ie; break them? TYIA ETA: Just realized I probably placed this in the wrong forum, apologies. Since I can't delete, can someone please move it to it's proper place. TY
  15. It might be a conflict with a mod you may have. Try disabling any and all mods and see if you can save the block position. If so, there is a conflict. enable them one by one and try moving the block and see if it saves.
  16. Understood. I was merely pointing out that you do have the ability to use a different image than the 'share' image. Also, with the "Promote" function, it will automatically include a link to the thread/post.
  17. If you use the "Promote" feature, you have the ability to select your own image.
  18. What about incorporating Google Sheets via Zapier?
  19. This would make inserting ads in desired places much, much easier.
  20. @Interferon Did you miss Davyc's post telling you how to change the behaviour of your site?
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