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  1. Agree
    Gill reacted to opentype in Topic rating and sorting   
    From the entire suite or forums? While it does not work well for certain content types, I use it heavily for pretty much all my Pages databases across all my communities. Best fonts, best books, best microphones, best anything. For all the data we collect around our community topic. Tens of thousands of votes that can’t just be trashed. They would at least be converted into an alternative system. 
  2. Like
    Gill got a reaction from Dia Mond in Improve UI/ UX For Standalone Polls   
    Hi Good Morning
    IPB Community & Team 
    Right Now if user want to create standalone poll (Use Topic Title as Poll Title without separate Topic Title  ) it create duplicate content as Follows

    Because poll can't be created without filling out "Poll Title" and "Question Title" Fields

    It would be great if user able to create polls without filling out "Poll Title" and "Question Title" Fields Then Polls could be shown as follows which will improve polls UI/UX 

    I Hope IPB Team will includes this improvement in upcoming IPB 5

  3. Like
    Gill reacted to Sonya* in Custom Page Database as Tab on Users Profiles   
    Plus customizing the output like we do it for display and listing.

  4. Agree
    Gill reacted to LYM3R in Please optimize the phone version very poor ratings   
    Very poor ratings on the phone version mostly because of render-blocking resources in the css and unused javascript.

    PC version is good but the phone version lacks on all Invision Community sites that I have checked.
  5. Agree
    Gill reacted to Dia Mond in Custom Page Database as Tab on Users Profiles   
    Hi Guys it would be great if custom page database could be shown on users profiles as shown below:

    It will be very useful to show users generated articles  or other custom page database records. 

    Please submit your inputs for what you think about this feature. 🙂

    Thanks ^_^
  6. Agree
    Gill reacted to Dia Mond in Multiple Categories Selection for Page Databases Records   
    Hi, Kudos to IPB Team 🧡 For Custom Page databases superb features with that kind of flexibility sky's the limit. With Pages we could easily ditch WordPress need for custom Pages and articles. The only feature is missing is able to select multiple categories for same record or article. Wordpress provide that support for that out of box like follows:


    Sometime same piece of information falls under many different categories rather than just once. so it would be really great if team could also add support for this feature for custom page records. Please submit your inputs for what you think about this feature. 🙂

    Dia ^_^
  7. Like
    Gill reacted to Meddysong in Facilitate logging into alternative accounts   
    As noted here, there's a problem for those of us who have more than one account here. (In my case, it's because I have to use different payment cards depending on the site; nothing nefarious!)
    When logging out of one account (at both the client and community installations) and then trying to log into another, we meet this screen:

    Clicking on Sign in with Email automatically logs the user back in to the last-used account; there isn't a field anywhere to type in the desired email address. I have been able to do this before, so something must have changed.
    Please do consider making this more user-friendly so that in those instances where a switch is required, users can do so relatively easily.
  8. Like
    Gill reacted to Dia Mond in Support for Better Text Editor- Lexical (Open Source)   
    @Matt Finger Thanks for your inputs, I totally agree what you mentioned above, Here My Two Cents:

    Only problem with Tiptap is, As they are very small startup as compared to Billion Dollars Facebook. They just recently raised some seed round and they have been surviving by selling Licenses for PRO Features which are freely available in other Text Editors. Sooner or Later there will be less updates for Free Version to push the users to buy premium licenses which will be not good for long term sustainability of IPB Development & IPB Based Communities.

    it is true Facebook killed Draft.js ( But Lots of Startups Shut Down Too)
    Lexical Now is what Draft.js wanted to be. Lots of developments going on with Lexical right now. Moreover Facebook has very good track records as compared to others to develop Open Source Projects which have been become industry standards.
  9. Like
    Gill reacted to Matt Finger in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Invision Community 5 has a brand new editing experience powered by a lightweight, fast React text editor built for mobile and modern browsers.
    The venerable CKEditor v4 at the core of our current editor is starting to show its age, so we wanted a clean slate with Invision Community v5 with an editor that was optimized for mobile use, easily extensible and had a feature set that would take us into the next era of Invision Community and beyond.
    The obvious choice was to consider the latest version of CKEditor, but it didn't fit our needs as it wasn't easily extensible, external plug-ins would no longer be possible, and its large footprint would affect page speed scores and be painful to use with a mobile connection.
    After a long search, we settled on Tiptap as the base for our editor. Written in React, loaded in chunks when needed for optimal performance and with many APIs and extensibility options, it was the perfect fit.

    Aside from the technical improvements, the editor offers new tools and a great base for writing our own plugins. I'll walk you through the main features throughout this blog. If you want a more technical deep dive, then please see my development blog.
    The Toolbar
    The toolbar has been redesigned to put the most commonly used styles first, with the least used styles and functions into an ellipses menu. The new paragraph menu contains the header styles, as well as the code block. The plus menu adds lists, boxes and quotes. The benefit of this new compact menu is that it displays just the same on mobile. Currently, there are different editor styles for desktops, tablets and mobiles with some style buttons removed to save space. With Invision Community 5, this is no longer the case. Even the smallest display gets all the functionality.
    Emojis & Icons
    Emojis have become a great way to embellish writing and express emotion. The new emoji picker has been modernized with larger emojis and tooltips to showcase the emoji shortcodes.
    The Icons tab, new for Invision Community 5, allows you to add Font Awesome Icons directly to your content.

    Lastly, both the emoji selector and the shortcode suggestion dropdown support arrow-key navigation, so you don't have to move your hands from the keyboard to the mouse.
    Content Boxes
    The feature I'm personally most excited about is boxes.
    The concept started as an abstraction of spoilers because sometimes you just want "a box" - a section that stands out from the rest of the content, something we do manually in our documentation and guides on this site. Each box has a tile and the following options:
    Expandable - You can mark a box as "expandable" which is functionally the same as a spoiler. One improvement is that expandable boxes use native HTML details and summary elements instead of plain Javascript animated divs. Colors - You can optionally keep it grey on grey like spoilers, but I think that's so boring! The colors automatically adjust to the theme colors, so it will look great in dark and light mode. Float (left/right/none) - You can make the box align to the left or right of other content just like you can for images Width - When the box is floated, you can set the width to big, medium or small. Boxes.mp4
    Link Expansion
    Invision Community has long expanded some links, such as YouTube, offering more context or even a mini-player where appropriate.
    With Invision Community 5, we've added support for embedding dynamic link previews using site metadata. This is a preview of a topic on our forum.

    For those unaware, the Open Graph (OG) Protocol is essentially a way webpages can specify a title, image, and description to be dynamically embedded on another platform. This is the underlying technology when you see the link preview in Meta, X, Slack, or iMessage.
    Code Blocks and Inline Code
    The new editor adds inline, syntax-highlighted code blocks and inline code. Both formats can be applied via the toolbar, or optionally, you can wrap text in a single backtick (`) to convert it to an inline code block or triple backticks (```) to convert it to a code block.

    The code blocks also support numerous languages for syntax highlighting, including a new custom highlighter for the Invision HTML Template Syntax (Invision Community theme creators and application developers, you're welcome!)
    Semantic Headings and Relative Sizes
    Invision Community 5 adds a block selector with headings 1 through 6 in the new editor. It's possibly the most common request I hear so that people can use consistent styling rather than just big bold text in a paragraph tag. Semantic headings are also ideal for SEO and accessibility.
    In addition to the block selector, you can create headings with the corresponding markdown shortcut. Consecutive pound signs (#) at the start of a line followed by a space (the number of pounds corresponds to the "level" of the heading). For example ### creates a Heading 3 (<h3/>) creates the heading for you.
    Using clear header tags means screen readers and search engines can better understand your content as using absolute font sizes, such as 16px, can make it unclear what type of element is actually being used. Is it a heading or just a paragraph with large bold text?
    Furthermore, you may want different sizes depending on the content and device type. Mobile devices may benefit from a large base font size. So we added percent-based font sizes which change the font size based on whatever the default would be for that block.
    Further UX Improvements
    The new editor in Invision Community 5 has several tangible improvements, including a mobile-first design.
    In the current editor, some functionality was hidden behind modals and double clicks, which are either not obvious on mobile devices or not possible at all. The new editor no longer relies on modals and instead uses buttons and dropdown menus that work perfectly with mobile and other touch-based devices.
    New Line Arrows
    For block content, such as boxes, images and quotes, we've added the ability to create a new line before or after the block with the click of a button. This was an issue of frustration for mobile and touch devices where it was not always clear where the cursor was and a finger is a much less accurate aiming device!

    Sticky Toolbar
    Anyone who has authored a long piece of content knows the pain of scrolling up and down to get the toolbar in view. To make writing longer content less stressful, we've made the toolbar sticky so that it will always be fixed at the top of the editor after scrolling down.
    Markdown Style Shortcuts
    One common request is to support markdown in the editor. While we opted not to include full markdown support, the new editor recognizes many markdown-style formatting shortcuts.
    A common challenge with rich text editors on sites with multiple themes is colors often need to consistently look right across all themes. This is even more important with Invision Community 5, as it has a native dark mode feature. For this reason, we opted to offer a reduced set of color options that all adapt dynamically to the theme. I mentioned this about box colors above, but this is also true of the font color. The difference in shade is slight, but it's very noticeable without it. Toggling between light and dark mode will never produce unreadable text.
    We can't wait for you to try the new editor; it has already been very popular with our small testing group. Which feature are you most looking forward to trying?

    View full blog entry
  10. Like
    Gill reacted to Dia Mond in Support for Better Text Editor- Lexical (Open Source)   
    It is Obvious for Future Consideration. IPB Team will not able to deliver TOP Notch Forum Software what we see today if they were afraid of features developments in past. Moreover it is close to framework that team already familiar with, So it won't take too long to implement. Most of heavy lifting is already done by Facebook lexical team, It is Standard Development Practice to ditch current and old ones for better ones   !!
  11. Like
    Gill reacted to Dia Mond in Support for Better Text Editor- Lexical (Open Source)   
    Hi Kudos to IPB Team they have added tiptap as new editor for IPB5 it looks amazing. But it would be really great if team could also add support for Lexical Editor so admin could choose between tiptap and Lexical for their communities 

    Here is Playground Demo Link


    Here some noticeable feature about Lexical Editor:
    MIT License (Developed by Facebook Core React Team)
    Its headless and built-in excalidraw 
    Lets you convert the html content into JSON and vice versa.
    React 18+ support. Lexical is very minimal. it's closer to an API for a virtual DOM around content-editable than it is to a text editor framework. That's pretty low-level
    Lexical is 22KB gzip. The rest is shipped as plugins that users can seamless plug and play (as they're as independent from the rest, including the real-time collaboration plugin) and you only pay the cost of what you need 

    and many more out of box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here is Short Video Demo Link

    Please submit your comments and Likes so this feature get enough votes to be added 🙂

    Dia ^_^
  12. Agree
    Gill reacted to 13. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's worth remembering that its behavior could be adjusted for specific regions such as Pages, while global defaults could follow best practices.
  13. Like
    Gill reacted to 13. in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    It's important not only for SEO but also for accessibility, especially for screen reader users.
    The usage of more than one H1 tag is considered a bad practice for a reason, as highlighted even in MDN docs.
    By the way, Google isn't the only search engine in the world. I know it's (almost) not the case in the US, but other countries also exist on this planet.
  14. Like
    Gill reacted to Egorkin in Auto-completion in the search   
    Why doesn't the IPB have an auto-completion function in the search? It'll be useful.
  15. Like
    Gill reacted to Sonya* in Does Same Content of Page Database & its equivalent Forum Topic Negatively Effecting SEO of Website   
    This should be configured by the user. By default, the full content is copied into the topic, not only a snippet. To have only a snippet, the following steps must be done:
    Exclude content field from posting in the topic Create another field "snippet" or "summary" Configure this another field to be posted into the topic @Dia Mond to avoid duplicate content, you should not allow and synchronize comments for the record to the public forums. With default settings and without tweaking, your topic will be a full copy of the record page with comments. 
    This is a dilemma, I have every time when I create a new database and would like to have records to be discussed in topics. 😒
  16. Like
    Gill reacted to Marc Stridgen in Does Same Content of Page Database & its equivalent Forum Topic Negatively Effecting SEO of Website   
    It actually depends. If they are indeed separate items (posted individually) then of course they would be treated differently. If it's a topic posted from pages, then it actually posts a snippet on the topic to the full pages entry. In that respect its really no different to having a snippet and a link on any other page.
    Its worth noting, you should really test this on your trial. Our news pages are really quite customised here, so you may be looking at an example that isnt really representative
  17. Like
    Gill reacted to Dia Mond in Does Same Content of Page Database & its equivalent Forum Topic Negatively Effecting SEO of Website   
    Hi Guys as page database could has its equivalent forum topic with different URL as Follows

    Page Database: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/invision-community-4-pages-databases-in-clubs-r1298/
    Equivalent Forum Topic:  https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/477347-invision-community-4-pages-databases-in-clubs/

    And Search Engines consider both of them as separate entities or pages . Doesn't it mean same content on both pages ( Page Database and its Equivalent Forum Topic)  Negatively Effecting the SEO of Website  ?

    Looking Forward for Kind Guidance 
    Thanks Dia
  18. Agree
    Gill reacted to socceronly in Store availability   
    Customize things or collect an address perhaps.

    Lots of sites sell physical merch. They don't necessarily need the full physical product back end, but a simple system to get a few things out the door as a work around would be good.
  19. Like
    Gill reacted to Dia Mond in How to change Number ID based URL   
    Hi Guys i am new to ipb.
    i noticed most of IPB url have number id like follows:

    is any way i could remove number id from URL.  So it just appear as Follows without any number ID

    If Not What is benefits of Number ID based URL ??

  20. Like
    Gill reacted to Morrigan in I 💖 Invision!   
    I want to appreciate the Invision Community Staff and creators of the software.
    Its been a pretty long journey for me with the software. I purchased my first license back in 2007 but loved the look and feel of the software even before that as I saw it on a site I frequented often. The smoothness, the well crafted forum posts. It had nothing on the free forum softwares that I had been using up until that point and it certainly was leaps and bounds better than vBulletin which I always found clunky and busy.
    To put it extremely lightly, I was infatuated with this software from the first time I used it.
    To say that I was absolutely flabbergasted when people bailed and went to Xenforo, but I was able to obtain 3 additional licenses for a reasonable price from one of those people, was also an understatement. This genuinely fueled my love and need to use IPS on all of my sites and projects, and I was. It was not long after I obtained those licenses that I upgraded what I consider my biggest site success to IPS and started to expand my network of IPS sites and obtaining a few more small licenses because Pages was quite literally a masterpiece addition and a game changer.
    Its no small feat to say that I have a lot of licenses that I hold near and dear to me. I honestly can't actually think of a project that I have started for a website that I haven't used IPS for in over the past ten years.
    I was proud to be able to contribute to the IPS team for the short time that I worked for them before moving onto other opportunities.
    The staff have been nothing short of understanding and amazing! I don't think I've met more responsive and kind hearted people. I know that I've contacted support in tears because I broke something or something got broken somehow and it was resolved with a speed that I feel should be appreciated. This included times when I was using betas and my entire site was down after upgrades.
    As such I want to appreciate you all.
    I unfortunately won't be able to keep up with my licenses as I used to (Thank you Bidenomics) but this will still be my go-to software when things change in my situation. It will continue to be my recommendation for anyone that wants to create a site or community. I just wanted to send my love and appreciation for all that you do and tell you to keep up the good work.
  21. Like
    Gill reacted to Ocean West in OG tag management?   
    Will the next version have better way to manage OG tags / images in the ACP
    Like this:
  22. Like
    Gill reacted to JohnCourt in Wiki Style Editing Notification   
    Howdy folks, is there a setting somewhere that I can turn on to notify me when someone edits an article or record in wiki mode?
  23. Like
    Gill reacted to Marc Stridgen in Wiki Style Editing Notification   
    There isnt a function for this at present unfortunately, no. Do feel free to post up a suggestion within our feedback area
  24. Like
    Gill reacted to Matt in Invision Community 4: Pages databases in Clubs   
    Finally, one of the most requested features for clubs in Invision Community is coming with our March 2024 release: Pages databases in Clubs.
    You may be surprised to see a new feature being introduced for Invision Community 4 during our flow of news for Invision Community 5, but as we're committed to Invision Community 4, we wanted to continue to bring optimizations and improvements to the platform.
    What is the benefit of this new feature?
    Clubs enable communities to host multiple micro-communities with many benefits. Clubs allow more specialized and focused discussions on specific topics. This can lead to higher-quality content and a deeper exploration of niche subjects that may get overlooked when posted on a busy forum. Clubs also offer the ability to tailor the community experience based on the needs of that community. That customization is what this feature focuses on.
    Pages is a powerful application that allows truly custom layouts for content areas. Simply by adjusting templates, you can create a news feed layout (it is what we use for this news blog area!) or something even more customized to your needs.
    The March 2024 release allows you to create Pages database categories directly inside clubs, including custom fields and templates.
    How does it work?
    Setting up your Pages database to allow clubs to use categories is simple. Simply allow categories to be created within clubs when creating or editing a database.

    Once that is done, club owners can add a Pages database category to their club in the same way they can add topics, galleries, etc.

    Once the Pages database category has been added, you can then add content as you would any other club area with the added features of Pages, including custom templates and custom fields.
    This example club uses a custom Pages database listing template to show the articles in a custom format along with custom field data.

    Likewise, viewing an article in this example club showcases the use of custom templates to present the content differently from the standard topic templates Invision Community uses elsewhere.

    Allowing Pages database categories inside clubs brings the opportunity for more complex custom areas making use of multiple custom fields along with truly custom layouts using templates. This is a great way to bring additional areas, such as news articles, into your club areas to compliment discussions.
    We hope you enjoy this feature, and if you have any comments, please leave them below!

    View full blog entry
  25. Agree
    Gill reacted to annadaa in the future of clubs or groups..   
    I find that we don't talk too much about the future of the groups and I have the impression that this party is a little neglected...
    while it is surely one of the fundamental bases for making the site more interactive and bringing more attractiveness to a community.
    This needs to be pushed a little more. have a group as if it were a school class, or a sports group... its own calendar with its events. the possibility of having interactive projects with clear monitoring of the stages what is accomplished what must not be accomplished.
    The forums are a bit dead in the sense that before it was good in the evening to come and see the news discussions, write a message or a discussion.
    but now few of them need to do it themselves because they absorb information every day.
    But the forum is an excellent thing when it is used well and adapted to our times and needs.
    It will then be possible to create small groups, because we are stronger together and have more motivation, and the monitoring of each person is better when it is small, because today people are tired and need help. to move towards a goal.
    Then think about how to help a person (adult or child) develop to achieve a goal (succeed in a diploma or other) using the IPS tool (forum, individual messaging, calendar, groups, individual support, coaching, project management, gamification)
    If we want to open a forum and wait for people to register to write messages or discussions.... it's more current on the majority of new communities I think.
    We must provide interactivity, with events, projects, give confidence to the member, show them that they are considered...
    We learn a lot through practice when the project is attractive and we absolutely want to succeed.
    For example, this forum could have been used, I think, by many members to learn development by selling them training with a project for them to develop an application for their site.
    no one wants to open a theoretical book to learn the code, but if we start with practice where we know where we are going it really makes us want to do it and give it our all.
    It's dead those who think that they will continue to sell training for a long time with hundreds of videos to watch, manage yourself and if you have a question send me an email or write a message under the video. many have bought and do not do them and will no longer buy for not doing so.
    the same for I think a forum in its future, just wanting a forum to give certain information in messages... it remains insufficient
      we will have to find how to provide interactivity, gamification is good but we need to go much further I think...
    the idea of the live topic is already a very beautiful thing in my opinion
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