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Everything posted by Dexter_X

  1. Just a little thing we did not think about at the time : before starting your cron scheduler for the sandbox, don't forget to disable e-mail notifications. We do that by setting a bad password in the e-mail setup (ACP -> System -> Settings -> email settings). If you were using PHP method, change it to SMTP without setting it up (or set an invalid dummy account). If you don't do that, your users will receive double e-mails or even "strange notifications" if you test posting in your sandbox on items users may be subscribed to...
  2. you're welcome. For testing purposes we create our sandbox by "cloning" the main site, so we can see things more close to real context :
  3. in the theme editor edit your template forums/front/topics/postContainer then look for the string {number="$comment->author()->member_posts" once found, around line 98, replace the format="short" by format="long" You'll obtain something like this : <a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=content" seoTemplate="profile_content" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}" title="{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}" data-ipsTooltip class="ipsType_blendLinks"> <i class="fa fa-comment"></i> {number="$comment->author()->member_posts" format="long"} </a> Save the file, reload your topic : job done !
  4. I did not see that topic before now. I experienced exactly the same problems and logged a ticket. It should be fixed on next release (4.6.3) coming up next week. Meanwhile a "rules patch" did appear today, but nothing on subscriptions rules neither regarding reactions appears to be fixed yet.
  5. surprise... (i'm not surprised), keep going on, there are other "surprises"... 😶
  6. I suggest you all to test one by one the existing rules (at least the ones you're interested in) and see if they behave like you expect...
  7. Hi, sorry about the off topic, but how do you "open a ticket", do you mean contact support ? or is it something else ?
  8. we've redefined ours by ourselves. Use font awesome icons that are already licenced & provided with the community may be a good starting point https://fontawesome.com
  9. ok, some of them sounds good to me. I've already look for the "add photo" one. It is available only for pictures added into a gallery, but not in a post/message. But... did you try and test the existing rules or your own rules set ? how did you find it ?
  10. yes, you can restore them back by modifying the posts template.
  11. you can disable achievements if you don't want to use it. Regarding the rank icons, you can define your own if you're not satisfied with the default ones (that's what we've done in the community I own). You also can change the size and/or position of the badge (or even hide it by not displaying it) if you feel confident enough to modify the theme template and/or CSS files.
  12. contact support through your client area "bubble-contact" interface...
  13. Hi, Maybe it could be useful for "short forums" like ours to have a specific sidebar widget that can contain 2 to 4 tabbed widgets instead of spreading all the data along the sidebar.... I was particularly thinking about putting Top Reputation users, Top Solved users and recent badges in that kind of widget, but can be also useful with distinct flow widgets (or any widget)... Thankyou for your attention, D
  14. advice : test your rule. In our case, the reputation/reaction based rules do not seem to work as expected... How did you define your rule ? (screenshot)
  15. thankyou ! exactly what I was looking for !
  16. Hi, Sometimes you need to send an e-mail to your users that is not a newsletter : some important informations regarding your community life or setup. It could be useful to have a "ignore newsletter registration" option in the bulk e-mail filters. Maybe there is already a plug-in allowing that (?). Thankyou for your attention, D
  17. @marklcfc Maybe the mod does the same thing, but in 4.6.X I've modified the theme template in order to display online status in users posts (template forums/front/topics/postContainer ) and it works quite well. I think the same thing could be done in 4.5.X knowing the information is already available too.
  18. add &nbsp;:&nbsp;{$member->location()|raw} in your theme template core/profile/hovercard, at line 40, after {lang="members_online_now"} You'll obtain something like : {{if $member->isOnline() AND ( !$member->isOnlineAnonymously() OR ( $member->isOnlineAnonymously() AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() ) )}} {lang="members_online_now"}&nbsp;:&nbsp;{$member->location()|raw} {{elseif $member->last_activity}} {lang="members_last_visit"} {datetime="$member->last_activity"} {{endif}} Save the template, reload your community page and see the magic happen... Hopping this could help.
  19. The other option is to develop your own plug-in that does exactly what you need...
  20. create a secondary group with no specific permissions (unable to connect and nothing active), then add to that group the members of the project. Use the group to give access to your forum to the concerned members only.
  21. Hi, It certainly would be appreciated to have into the leaderboard the possibility to display : . the most solved content top members (available only through a block at the moment) ; . the most ranked users (regarding achievements) ; Thankyou for your attention, D
  22. ok... sorry, I didn't see it was already available in user's profile pop-up... sorry...
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