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Jim M

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Posts posted by Jim M

  1. 4 minutes ago, Phil Lilley said:

    Is there a way to do this other than removing them one at a time?  I'm not using CloudFlare.  I didn't think I was banning his IP but like I said this was my first time doing this so I must have missed it.  Thanks

    I'm afraid, there is no method to mass delete these.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Circo said:

    Ahhh.. well damn. I was using File Actions > Edit Details.  I did not notice the + for adding a tag.  Thank you.

    Which brings up another question along this same topic... I have a member that constantly updates the file details of his files, but does not actually upload a new file version.  The file shows up on the lists as updated.  Basically bumping his files up the lists over Newly added files.  Is there a suggested way of stopping this?

    Unfortunately, there is currently not a measure to combat this other than restricting their edit permissions or manual contact. You're more than welcome to create a suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum if you have any ideas. Theoretically, we could compare the data but all the users would need to do it add a couple spaces or other character changes to make it different. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Ricsca said:

    I migrated my forum from vbulletin.
    I also had many images in a custom folder.
    I uploaded that folder to my web space and the images are shown but are not part of the images uploaded in the discussion.
    Is there a way to show those images as uploaded in the discussion?

    If I am understanding you correctly, these weren't uploaded via vBulletin or our software and were just added as an image URL to the content?

    If so, only items uploaded through the software (or converted software) would show up as an attachment. Items simply added from an external source from the software, would not be seen as an attachment.

  4. For a temporary ban, I would not recommend banning the user's IP addresses. I understand looking at the UI where some confusion can happen but this is a separate segment and any IP ban is permanent and would not unban after the duration set for the member ban. If you're using CloudFlare or another reverse proxy and have not enabled "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?" in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration, would be using the IP address of CloudFlare's proxy server instead of the actual user's IP address thus creating issues.

    I would recommend removing all IP addresses from your ban list if this is causing issues.

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