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Jim M

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Posts posted by Jim M

  1. Unfortunately, the error there is that your MySQL server is not accepting a connection from the software. As mentioned, using Recovery Mode to login to your ACP and disable the application would determine if this is related to the application or not. However, the log you just provided further details a database connection issue so that may not be possible. If that is the case, you will need to contact your hosting provider for assistance with the connection to your database.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Can you help me figure out what I should be entering as the certificate URL?

    Sorry, this is not something which we support out of the box at this time. You can certainly post a Feature Suggestion for it though 🙂 .

  3. 34 minutes ago, red power magazine said:

    I turned off Enhanced tracking protection for our site. I am still unable to upload attachments. I am using version 94.0.1 of Firefox.

    Do you have any extensions/plugins on the browser? Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this on my own test install with this version of Firefox. Would also recommend disabling any third party applications/plugins on your community to completely test against our core software.

  4. 1 minute ago, sudo said:

    Safe to use the files san .github folder? I would have just ignored the folder but it mentioned 4.6.9 so I wondered about all the files.

    Yes, it is safe. We don't normally update changelog if we're patching but something was patched that had a changelog entry so created a new entry there. Our developers our working to resolve it.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Optimvs said:

    I think that Topic Feed block is bether solution for me, but I can't change the "created date" to "last post date" because I think that show an older date is incongruent for "Latest posts".

    It is possible to change this parameters? Now I comment a post and show it as last topics with April 7, 2020 as date.


    This would require a customization, I'm afraid.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Paul Molenaar said:

    I know they are not related, but it seems Invision is doing it. As I remember the options you get when you choose for 'use an existing blog entry' depends from which blog you added in the admin.

    But it's not showing the blogs which i added, right?

    There are 2 tiers categories in the Blog application. The categories you added in admin are the categories which Blogs fall under. Then there are categories within Blogs which your Blog Entries fall under.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Arne Postma said:

    4.6.6 to 4.6.7 (now 4.6.8 as that just came out)

    With a minor upgrade such as this, we would not expect something like this to bring down the server or have great server changes (like going version 3 to version 4) so getting more information by seeing the errors happening with this in place would be key.

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