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Jim M

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Posts posted by Jim M

  1. 1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    t's a communication thing. I do not visit this website unless I have to. I do not read every line or even much about your updates. I just want my site to run, I apply updates when they show up after a few days, just in case. I'm not an "expert", but I've done websites and such since 1998 on a daily basis, so I'm not a complete idiot either. So while I appreciate that from your perspective INNODB is old hat, it's not something that your customer contact messaging made a standout issue, something focused on to the point I took notice of it. All I know is I have a database that is half and half, and I did nothing to make that happen. I'm sure an empty mysql database never corrupts, and that software manipulating the database is part of the package that results in problems.

    I'm not complaining. I am retired due to running a very successful retail business I founded in high school. You guys do a great job, but do remember loyal customers like me are also people with busy lives, we don't live and breath your software, and simply want to pay for something that works. In my case, I never quibble over money, and am always happy to pay for help if needed. You guys should offer an extra hired gun service for $100 an hour or more to go in and take care of issues for people like me. Make the cost high to keep the workload low, but there for people with deep wallets, and a nice boost to somebodies pay. Just a suggestion.

    I am sorry you had issues which corrupted the database but generally, this comes from server-level issues, such as an improper shutdown of the server or corruption at the storage level which is outside our control at the software-level. Self-hosting is really self-managed, it really is up to you and your server administrator/hosting provider to research the ins and outs of the software/server you are running to ensure it is in working, optimal order. This really is not for everyone, as you mentioned, and our solution for us taking this on for you is our Cloud. If you want something that "just works", my simple recommendation would be to switch to our Cloud as we take on the hosting struggles for you and this will not happen moving forward. I am happy to open a discussion for you with one of our Sales personnel to see if this is the correct fit?

  2. 14 hours ago, Madutu said:

    now I have another problem with a plugin gallery, now I can't edit the categories on the forums 😞

    and even what I had in the slider only shows me 😞

    I don't see the save button

    Double check your permissions if you are also having issues displaying or editing content. Sounds like something was not configured correctly here. If you want to provide an example user and URL, we're happy to take a look.

  3. Thanks for posting!

    Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻

    Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications.

    I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.

  4. 46 minutes ago, kmk said:

    How bad can be in case that you wouldn't advise to enable it? 

    As mentioned in the message, this would allow other individuals to also embed your community in an iframe so could be used in social engineering strategies and open you up to other potential security issues. It is recommended to direct individuals to your community directly instead of embedding it in an iframe. Not only is this a better user experience but you eliminate any potential security issues.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Optimvs said:

    Thanks @Jim M for your quickly answer I had activated this setting for all plans. But I've some issues in this subscriptions because some users has had an upgrade subscription plan, change from monthly to annualy plan and when monthly plan expires automatically reset the group. So I need to change manually the groups by recomendation from developer team member.

    I cant create a new invoice because the user have an annual plan paid. So only have a permisions problem. But I need to know what will happend at annual plan expiration to stay alert for this users. Really it is a mess.

    Looking at the ticket, you have asked some follow up questions there, I will let our developers provide you with a solution to this particularly unique problem in the ticket as you had a previous bug resolved as part of this process so I do not provide further confusion.


  6. 30 minutes ago, Optimvs said:

    Hello, I have paid a monthly subscription plan and change the group when any user buy this subscription plan. I've Subscribed and Unsuscribed Groups.

    I've an important doubts after that I'm having some issues that are in study by mail. What happend if I change manually the group before or after that subscribes any user. Do IPS will reset the group in expiration date? Do IPS will send the renewal invoice and charge?

    1. Manually change from Unsuscribed to Subscribed Group, and then user buy the monthly subscription plan
    2. User buy the monthly subcription and then I change manually from Subscribed to Unsubscribed group

    Thanks for your help and clarification.

    If you have the following setting enabled (reset groups when purchase expires or is cancelled), the user will return to the group they were in once their subscription expires or is cancelled.

    Ideally, you would never manually change a user's group to your "subscribed" group without working through an invoice/purchase. To do this, even for a user you don't want to charge, you would create an invoice, zero it out through a misc. charge and set the purchase's expiration for the user to when you want it to expire so that it follows the same flow. The same is true, you should never manually move the user's group from your "Subscribed" group to the "Unsubscribe" group. You should always cancel/expire the purchase.


    Hope that makes sense. Thus, it will always flow in the correct manner and you never have to worry about things getting out of sync in regards to groups.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Owdy said:

    That shows in there now, site frontpage is saved

    I dont know why that wanihed from there in first place....

    Glad to see you were able to resolve this and add the correct templates so it shows. However, that is quite odd that "Category 2" was not showing previously. I have tagged this to one of our developers so they can clarify the differences here between the templates you used.

  8. Thank you for clarifying. The test push notification in devtools is also failing here. I have tagged someone from our dev team to further clarify. However, it is key to understand, the service worker is working and push notifications should work in the software itself. If they are not, please let us know.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Owdy said:

    Why database frontpage doesnt use that "Gategory articles"  template anymore?

    You currently have it set to use the following:



    You would need to have a corresponding record, display, etc... template there to utilize it in the selected fields in your screenshots.

  10. Sorry, there may be some confusion here. What you circled in red in your first screenshot is a category rather than a template itself so that name would not appear in your second screenshot as an option, the templates beneath that category would. Additionally, only corresponding templates can be used in certain areas, e.g. the template used for "Listing Template Group" has to be a "Listing template."

    Please feel free clarify your question if needed.

  11. 41 minutes ago, Circo said:

    Well, sortta... The theme I'm using is the default IPS theme that I've modified a little for a larger header.  As far as I can tell; this seems to happen for all users as well as myself. It only happens if the user is logging in from the main URL (I guess it's an articles page), but does not happen if using the /forums url.

    I would suggest trying this first with an unmodified theme as even the smallest changes to a template can cause the upgrader to not upgrade that template and it could be missing code changes from version to version. Each upgrade a theme needs to be double checked for compatibility issues, I'm afraid.

    I would recommend also checking and removing any custom .htaccess entries you have any leaving just the ones that come with our software in case something is causing an issue there.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Circo said:

    My users have been reporting this same error for sometime now while logging in. Once they get the error they can click on any link in the menu and they are logged in.  This morning while working on my site; I was finally able to capture the error myself.  I went through and disabled applications/addons one at a time and tested.  Nothing fixed the error.  I also re-did Privacy Policy information and nothing changed either.


    Did you switch to an unmodified theme (if applicable) too to test? Are you noticing this on specific users or all users? If specific, could you please let me know their display name(s)?

  13. 33 minutes ago, Luuuk said:

    Seeing my community as a Guest or Admin in the Chrome Developer Console show service worker as running and no error until I test the "Push" option in the console.

    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this. I would suggest clearing your browser's cache and trying again. There are no errors in the browser console:


  14. 2 minutes ago, Luuuk said:

    Could you elaborate what "does not work" and is "not supported" exactly means?

    Modern Windows Server fully supports PWA (including Push). I meet all requirements: PHP version (and actually I upped it to PHP 8.0), enabled modules (gmp, mbstring, curl, openssl). The thing which fails is writing VAPID keys to some JSON file. So could you tell me where / which JSON file I have to look at? The error points to permissions.

    For the record, browsers do detect a service worker but fire an error related to JSON:




    Unfortunately, we do not provide support for Windows servers. It may be that it requires further configuring on your server or otherwise. I am happy to move this topic to our peer-to-peer server support forum for further assistance once we address the second issue there.

    The latter there may be a bug and unrelated as there are service workers running outside of the push notification. What is being returned there is not JSON thus the Javascript is failing to parse the string into a JSON object. This could be your Windows server is generating an error page that was not anticipated but I would expect the above to catch that. However, when viewing your community, I am seeing that the service worker is running fine without error. Could you please clarify where and which user you're seeing this with? I can then investigate this further.

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