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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. This would be a server problem if you’re being directed elsewhere. Typically, this is encountered with mod_security and other security modules.
  2. Minimum is PHP 7.4 so need to have your hosting provider upgrade you to a server with it or change providers. There is no other option if you can’t run minimally PHP 7.4, I’m afraid.
  3. I can't explain what is happening either. Everything is fine from this end. If it was a software issue, I would expect it to remain an issue regardless. If you're using a load balancer, CloudFlare, proxies, etc..., I would suggest reducing your complexity and making things simpler to get it working then add in complexity.
  4. Only things which you can have them do is clear their browser's cache and as they're using an iPad, ensure they're using Safari (ensure iPadOS is updated to the latest release)
  5. Unfortunately, when viewing, I am no longer receiving the 404 error in the ACP or the errors mentioned on the front-end.
  6. You may wish to log into the Client Area and download a full set of files then extract these to your local computer. Once done, upload the content of the "ips_***" folder to your server, overwriting what is there. When all files successfully upload, please go to /admin/upgrade . If you're still getting a 504 error, you will need to work with your hosting provider to resolve the 504. I'm afraid, there is no CLI.
  7. When I renamed your .htaccess file, I am no longer encountering these errors. I would suggest removing everything in your .htaccess file except for our URL rewrites and try again. Something looks to be redirecting or mis-interrupting requests there.
  8. Unfortunately, you would need to go back to their support as they did not resolve the problem which is at hand here.
  9. This is currently a known issue which is currently still an open bug so there is no resolution at this time.
  10. Could you please provide a URL to where you have this? I can then look at the images and what is happening here.
  11. Yes, using the custom field there that you have setup would perform that. If you aren't doing anything custom with the display of the field on the profile, I would just suggest using the default option as that will give you Title: Value . You would need to use the member search, you can search custom profile fields.
  12. Sorry, a little confused in what you're attempting to do here. You are modifying the custom formatting for profile and topics. This would not change in the search. In search, it would just display their display name with a link to their profile if a value is found. Additionally, {$Discord} and {$Discord Username} are not variables so you would not want to use them as such. The name of the field should be put there by simply using {$title} so there is no need to change that.
  13. It should but there are things in the process which could of course, creating conflicts or issues outside our control (i.e. slow write to disk) with that and result in what you've encountered. Glad to hear though you found the resolution to your issue!
  14. Our auto-upgrader in the ACP, does only track what is changed version to version and applies that in the upgrade. However, you would receive an alert to any manually modified files during the upgrade or in the Support tab of the ACP. The notice should have gone out last year. It may be worth double checking the email address on file in the Client Area for your account just to ensure. This way you can get your information "straight from the horses mouth" πŸ™‚ .
  15. I’m a little confused by their statement here. A 403 error shouldn’t be caused by this. 403 would mean there is a permission error on the server and thus cannot access the file and therefore run. Could you please have them clarify?
  16. The original client was incorrectly assuming that priority support was the only way to receive support, I was correcting that assumption. I never stated that priority support was or was not offered. However, we only offer support which is conduct through our forum here (there is no priority support).
  17. Support is still covered under self-hosted licenses. The avenue to receive support has only changed. Our same staff will be here to assist you in this forum for any software support needs. Our staff has access to the client area to obtain secure access to your access details you provide and we can escalate your ticket, should it require doing so. What is it that you require support for? We’re here to help πŸ™‚.
  18. You would want to reach out to your hosting provider with any concerns here. It would be hard for us from a software perspective confirm or deny this. Depending on what was happening on the server at the time, it is conceivable that a database could become corrupted while running a long task, such as a backup, and the server was restarted/shutdown/etc... If you or your hosting provider restored a previous database after that, that would explain what is happening.
  19. A completely blank white page is often the sign of a suppressed PHP or server error. You would want to consult your server error logs on your server for more information here. However, simply guessing here, if you are guided by an intranet (i.e. VPN or network), it could also be these users don't have access to your sub-domain and are getting a default page. This, unfortunately, would be up to yourself to diagnose as that would be a network issue. If you are unsure how, you will want to work with your hosting provider on these items.
  20. This is the browser coming back to you with this information because you are not running the site (I presume) with an SSL certificate and over HTTPS. The web has switched to being a security concise place so browsers will now warn you if you are on an HTTP website and submitting forms with sensitive information, such as login credentials. You would need to get with your hosting provider/server administrator and add an SSL certificate to the server. Then follow the instructions below to ensure your community is running over HTTPS:
  21. Please disable any third party applications/plugins and switch to an unmodified theme when troubleshooting these types as things as it may not be in the core πŸ™‚ .
  22. I would suggest disabling your advertisements then. Keep in mind that on Google AdSense, ads are constantly rotating and do include Javascript based animation. It could well be that your browser/device cannot handle whatever advertisement was being loaded at the time. There are also settings in Google AdSense that can show different types of advertisements on Mobile VS Desktop as well which would further possibly explain what is being discussed. Unfortunately, this really is beyond our scope of support but I am doing my best to explain what could be happening here.
  23. When you reproduce the crash, you would need to review the page which it crashed on or what you were doing leading up to it. By content, I am talking about images, videos, embeds, etc... included in posts, blocks, etc... This is not a technical issue with the software or Cloud but rather a browser failing to render content which your users/yourself have posted on the page.
  24. I did not reproduce a crash, no. I just saw something which may be creating an issue and outlined it to you.
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