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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Are you using a custom language pack which may have this edited, by chance? If you revert that string, does it update to Events?
  2. Ranks have been moved to an image by the user's profile photo in content. When hovering over the image, you will see the rank:
  3. You would need to investigate the 500 Internal Server Error. You would want to look at your server error log for the entry in question with this problem. If you require assistance, please work with your hosting provider. If the error outlines a software issue, please pass it to us for further assistance.
  4. There is a bug causing a template error in 4.7.3 which, looking at your system log is an error you're encountering here. There is a fix for this in 4.7.4 which is beta right now and expected to be fully released tomorrow. Your other issue about the updateCheck task, it appears to be timing out on your server or there is something blocking it. This is due to when executing the task manually, it is resulting in a 404 not found error on your server. Few things you will want to check: Your server can make outbound, external connections. If you are running mod_security, please disable this temporarily.
  5. We would need more information on the UTF8mb4 conversion failure. What is happening? Is there an error message you can provide us? The InnoDB would be the performance improvement change here. The Dynamic row format would just prevent further issues down the line when it comes to restrictions on new columns being added with compact.
  6. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  7. Please go to your conf_global.php file and remove anything refrencing IPB_Firewall (make a backup of your conf_global.php if you are unsure what is refrencing this). This is not our product and means that at some juncture while running version 3, your hosting was breached and this was added.
  8. Our team would utilize the Support tool to disable third party items. If the re-enable was missed, our apologies there. However, as mentioned, I just wanted to mention that these items would be disabled in the upgrade. In regards, to logging, please add this to the Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.
  9. The October release would disable any third party applications/plugins which are not compatible with PHP 8. You can re-enable them if you wish though. If you performed that upgrade, this would be expected and you'll need to enable those which are compatible with your release. If before this, you have third party applications/plugins sitting disabled on your community for some time, I'd suggest uninstalling them.
  10. Unfortunately, this is not done with the upgrade code itself (or at least, should not be). Do you perhaps use some third party add-on in conjunction with advertisements which disabled those with it?
  11. As mentioned in your other topic, you would need to work with the author for assistance on their plugin. As the current version is not compatible with the release you're on, you will not be able to install it from the Marketplace.
  12. As you are using an SSO, you would need to work with the author of your SSO to resolve this issue. As once a display name is changed, there is nothing natively in our software to change that again, other than the same process so something is happening in either your SSO or a third party add-on.
  13. Please reach out to your hosting provider for assistance here as this is an error coming from your server rather than the software. Your hosting provider then would be able to look at the error log generated from this and resolve the issue or provide further guidance on what will need to be done. If it is a software error, you can pass it here and we can help you investigate.
  14. It would be advised to uninstall the third party applications/plugins as these could be causing you issues. If you do this, you would need to install fresh. If you simply remove the files, this would likely cause issues in the software performing itself. However, restoring those files, it would resume per how they were.
  15. If all your uploads/attachments are contained within your "uploads" folder. This would work. Your constants.php and conf_global.php handle specific configurations/constants related to your installation so you may wish to double check that. However, the .htaccess can be replaced with what is in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization (obviously, anything custom in your .htaccess will be removed. which may be a good thing here.)
  16. Glad to hear you got it all sorted out. No worries. You're very welcome!
  17. You would need to edit the language pack and set it to the default. The "Set as member's language" would not mean your language pack is set as default, it just allows you to change those members in those groups to use a specific language pack.
  18. Locked just means that it is set as your default so you cannot disable it.
  19. I'm afraid, you would need to bring up the issue you're having with the proper author here. Having them inspect what is happening is key here.
  20. You're very welcome. Glad you found what you were after here 🙂 .
  21. If you download the files manually now for 4.7.3 and upload the files when you're ready. You would be upgrading to 4.7.3. Just ensure you do not use the automatic upgrader in the ACP as that will only do the latest available.
  22. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  23. While I look at this, can I confirm the deletion was done via the software and not directly to the database?
  24. You would need to use an URL our web servers can access. Unfortunately, as we’re in AWS, we cannot provide you with a set number of IPs. If you want to allow a block for AWS, you can do that if you don’t want to allow all traffic.
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