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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. They would be in charge of verifying the uninstall script and ensuring they properly uninstall everything. If that is failing, they would indeed need to investigate why that is happening and assist you. We can help in extreme situations, i.e. like the author is no longer available.
  2. Correct. You would not be able to see it if you cannot use it. No worries though! Glad I could help you get an answer 🙂 .
  3. With the account provided, I am not seeing any issues. However, the only content I see is by the individual who you are logged in as and as you have "Members can react to their own content?" disabled, you would only be able to react to other individual's content. You will want to either enable the setting mentioned or create content by someone else to test reactions.
  4. You're more than welcome to provide me the display name in message, however, the support request will take place here so all can benefit from what happens.
  5. Does the user's member group able to use/see reactions? Does the user in question have reactions to give in the day? Could you please provide an example user's display name?
  6. I’m afraid, you posted customized CSS which is not something which is in our scope of support. We only support our theme as it comes. Any custom CSS added to it would be outside our scope of support. Could you please link to this guide that you used?
  7. You would need to work with your theme author for assistance. Customizations are outside our scope of support.
  8. That would mean there is an underlying 500 Internal Server Error that you would need the server error log entry for. If it is a server issue, please contact your hosting provider for assistance. If it is a software issue, please post it here
  9. You would need to run the compatibility script after you change to PHP 8. It will only run on what version is set.
  10. You will not be able to run more than 1 software in a folder as many have conflicting folder/file names. If you need to compare what is in our software, you can download a full set of files from the Client Area. To upgrade to PHP 8, I’d advise using our compatibility checker script to ensure that you have all required modules enabled and uninstall any incompatible third party applications and plugins with PHP 8 or upgrade them.
  11. You had 2 files called "default.php" and "default.html" uploaded to your installation directory. Your server might have been loading this file in conjunction with our software as it is a default document name (index and default are reserved file names). Please do not upload custom scripts with reserved server file names or you may receive unintended results. I have renamed this "default.php.rename" and "default.html.rename" for you to rename something else.
  12. Please leave it on PHP 7.4 if that is where you are working but having issues. We can cross PHP 8 later.
  13. The release you're on, 4.7.3, is the latest release compatible with PHP 7.4. If you're receiving a 500 Internal Server Error when changing your .htaccess though, this means your PHP is set in there. Please ensure you've removed all custom rewrites and redirects from your .htaccess and update FTP access on file as it is currently invalid. It is also worth mentioning that you have quite an old third-party application installed called "Rules" which has not been supported in quite some major releases and has been known to do some funky things, even when disabled. I would recommend uninstalling that completely.
  14. Believe there is some confusion here. If you’re changing the .htaccess and getting an 500 Internal Server Error, you need to check what you have there. As mentioned, you will want to check if you’re setting the PHP version there, if you’re setting this there then you’ll need to carry that over. Unfortunately, as you have so many custom items in it, this would need to be managed by yourself as you are responsible for server items, such as this. If you disable all custom rewrites and redirects and get the site running on the correct PHP version, we can certainly take a further look.
  15. As Randy mentioned, the only way to "go back" would be to restore a full backup (files and database) that you made prior to your upgrade attempt. However, if you're having the same issue as OP, your hosting provider should be able resolve it quickly.
  16. Excellent. Glad to hear that, at least in the short term, things are looking good for you 🙂 .
  17. Please read our guide on our Promotion feature: You can make any users you'd like have permission to promote items in our software.
  18. Local changes would override master changes in PHP where configured to do so. Any questions you have on that would need to be directed to your hosting provider. Our software does not have control over this.
  19. Unfortunately, your phpinfo screenshot there is clearly showing it as well which is your local configuration so that would indicate something on your server is altering it.
  20. You would want to contact your hosting provider for assistance. Unfortunately, this is not something our software is doing but rather your server's PHP configuration.
  21. Apart from what Randy mentioned, I would also recommend ensuring that you have selected each category. People sometimes do not select sub-categories and just the parent categories so want to ensure that each and every category you have is selected for this block.
  22. The following would be server configuration item with your MySQL server. This is the error MySQL is coming back with when we attempt to run the query: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay Please contact your hosting provider for assistance.
  23. You can go to ACP -> System -> Staff Directory and remove the administrator group then just add in the user(s) who you want to be there. You can see this guide for more assistance:
  24. Thank you. Please ensure that you're using a language pack which is compatible with the latest release. I am having no problem having the lock popup appear on your community.
  25. Please disable two factor authentication for our account as there may be many technicians who require assistance to help, it is not possible for us to perform this. If you wish to use Security questions, please provide us the answers in the Notes area of the access details section in the Client Area.
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