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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. If the database was restored then it would indeed be worth checking all that was stated there, I'm afraid. Otherwise, we would need the logs as mentioned.
  2. May wish to clear the index and have the system rebuild it. Seems quite odd to be that large. (please take backups prior to doing any of that)
  3. We would need to know what this 500 error was. A 500 Internal Server Error is very much like the check engine light on your car. It says something is wrong but not what or where. You would need to gather the log entry for this particular error from your server error log. If it is a server error, you would need to work with your hosting provider. If it is a software error, you would need to provide it to us so we can guide further. Theme changes are stored in the database so sounds like something is not matching up here or a partial restore was done. If your database version is not of the version your files are for, you will need to restore both files and database, otherwise, you would need to run the upgrader.
  4. Please note it is the weekend so our support response will be delayed on non-critical issues.
  5. Please be advised that this is where you submit a support ticket now šŸ™‚ . However, it is the weekend so support responses from our team may be delayed. You should have received an email last year explaining the shift to our community for support. With that said, the only thing that has changed about our support is the method where you start it, all the same great support that you know and love previously is still here. Our technicians still have secure access to your access details for your community in our Client Area, we can escalate things to a ticket if needed, etc... We found that a large percentage of support requests were similar in nature so that having a large, searchable forum to contain those in would benefit everybody. Plus, you can now receive input from other community administrators who encountered similar issues. We have been saying for years that communities are great for support but have never really been enacting that, so this was also a large push for us to "eat our own dog food" so to speak. Could you please clarify where you're at with your support issue? It sounds like you have restored your community back so it would be a little hard for us to investigate the issue unless there are further information about the error encountered. Additionally, if you were performing database changes, it would be advisable to reach out to your hosting provider/sever administrator to see what exactly happened. As this is a server management action, they would be your first contact and if you are not familiar with these tasks, I would suggest working with them to ensure they are done accurately.
  6. Is the search index the actually size or the overhead size? If the latter, your hosting provider would need to evaluate your MySQL server configuration as it is not performing ā€œgarbage collectionā€ effectively.
  7. Currently, the feature only works moving forward once created, it does not go back and rebuild previous content. You can certainly submit a feature suggestion for this if you wish to see it in a future release.
  8. We have emailed you in your ticket resolution to this issue so will close this down now.
  9. You would need to look at the database to determine which tables these are. If it is your log tables, you will need to review the logs to see what is happening and correct the issue.
  10. The account was merged with a member account and the member account kept so is no longer an administrator. To ensure security of your community, I have created a new account in the system with your email address on file. You can follow the instructions in the email to setup your account and correct this how you choose.
  11. Yes, the license key is set to URLs, not the domain so you will need to reset it per the guide here:
  12. Sorry to hear you're having issues. I have moved this to a ticket so we can better assist you with private details like this. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  13. Typically, your hosting provider can bundle this up pretty easily for you as there are countless reasons to ask for backups, not just switching servicesšŸ™‚ . Most have an area for you to obtain this via the hosting panel or, like us, a quick, helpful crew to get you your backups quickly/efficiently. However, I do see that you have a ticket in with our sales team where you are discussing your conversion and you have posed this to them. They will be able to answer if this is something we can do for you. If not, they may provide alternative suggestions at that time.
  14. ?activate would activate the license key for a specific IP address as outlined in the documentation. Then you would use ?check to check that the license key is valid from that IP address. If you are wanting to make to make a call to get license key info but not specific to license key, the ?info endpoint is used. In your example, you would need to also provide the identifier as a parameter as outlined by the required parameters in the documentation my colleague referenced. I would suggest reading through the documentation as it is outlining these specific endpoints, their purposes, and required parameters.
  15. constants.php and maintenance.html are in the root installation directory of your Invision Community software? If so, could you please provide us access: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  16. Yes, upgrading to the latest release would be an advisable first step if you're having any issues.
  17. Cache Rules are different than Page Rules.
  18. That would be correct. If you do not update your third party add-ons, they can become incompatible thus cause errors which could take your community offline, unfortunately. If you have third party add-ons, you need to review these prior to upgrading the core platform. We try to take all precautions possible with warnings and such but ultimately, this is your responsibility before clicking the upgrade button to ensure it is all compatible.
  19. Your hosting provider/server administrator would be able to inform you the best way to disable them on your account/server.
  20. Just as a heads up, the cache rules are saying not to cache "these" but cache everything else šŸ™‚ . Just want to clarify that so there is no confusion.
  21. We simply provide a spot in the software for the JavaScript include to be placed so yes, it does work šŸ™‚ .
  22. Unfortunately, that means you're back on your server is overriding these headers on you for this then.
  23. If itā€™s JavaScript, likely not but donā€™t have anything to lose by testing and disabling everything to rule it out. Thereā€™s countless times Iā€™ve wasted by saying ā€œthat canā€™t be itā€ and that was it so tule of thumb donā€™t exclude it before youā€™ve tested it šŸ˜‰
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