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    TAMAN reacted to Pete T in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    @EmpireKickass is this installed on the link you have in your sign ?
  2. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Joey_M in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    All footer blocks get an automatic unique ID which you can easily target by CSS. so I can't help like this unless if I check it with browser But still I only have access to my phone here and I can't help on any kind of customizations.
    Please do. thanks
    also, I'm sorry for everything I know it's been long time I'm away. soon i will be back hopfully. if not, I will have to give away all my marketplace resource for someone else to take over
    Life is sad.
    Thank you so very much Pete.
    I appreciate your help. I will let you know if I needed 🙂
  3. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Pete T in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    @TAMAN if happy i try help why your away don't want step on your toes so to speak.
  4. Like
    TAMAN reacted to WP V0RT3X in Backstretch - Backgrounds [ support topic ]   
    if you are using "Profile Backgrounds" by @TheJackal84 check out this post...
  5. Like
    TAMAN reacted to WP V0RT3X in Profile Backgrounds (Support Topic)   
    very nice, works fine :)
    to use this with "Background Picker/Slideshow/Video" by @TAMAN just add this to your profile template...
    <style> .backstretch { display: none!important; } </style> best regards
  6. Like
    TAMAN reacted to KPDub in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    No worries
    I've reinstalled the theme and it works, even with my existing customised CSS.  I wonder if it just got its knickers in a twist with updating the theme a few times - Wont take long to rebuild it to match my existing setup 🙂
  7. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from tommax123 in Gradient Theme [ support topic ]   
    Add to custom.css
    .ta_Logo #elLogo img {
    max-height: 150px:
  8. Like
    TAMAN reacted to WP V0RT3X in Backstretch - Backgrounds [ support topic ]   
    hello taman,
    how about adding an option to sort the uploaded images via drag and drop?
    would make this addon even more awesome :)
    best regards
  9. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Joey_M in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    @TAMAN I think you might still be away but if you add a 'members' block to the footer, then configure it and go back to amend it - the information isn't retained and you have to add what you did before again.
  10. Like
    TAMAN reacted to pilotguy in Pages Clan Wars [ support topic ]   
    Sorted it out
  11. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Joey_M in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Yes it's possible to make it transparent but with custom CSS, I could help but I'm on phone and probably for one more week ;(
    You could however post in a new topic so someone can help if you can't wait.
    You can change the title color but its global.
    And I agree, it's a good idea for the title to have to have optional color setting for title just like it has for the background
    And i will try to add that option for next update 😉
    As for the font awesome icons
    If you mean to add it in the quick links then I'm not quite sure. Never tested.
    but you could ignore the quick links block and create a custom html block however you want for links, if you look in the reviews, someone has posted a nice screenshot of custom html block for links and with font awesome icons. So try to message him to get the codes. It's simple structure I believe I helped him on that but I cant find the conversation. 🙂
  12. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Joey_M in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    This is awesome and I most certainly will write a detailed review of the application.
    @TAMAN: How would I add a block above another? I'd also like to make the footer slightly transparent. May I PM you to show what I mean?
    Would I be able to change the block title colour within the dark footer without changing it in the light half?
    Can I add font awesome icons to the links I add?
  13. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Ramsesx in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Attempt to upgrade from 1.0.3 to 1.0.5 destroyed my style completely. 
    After running the support tool it luckily was restored.  
  14. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Lucas James in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    Please update the Swiper Slider in Magnum theme to the latest release v4.4.1
  15. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Darth Gary in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Have you modified any html templates? If yes then you need to revert it back to default. Nothing of the topics and forums part modified by me which means everything should and must be same as default ips theme, so if the plugin works on default ips theme then it should work on this theme as well.
    Also, try to do a fresh install of the theme and test the plugin  🙂
  16. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Darth Gary in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Thanks for your answer Taman
     Nevermind, the problem was solved by itself because we randomly emptied the cache :) 
  17. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Metor in mdPanel - Material Design IPS Theme [ support topic ]   
    Sorry, i cant add any options for this.
    And If you enable left sidebar, it will be on left side next to navigation and not underneath navigation.
  18. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Supratec in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Sorry, not possible with the current version.
    Thank you:)
  19. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from dunefreak in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    Sorry for the delay.
    This is the new swiper slider "overlay Color" setting and It can be disabled 🙂
  20. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Pete T in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    No problem 
  21. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Pete T in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    @TAMAN noticed small bug with toogles for hide mobile and hide table when turn off after clicking save they revert back on.
  22. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Daniele81 in News Ticker [ support topic ]   
    Of course you can
    <li><a href="url">link text</a></li>
  23. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from JTHastings in News Ticker [ support topic ]   
    Of course you can
    <li><a href="url">link text</a></li>
  24. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from SardiniaNET in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Oh! so you have missed the previous update which was necessary to delete some CSS templates 
    Don't worry it's simple and easy to fix 
    Go to
    ACP -> Customization -> APPEARANCE -> Themes -> Edit HTML and CSS
    Click on CSS tab and delete/revert these two templates.
  25. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from SardiniaNET in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Sorry, I have no idea what you pasting.
    Are you trying to update your theme?
    If so, just download the latest one and then update ?  
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