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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Please could you let me know which database?
  2. Please see the following guide, which shows how you would move your site
  3. If you have a fully working upgraded package, you should move all files and folders to the server, restore your database to the server, and change your conf_global.php file to suit
  4. Please update your details on file. We can then take a look at this for you. I am unable to replicate this on my own instance
  5. As mentioned aboce, you can change the URL within your client area. That however would not in any way cause the issue you are having. Check any caching you have running on your server, clear your browser cache, and double check for any redirects you may have set up. Also ensure you have edited your htaccess file if you have anything in there related directly to the URL.
  6. It would be "Link hover color" you are looking for under the text tab when editing your theme
  7. Yes, thats normal when an item is taking a long while to run
  8. Yes, that is correct. We do not support 3.x oin any way. Including the upgrader for it. While we fully appreciate your position and have been trying to assist here, you need to be aware its unsupported. Only once you are on 4.x would you be supported again. The issue you have is simply that you are trying to upgrade from software released over a decade ago. As said, I will loop in a colleague to see if its anything we can point you in the right direction of.
  9. I can move this over to our community support to see if anyone can assist, but the reality here is you are upgrading from a very old unsupported release. I will see if anyone knows what may be happening here, but you do have to bear this in mind
  10. I fully appreciate what you are saying there, and it does indeed not take that long usually. However, there have been multiple issues here. You first of all added the wrong site as the association here, so we were not trying to log into the correct site. Then the details you entered for the correct set were also incorrect. These items are for yourself to check, rather than ourselves. Your ticket was ready to be looked at by my colleague some 23 hours ago. We determined it was the wrong site some 22 hours ago, but the details were still incorrect. Had the above been entered correctly, we would have been looking at that straight away. Someone will be looking at this as soon as possible
  11. While we are much faster than that, support response can be up to 72 hours per terms of service. You have been answered quite a few times during that period, and unfortunately we are still unable to gain full access to assist.
  12. The first thing I would suggest doing here is checking your email error logs, in System>Settings>Email, to see if you are seeing any errors show up in there. Make sure you run a test on the email settings page, to see what happens when you test that. Also, have you contacted your email host regarding the issue?
  13. Please could you update all access details on file, and I can then take a look to see whats going on
  14. We have a ticket open with Apfelstrudel above, so will let you know the outcome of that once its resolved
  15. Looking at the code, it seems its actually intentional. However I will get a bug report logged so this can be looked at
  16. Your ticket has already been escalated. If you need to revert quickly, it would be best to revert to your backup taken prior to this process.
  17. Glad to see you managed to get the upgrade through. I would suggest getting your live one done and up to date now, so that you are in a better position for us to support you
  18. Ive flagged this for our developers so they can confirm
  19. We are aware its an issue, and it has actually been resolved in a future release
  20. While there are some great ideas here, as I mentioned, unless you post these in the suggestions forum they are unlikely to be added. The topic here was related to how to set up the existing spam service, which was answered above.
  21. Please update the access details in your client area, and we can take a look for you. Also, we will continue via the ticket I have just responded to, as you have 2 tickets and a topic open at present
  22. Not sure what was happening, but it seems to have rectified itself as they are showing correctly here
  23. Could you please confirm which site this is referring to? The one you selected when creating the topic requires email
  24. It is very likely the issue there is with ckeditor, however our devs have been looped into this, so will respond once its reached. I do need to point out however, we would only generally support stock items. If you are adding 3rd party items to your mobile, there is only so much we can do to support these.
  25. I have no interest in joining any dance classes at this time either. Gotta be honest, I probably never will, and for the safety of all concerned, probably shouldnt.
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