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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Thank you very much for your feedback there. Its very much appreciated, and Im sure some will find this helpful. We do indeed have on our list to sort out some documentation on how to get this set up with GA4. With the items you wish to see in the future, please post these up within the suggestions area of our community, which is where we would pick these up.
  2. As mentioned by my colleague, at present this is a known limitation rather than a bug. There is no resolution for this at the present time.
  3. You would need to review the html, as something in there is breaking the layout of the page unfortunately. Usually this is the result of a stray tag or similar
  4. I have tagged our developers on this to see if they can advise
  5. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can get it looked into further.
  6. Before we go any further here, please could I ask if you have a copy of your site running anywhere?
  7. Just to note, if you taek a look at the transaction in the admin CP, it will tell you the reason being returned from the card provider
  8. Sorry, I should explain. The reason you are having an issue is very likely due to an issue with restore of file names in the database, which is why I am asking about restores there
  9. Thats not strange when its being blocked by other items. Have you tested what they suggested there?
  10. Please could you provide me more information by examples? We can then take a look at this examples on your trial and see whats happening there
  11. Could I ask if you are using a default unaltered theme when you test there?
  12. My colleague has taken a look there, and you appear to have an issue with your database. You have no email addresses in you database there unfortunately, which is certainly what will be causing you issues. Your only option is to restore to an earlier point in time in order to correct the issues. It looks like this may have been what has been causing you issues previously. Did you bypass the login so you could upgrade?
  13. The minimum version is 7.4. Are you running any caching on your server there? If you are having problems whereby you can log in one minute and not the next, something is clearly changing, and wondeing if there is something you are running in that respect. Also, please double check your password manager and ensure its not storing incorrect details. Even to the degree I would temporarily disable that to rule it out
  14. OK, let's concentrate on the logging in first of all. Have you tested this with the display name rather than email? You couldn't log in before when trying to upgrade, and I feel this is probably what you are having issues with here.
  15. This one has now been patched. If you go to support within your admin CP, you will see a patch available there 🙂
  16. It would seem that way, yes Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  17. Thank you for your understanding. No need to start a new topic. Whats the issue there?
  18. If you have left a site expired over a set period, then unfortunately it would indeed be gone, yes. I see you have a trial open at present, but I dont see any other license under this account. If you can PM me the email you had for the previous account, I can take a look. To explain however, we simply dont hold data after a set period. Part of the cloud platform you are paying for is the storage of that data. If you are no longer paying for that service, it would not be held indefinately
  19. OK, lets see what we can sort here for you We will need the original default IPS Template for both IPS and IPS 4.7.0. We can't do a test install, so this is why we require this. We would not be able to provide a default theme for an old version. For the version you are on, you would simply click to create a new theme. That would create you a new theme which is default. You can create a test instance however. See the next item. We need you to delete test URL from Licensed URLs (showed on Client Area). We've tried before (2 months ago, 6 months ago), but no success. License verification system for test installations seems to be broken and it keeps the same cached result all the time even if the test installation doesn't exist anymore. We didn't succeed in modifying the test URL for more than 1 year. Why is that? In the last years the license system was working all the time, but now seems to be broken. And yes, I've followed the instructions provided on the website. This is actually confusion you have here. Deleting an installation does not reset the URL on file. Only we can do that. I have done it for you on this occasion, but generally you should be installing tests in the same location, which would not require reset. We will need you to have a look in phpMyAdmin and fix the MySQL Database in case of any errors or any bad data. We first had IPB in 2016, then updated to IPS 4, then here we are. But there seem to be some issues in the SQL database. IPS updates are not always fixing things. I can't point to anything specific, but I would be glad if you checked everything in our installation. Just inspect MySQL tables. You would ned to be more specific here on what you are looking to achieve. What is it that makes you feel there is bad data? There isnt anything on your screenshot to indicate you have any issues with data. Would you please inspect main configuration files from IPS Installation? Just to have a look and make sure there are the correct values. Again, as with the item above. What is it that is leading you to believe you have a problem with these? Would you please have a look and see why 4.7.0 update will not show up? Skipping the fact that there's a timezone inaccuracy, why the update to IPS 4.7.0 will not appear? This will check periodically. Please go to System->Site Features->Applications and select to check for updates. It may well however be that your server cannot communicate with ours. I would not however skip the time issue. That should be resolved and can indeed cause issues with things such as tasks too. One of which actually checks for updates. Since you changed everything here on this website, would you please tell us where we could talk with Support team live and if you'll ever bring back supports tickets? I didn't find anything clear regarding any official communication for IPS Customers. No notification about this in AdminCP. You are speaking with support... Hi 🙂 There was indeed an email went out about this quite some time ago. We are still working your tickets, they are just in a different place. I can access your details as normal, I can escalate as normal, this can be pushed to a ticket if there is a need to do so etc. You're really not losing anything here. We have simply changed our support methods. After fixing everything and receiving my confirmation, would you be able to delete the topic from your forums? Just after everything will be OK. We would not generally delete topics unless there is a good reason to do so. The reason for this in the first place is so that others can see the answers to some questions, and may actually then gain knowledge on their own issues.
  20. Good luck in getting the issue resolved there
  21. You would need to refer to google on these unfortunately. As you can see, the datalayer there is actually showing. From the point of view of what the software does, its switched on and working.
  22. Please check the requirement checker, as it looks like you may actually be missing the mysqli functions https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/
  23. Check all 3rd party items. Its very likely one of those has not yet been updated to be compatible with PHP 8
  24. If you are using stock, then auto upgrade will be very stable. There was one issue that has already been patched in the upgrader, and most 3rd party issues have actually been related to updating to PHP 8 after upgrade, rather than anything else in any case. Of course you will want to ensure there is an updated version of your theme available if needed.
  25. Im extremely confused by your comment here. We certainly give equal importance to our customers, and your responses have been extremely quick here. Am I perhaps missing something? There isnt really anything else I can add to this. The password presented was incorrect there. In fact you have those same details in your admin CP, and they are still incorrect. I completely understand you may wish to see the answer as unsatisfactory there, however unfortunately there is little other answer I can provide here. If you go to System->Support in your admin CP, if there are any issues with regard the database it will show in that area. There is nothing from what you have said above however that would indicate there is likely to be any issues. Please do bear in mind, we are here to help you. However there are issues here that should be avoided as a self hosted customer. These would be that if you require assistance in a "My site is offline" manner and a ticket is created, please do not make further changes, and to take full backups. Just to explain from an internal point of view, what happens is we create a ticket and add notes for developers so they know what has happened, where we are up to, and what we need them to resolve. If you then go ahead and do something afterward such as revert to backups, or get past those steps, we are then in a situation where the developer has no insight as to what is happening. It then will be sent back to us, and end up back with yourself. So while I understand the need to want to speed things up, you may actually slow things down. Also, ensure you take full backups of files and database prior to starting any upgrade. Taking a backup once its started is unfortunately too late. We are here to help you, not to hinder you in any way. But we do at times need your help to do that
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