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Posts posted by David..

  1. After the 4.7.16 update I am getting this error:

    UPDATE `ipb__core_members_known_ip_addresses` `core_members_known_ip_addresses`  SET `ip_address`='' WHERE ip_address != '' AND last_seen <1705676237 
    IPS\Db\Exception: Duplicate entry '00000189671fd0ffd6c0861a4dcf4040-8606095-' for key 'PRIMARY' (1062)
    #0 /public_html/system/Db/Db.php(1159): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
    #1 /public_html/applications/core/extensions/core/IpAddresses/Logins.php(33): IPS\_Db->update()
    #2 /public_html/system/Member/Member.php(6504): IPS\core\extensions\core\IpAddresses\_Logins->pruneIpAddresses()
    #3 /public_html/applications/core/tasks/pruneipaddresses.php(43): IPS\_Member::pruneAllLoggedIpAddresses()
    #4 /public_html/system/Task/Task.php(281): IPS\core\tasks\_pruneipaddresses->execute()
    #5 /public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/settings/advanced.php(751): IPS\_Task->run()
    #6 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_advanced->runTask()
    #7 /public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/settings/advanced.php(38): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #8 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_advanced->execute()
    #9 /public_html/Prevail/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #10 {main}


    What's the solution to this?

  2. 5 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Just as a bit of information to add to the mix here...

    A few weeks ago I assisted someone on a problem with Reddit embeds on their own site (non-Invision) which had the same problem - Reddit unblocked their IP address, but a few days later it was blocked again. Contacted Reddit again, they unblocked it but advised us to review the embed code being used.

    How did you contact Reddit to unblock your IP? 

  3. On 7/26/2023 at 12:08 AM, Grafidea said:

    @Matt As you know, a lot of people use mobile devices, and I hope that V5 will bring many conveniences and improvements in terms of forum usability. It seems to me that the majority of users visit the forum from their smartphones rather than from a computer.

    I think I remember seeing somewhere that it will be mobile first. Hoping that is true!

  4. 2 hours ago, CheersnGears said:

    Eventually, the fix is going to be users upgrading their hardware. We can't and shouldn't expect IPS to hold back the entire suite just so a few users can keep using 10-year-old iPads.

    I don't think IPS should have reverted that code if it benefited the suite. If it has been several years since Apple has supported the device, there's no reason that IPS should be.

    Yes, but iOS 13 is ~3 years old so we shouldn't abandon it so soon.

  5. 7 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Thank you. Looking on iOS 13 in general, I am seeing some oddities with some images but cannot directly reproduce the issues with the editor, CSS, or rating system that you are having. I submitted a bug report for the image issues I am seeing.

    Are you using the same connection as a device which is able to see these things? I just want to rule out any network connectivity issues or blocks.

    Yes, everything works fine on my other devices. Seems to be an issue with the older iOS versions?

    I'm able to reproduce this issue on ipsfocus.net too even after clearing all website data in Safari settings.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jim M said:

    The fix was we did not have images on some of our forum categories, Matt uploaded images to those. 

    What you are stating here is different. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache? If you're still having an issue, could you please provide us an example URL and screenshot to what you're seeing?

    Please see the attached screenshots.

    The same issue happens on a Private tab.

    Could contain: Text, Page, Face, Head, Person

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Person, Face, Head, Text

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Person

  7. On 3/16/2023 at 9:14 AM, Matt said:

    Should be fixed now, thanks.

    Where is this available? How can I apply this on my community?

    I am on an iOS 13 device and the issue seems to be much more than just the images not loading. I & a member can reproduce on 3 separate Invision Community websites.

    It seems that the CKEditor is failing to load, the search & sign in dropdown does not load, the rating starts icon isn't loading, and as you can see from the screenshot @The Old Man posted above, there are also various (CSS) layout issues.


    This issue does not seem to happen on the latest versions of iOS.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    The drops are correct. You might notice most of them are part of creating new tables then deleting old ones and then renaming the newly created one. 

    These are things you should be doing yourself as a self hosted customer. If you are not comfortable doing them, you should contact your host. IPS does not have direct access to your database. These are BEST run via SSH.  In many cases they can be run via phpMyAdmin but there are cases where queries might time out via a web browser.  As a result, it’s something IPS notes for you to be prepared to do just to be safe. 

    I understand, I guess just a review of all the SQL queries before proceeding would suffice.

  9. Hi @Stuart Silvester!

    These are the SQL queries the ACP support tool is telling me to run. I noticed there's a few DROPs in there so I thought I'd put them here before continuing to make sure.

    UPDATE `core_sys_cp_sessions` SET `session_member_id`=0 WHERE `session_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_sys_cp_sessions` DROP INDEX `session_member_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `session_member_id` `session_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `session_member_id` (`session_member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_validating` SET `member_id`=0 WHERE `member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_validating` DROP INDEX `member_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member_id` (`member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_pfields_content` SET `member_id`=0 WHERE `member_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `core_pfields_content_new` LIKE `core_pfields_content`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_pfields_content_new` DROP INDEX `PRIMARY`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`member_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `core_pfields_content_new` SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_content`;
    DROP TABLE `core_pfields_content`;
    RENAME TABLE `core_pfields_content_new` TO `core_pfields_content`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_admin_logs` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member` (`member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_attachments` SET `attach_member_id`=0 WHERE `attach_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_attachments` DROP INDEX `attach_mid_size`, CHANGE COLUMN `attach_member_id` `attach_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `attach_mid_size` (`attach_member_id`,`attach_filesize`);
    ALTER TABLE `core_sessions` DROP INDEX `login_type`, DROP INDEX `member_id`, DROP INDEX `ip_address`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `login_type` (`login_type`,`running_time`,`member_id`,`member_group`), ADD KEY `member_id` (`member_id`,`ip_address`), ADD KEY `ip_address` (`ip_address`,`member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_message_topics` SET `mt_to_member_id`=0 WHERE `mt_to_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_message_topics` CHANGE COLUMN `mt_to_member_id` `mt_to_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
    UPDATE `core_message_posts` SET `msg_author_id`=0 WHERE `msg_author_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_message_posts` DROP INDEX `msg_author_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `msg_author_id` `msg_author_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `msg_author_id` (`msg_author_id`);
    UPDATE `core_message_topic_user_map` SET `map_user_id`=0 WHERE `map_user_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `core_message_topic_user_map_new` LIKE `core_message_topic_user_map`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_message_topic_user_map_new` DROP INDEX `map_main`, DROP INDEX `map_user`, CHANGE COLUMN `map_user_id` `map_user_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD UNIQUE KEY `map_main` (`map_user_id`,`map_topic_id`), ADD KEY `map_user` (`map_user_id`,`map_user_active`,`map_last_topic_reply`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `core_message_topic_user_map_new` SELECT * FROM `core_message_topic_user_map`;
    DROP TABLE `core_message_topic_user_map`;
    RENAME TABLE `core_message_topic_user_map_new` TO `core_message_topic_user_map`;
    UPDATE `core_rc_comments` SET `comment_by`=0 WHERE `comment_by` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_rc_comments` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `comment_by` `comment_by` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member` (`comment_by`);
    UPDATE `core_rc_reports` SET `report_by`=0 WHERE `report_by` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_rc_reports` DROP INDEX `report_by`, CHANGE COLUMN `report_by` `report_by` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `report_by` (`report_by`);
    UPDATE `core_item_markers` SET `item_member_id`=0 WHERE `item_member_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `core_item_markers_new` LIKE `core_item_markers`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_item_markers_new` DROP INDEX `combo_key`, DROP INDEX `marker_index`, CHANGE COLUMN `item_member_id` `item_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD UNIQUE KEY `combo_key` (`item_key`,`item_member_id`,`item_app`), ADD KEY `marker_index` (`item_member_id`,`item_app`,`item_app_key_1`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `core_item_markers_new` SELECT * FROM `core_item_markers`;
    DROP TABLE `core_item_markers`;
    RENAME TABLE `core_item_markers_new` TO `core_item_markers`;
    UPDATE `core_upgrade_history` SET `upgrade_mid`=0 WHERE `upgrade_mid` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_upgrade_history` CHANGE COLUMN `upgrade_mid` `upgrade_mid` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
    ALTER TABLE `core_members_warn_logs` DROP INDEX `wl_date`, CHANGE COLUMN `wl_member` `wl_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `wl_date` (`wl_member`,`wl_date`), DROP INDEX `wl_moderator`, CHANGE COLUMN `wl_moderator` `wl_moderator` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `wl_moderator` (`wl_moderator`);
    UPDATE `core_error_logs` SET `log_member`=0 WHERE `log_member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_error_logs` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `log_member` `log_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member` (`log_member`);
    UPDATE `core_ignored_users` SET `ignore_owner_id`=0 WHERE `ignore_owner_id` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `core_ignored_users` SET `ignore_ignore_id`=0 WHERE `ignore_ignore_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_ignored_users` DROP INDEX `ignore_owner_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `ignore_owner_id` `ignore_owner_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `ignore_owner_id` (`ignore_owner_id`), DROP INDEX `ignore_ignore_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `ignore_ignore_id` `ignore_ignore_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `ignore_ignore_id` (`ignore_ignore_id`);
    UPDATE `core_announcements` SET `announce_member_id`=0 WHERE `announce_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_announcements` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `announce_member_id` `announce_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member` (`announce_member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_leaders` SET `leader_type_id`=0 WHERE `leader_type_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `core_leaders_new` LIKE `core_leaders`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_leaders_new` DROP INDEX `leader_type`, CHANGE COLUMN `leader_type_id` `leader_type_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Member or group ID', ADD UNIQUE KEY `leader_type` (`leader_type`,`leader_type_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `core_leaders_new` SELECT * FROM `core_leaders`;
    DROP TABLE `core_leaders`;
    RENAME TABLE `core_leaders_new` TO `core_leaders`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_advertisements` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `ad_member` `ad_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'If created by Nexus, the customer ID', ADD KEY `member` (`ad_member`);
    UPDATE `core_edit_history` SET `member`=0 WHERE `member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_edit_history` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `member` `member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'The ID number of the member making the edit', ADD KEY `member` (`member`);
    UPDATE `core_tags` SET `tag_member_id`=0 WHERE `tag_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_tags` DROP INDEX `tag_member_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `tag_member_id` `tag_member_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `tag_member_id` (`tag_member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_reputation_index` SET `member_received`=0 WHERE `member_received` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_reputation_index` DROP INDEX `app`, DROP INDEX `member_received`, DROP INDEX `leaderboard`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_received` `member_received` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `app` (`app`,`type`,`type_id`,`member_id`,`member_received`), ADD KEY `member_received` (`member_received`,`rep_date`,`rep_class`,`rep_rating`), ADD KEY `leaderboard` (`rep_class`,`rep_date`,`member_received`,`rep_rating`);
    UPDATE `core_follow` SET `follow_member_id`=0 WHERE `follow_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_follow` DROP INDEX `follow_member_id`, DROP INDEX `follow_stream`, DROP INDEX `follow_added_extra`, DROP INDEX `digest_task`, CHANGE COLUMN `follow_member_id` `follow_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `follow_member_id` (`follow_member_id`,`follow_visible`,`follow_added`), ADD KEY `follow_stream` (`follow_app`(73),`follow_area`(98),`follow_member_id`), ADD KEY `follow_added_extra` (`follow_added`,`follow_is_anon`,`follow_member_id`), ADD KEY `digest_task` (`follow_notify_do`,`follow_notify_freq`,`follow_notify_sent`,`follow_member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_polls` SET `starter_id`=0 WHERE `starter_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_polls` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `starter_id` `starter_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member` (`starter_id`);
    UPDATE `core_voters` SET `member_id`=0 WHERE `member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_voters` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member` (`member_id`,`poll`);
    UPDATE `core_member_status_updates` SET `status_member_id`=0 WHERE `status_member_id` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `core_member_status_updates` SET `status_author_id`=0 WHERE `status_author_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_member_status_updates` DROP INDEX `s_hash`, DROP INDEX `status_author_lookup`, DROP INDEX `status_member_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `status_member_id` `status_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `s_hash` (`status_member_id`,`status_hash`,`status_date`), ADD KEY `status_author_lookup` (`status_author_id`,`status_member_id`,`status_date`), ADD KEY `status_member_id` (`status_member_id`,`status_approved`,`status_date`), CHANGE COLUMN `status_author_id` `status_author_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
    UPDATE `core_member_status_replies` SET `reply_member_id`=0 WHERE `reply_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_member_status_replies` DROP INDEX `reply_member_id`, DROP INDEX `reply_status_count`, CHANGE COLUMN `reply_member_id` `reply_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `reply_member_id` (`reply_member_id`), ADD KEY `reply_status_count` (`reply_status_id`,`reply_member_id`);
    ALTER TABLE `core_sys_social_groups` DROP INDEX `owner`, CHANGE COLUMN `owner_id` `owner_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `owner` (`owner_id`);
    ALTER TABLE `core_sys_social_group_members` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `member` (`member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_soft_delete_log` SET `sdl_obj_member_id`=0 WHERE `sdl_obj_member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_soft_delete_log` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `sdl_obj_member_id` `sdl_obj_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `member` (`sdl_obj_member_id`);
    UPDATE `core_search_index` SET `index_author`=0 WHERE `index_author` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_search_index` DROP INDEX `author_posted_in`, DROP INDEX `author_lookup`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_author` `index_author` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'The object author id', ADD KEY `author_posted_in` (`index_author`,`index_item_index_id`), ADD KEY `author_lookup` (`index_author`,`index_class`(150),`index_hidden`,`index_date_updated`,`index_date_commented`), DROP INDEX `index_item_author`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_item_author` `index_item_author` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'The author of the item', ADD KEY `index_item_author` (`index_item_author`,`index_date_commented`);
    ALTER TABLE `core_streams` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `member` `member` BIGINT NULL COMMENT 'The member who created the stream or null for a global stream', ADD KEY `member` (`member`);
    UPDATE `core_log` SET `member_id`=0 WHERE `member_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `core_log` CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Member that triggered the error, if any';
    UPDATE `core_search_index_item_map` SET `index_author_id`=0 WHERE `index_author_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `core_search_index_item_map_new` LIKE `core_search_index_item_map`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_search_index_item_map_new` DROP INDEX `search_map`, CHANGE COLUMN `index_author_id` `index_author_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD UNIQUE KEY `search_map` (`index_item_id`,`index_class`,`index_author_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `core_search_index_item_map_new` SELECT * FROM `core_search_index_item_map`;
    DROP TABLE `core_search_index_item_map`;
    RENAME TABLE `core_search_index_item_map_new` TO `core_search_index_item_map`;
    UPDATE `core_security_answers` SET `answer_member_id`='' WHERE `answer_member_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `core_security_answers_new` LIKE `core_security_answers`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_security_answers_new` DROP INDEX `question_and_member`, DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `answer_member_id` `answer_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The member ID this answer is for', ADD UNIQUE KEY `question_and_member` (`answer_question_id`,`answer_member_id`), ADD KEY `member` (`answer_member_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `core_security_answers_new` SELECT * FROM `core_security_answers`;
    DROP TABLE `core_security_answers`;
    RENAME TABLE `core_security_answers_new` TO `core_security_answers`;
    UPDATE `core_reputation_leaderboard_history` SET `leader_member_id`=0 WHERE `leader_member_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `core_reputation_leaderboard_history_new` LIKE `core_reputation_leaderboard_history`;
    ALTER TABLE `core_reputation_leaderboard_history_new` DROP INDEX `leader_date`, DROP INDEX `first_place`, CHANGE COLUMN `leader_member_id` `leader_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD UNIQUE KEY `leader_date` (`leader_date`,`leader_member_id`), ADD KEY `first_place` (`leader_position`,`leader_member_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `core_reputation_leaderboard_history_new` SELECT * FROM `core_reputation_leaderboard_history`;
    DROP TABLE `core_reputation_leaderboard_history`;
    RENAME TABLE `core_reputation_leaderboard_history_new` TO `core_reputation_leaderboard_history`;
    UPDATE `forums_forums` SET `last_poster_id`=0 WHERE `last_poster_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `forums_forums` CHANGE COLUMN `last_poster_id` `last_poster_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
    UPDATE `forums_topics` SET `starter_id`=0 WHERE `starter_id` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `forums_topics` SET `last_poster_id`=0 WHERE `last_poster_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `forums_topics` DROP INDEX `starter_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `starter_id` `starter_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `starter_id` (`starter_id`,`forum_id`,`approved`,`start_date`), CHANGE COLUMN `last_poster_id` `last_poster_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
    UPDATE `forums_posts` SET `author_id`=0 WHERE `author_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `forums_posts` DROP INDEX `author_id`, DROP INDEX `topic_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `author_id` `author_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `author_id` (`author_id`,`post_date`,`queued`), ADD KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`,`queued`,`post_date`,`author_id`);
    CREATE TABLE `forums_question_ratings_new` LIKE `forums_question_ratings`;
    ALTER TABLE `forums_question_ratings_new` DROP INDEX `member_rating`, DROP INDEX `topic`, CHANGE COLUMN `member` `member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'The member giving the rating', ADD UNIQUE KEY `member_rating` (`member`,`topic`), ADD KEY `topic` (`topic`,`member`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `forums_question_ratings_new` SELECT * FROM `forums_question_ratings`;
    DROP TABLE `forums_question_ratings`;
    RENAME TABLE `forums_question_ratings_new` TO `forums_question_ratings`;
    UPDATE `forums_archive_posts` SET `archive_author_id`=0 WHERE `archive_author_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `forums_archive_posts` DROP INDEX `archive_author_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `archive_author_id` `archive_author_id` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `archive_author_id` (`archive_author_id`);
    UPDATE `nexus_invoices` SET `i_id`='' WHERE `i_id` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `nexus_invoices` SET `i_member`=0 WHERE `i_member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_invoices` CHANGE COLUMN `i_id` `i_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , DROP INDEX `i_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `i_member` `i_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `i_member` (`i_member`);
    UPDATE `nexus_transactions` SET `t_member`=0 WHERE `t_member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_transactions` DROP INDEX `t_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `t_member` `t_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `t_member` (`t_member`,`t_status`,`t_fraud_blocked`);
    UPDATE `nexus_customers` SET `member_id`=0 WHERE `member_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `nexus_customers_new` LIKE `nexus_customers`;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_customers_new` DROP INDEX `PRIMARY`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`member_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `nexus_customers_new` SELECT * FROM `nexus_customers`;
    DROP TABLE `nexus_customers`;
    RENAME TABLE `nexus_customers_new` TO `nexus_customers`;
    UPDATE `nexus_purchases` SET `ps_member`=0 WHERE `ps_member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_purchases` DROP INDEX `ps_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `ps_member` `ps_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `ps_member` (`ps_member`), CHANGE COLUMN `ps_pay_to` `ps_pay_to` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ;
    UPDATE `nexus_payouts` SET `po_member`=0 WHERE `po_member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_payouts` DROP INDEX `po_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `po_member` `po_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `po_member` (`po_member`,`po_date`), CHANGE COLUMN `po_processed_by` `po_processed_by` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ;
    UPDATE `nexus_support_replies` SET `reply_member`=0 WHERE `reply_member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_replies` DROP INDEX `reply_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `reply_member` `reply_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `reply_member` (`reply_member`);
    UPDATE `nexus_support_requests` SET `r_member`=0 WHERE `r_member` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `nexus_support_requests` SET `r_last_reply_by`=0 WHERE `r_last_reply_by` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `nexus_support_requests` SET `r_staff`=0 WHERE `r_staff` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_requests` DROP INDEX `r_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `r_member` `r_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `r_member` (`r_member`), DROP INDEX `r_last_reply_by`, CHANGE COLUMN `r_last_reply_by` `r_last_reply_by` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `r_last_reply_by` (`r_last_reply_by`), DROP INDEX `r_staff`, CHANGE COLUMN `r_staff` `r_staff` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `r_staff` (`r_staff`);
    UPDATE `nexus_support_tracker` SET `member_id`=0 WHERE `member_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `nexus_support_tracker_new` LIKE `nexus_support_tracker`;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_tracker_new` DROP INDEX `PRIMARY`, CHANGE COLUMN `member_id` `member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`member_id`,`request_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `nexus_support_tracker_new` SELECT * FROM `nexus_support_tracker`;
    DROP TABLE `nexus_support_tracker`;
    RENAME TABLE `nexus_support_tracker_new` TO `nexus_support_tracker`;
    UPDATE `nexus_support_views` SET `view_member`=0 WHERE `view_member` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `nexus_support_views_new` LIKE `nexus_support_views`;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_views_new` DROP INDEX `PRIMARY`, CHANGE COLUMN `view_member` `view_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`view_rid`,`view_member`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `nexus_support_views_new` SELECT * FROM `nexus_support_views`;
    DROP TABLE `nexus_support_views`;
    RENAME TABLE `nexus_support_views_new` TO `nexus_support_views`;
    UPDATE `nexus_support_stock_actions` SET `action_staff`=0 WHERE `action_staff` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_stock_actions` CHANGE COLUMN `action_staff` `action_staff` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_ratings` DROP INDEX `rating_from`, CHANGE COLUMN `rating_from` `rating_from` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `rating_from` (`rating_from`), DROP INDEX `rating_staff`, CHANGE COLUMN `rating_staff` `rating_staff` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `rating_staff` (`rating_staff`);
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_licensekeys` DROP INDEX `lkey_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `lkey_member` `lkey_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `lkey_member` (`lkey_member`);
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_reviews` DROP INDEX `review_author_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `review_author_id` `review_author_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `review_author_id` (`review_author_id`), CHANGE COLUMN `review_edit_member_id` `review_edit_member_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ;
    UPDATE `nexus_alternate_contacts` SET `main_id`=0 WHERE `main_id` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `nexus_alternate_contacts` SET `alt_id`=0 WHERE `alt_id` IS NULL;
    CREATE TABLE `nexus_alternate_contacts_new` LIKE `nexus_alternate_contacts`;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_alternate_contacts_new` DROP INDEX `PRIMARY`, CHANGE COLUMN `main_id` `main_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`main_id`,`alt_id`), DROP INDEX `alt_id`, CHANGE COLUMN `alt_id` `alt_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `alt_id` (`alt_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `nexus_alternate_contacts_new` SELECT * FROM `nexus_alternate_contacts`;
    DROP TABLE `nexus_alternate_contacts`;
    RENAME TABLE `nexus_alternate_contacts_new` TO `nexus_alternate_contacts`;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_donate_logs` CHANGE COLUMN `dl_member` `dl_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL ;
    UPDATE `nexus_notes` SET `note_member`=0 WHERE `note_member` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `nexus_notes` SET `note_author`=0 WHERE `note_author` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_notes` DROP INDEX `note_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `note_member` `note_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD KEY `note_member` (`note_member`), CHANGE COLUMN `note_author` `note_author` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
    UPDATE `nexus_support_request_log` SET `rlog_member`='' WHERE `rlog_member` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_request_log` DROP INDEX `rlog_member`, CHANGE COLUMN `rlog_member` `rlog_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The member ID of the staff performing the action', ADD KEY `rlog_member` (`rlog_member`);
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_billing_agreements` DROP INDEX `member`, CHANGE COLUMN `ba_member` `ba_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'Customer ID', ADD KEY `member` (`ba_member`);
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_streams` DROP INDEX `list`, CHANGE COLUMN `stream_owner` `stream_owner` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'The ID number of the staff member who owns the stream', ADD KEY `list` (`stream_owner`,`stream_position`);
    UPDATE `nexus_support_staff_preferences` SET `staff_id`='' WHERE `staff_id` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_staff_preferences` CHANGE COLUMN `staff_id` `staff_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number of staff member';
    CREATE TABLE `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order_new` LIKE `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order`;
    ALTER TABLE `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order_new` DROP INDEX `staff_and_department`, CHANGE COLUMN `staff_id` `staff_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'The staff\'s member ID', ADD UNIQUE KEY `staff_and_department` (`staff_id`,`department_id`);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order_new` SELECT * FROM `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order`;
    DROP TABLE `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order`;
    RENAME TABLE `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order_new` TO `nexus_support_staff_dpt_order`;


    Is anyone from IPS able to do this? I'd feel more comfortable if that were to be the case.

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