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    James101 got a reaction from pijasz in Flag as Spammer [Bug/Issue]?   
    Thank you for the quick reply. Fixed it for now. Hopefully IPB figures some way out to fix it automatically. The staff team does not have permission to ban users on my forum and they just flag them as spammers and recently a user with 7k posts was flagged as spammer and that's when I realized this could be a major issue for some boards.
  2. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Haku2 in Flag as Spammer [Bug/Issue]?   
    IPB has an option to flag a user as spammer from the front end through user profile. This hides all user posts/topics. However, when unflagging the user as spammer the topics/posts are still hidden and need to be manually approved again.
    Is this a bug or can anything be done to fix this?
    Thank you.
  3. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Inkubus in Trader Feedback System   
    Same! Last major application I need before I can upgrade to 4.5! Patiently waiting 🙂
  4. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Assign Staff Member to Reports   
    Thank you! Always great support!
  5. Like
    James101 got a reaction from KPDub in [Support] Members Shop   
    I completely understand and have no problem waiting for him. I actually have a couple of custom addons made by him. I have been trying to get in touch with him since a couple of months now but I believe he has been busy or MIA. I started this topic to have a backup and to know what my alternatives and possible options are just in case he does not come back.
  6. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Dads 101 in [Support] Members Shop   
    Hey @Dads 101 - Thank you for the above update. I would definitely be interested as long as the price is reasonable. Maybe we could setup a crowd fund so that you dont have to pay all the money (if its too expensive for you). But please do keep us updated!
    Meanwhile, if anyone else can see if they can provide support for Members Shop then it would be great as I dont want my members to lose their points, data, etc.

  7. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Scrinn in Donations Support   
    Hope you are doing fine. Wanted to ask if Donations app will be updated to support IPB 4.5?
    Thank you!
  8. Sad
    James101 got a reaction from 403 - Forbiddeen in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    @403 - Forbideen - I had the same issue with the Goals application and ended up removing it. Seems like a common problem.
  9. Like
    James101 got a reaction from BankFodder in CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]   
    @CodingJungle - Looking to purchase Keyword Tooltips application but can you confirm if there will be an update to support IPB 4.5?
    Thank you
  10. Like
    James101 reacted to Hegnauer.io in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    QFE. I will buy pretty much anything that extends the shop in a cool way.
  11. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Hegnauer.io in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    @TheJackal84 - Do you have any plans to add more fun games within the Members Shop? I know there is Blackjack but wanted something that would take less resources and be simpler like the current Rock Paper game. You could make it a separate purchasable addon for those who are interested? 
  12. Like
    James101 got a reaction from crmarks in Photo Competition (Support Topic)   
    @Andy Millne - I have a manual photo competition button in my Navbar which directly takes to the contest page. I removed the default navbar Photo competition option as we did not have enough space.
    Doing so has removed the ability to find old competitions/winners unless I add the link to it to the Navbar. Is it possible to have a button on the active competitions page somewhere that would link to the results page.
    Something like this if possible - http://prntscr.com/t8n5u4
  13. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in (NE) New member awareness   
    @Nathan Explosion - Sent you the details via PM 🙂
  14. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Andy Millne in Photo Competition (Support Topic)   
    I was going through the thread and suggestions provided by other users. I think it would be really user friendly if there was an easier way to go to the next entry/picture instead of going back and selecting another picture. Maybe have a next image option or an arrow icon?
    Thank you.
  15. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Andy Millne in Photo Competition (Support Topic)   
    Another question,
    Is it possible to have an option for NSFW? I was thinking of having a NSFW Photo contest but don't want users to see a naked picture on the active contests list.
  16. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Andy Millne in Photo Competition (Support Topic)   
    Hey @Andy Millne,
    Thank you for making this application. It is really smooth and friendly.
    Is it possible to have an option to show or not show terms and conditions?

    Thank you.
  17. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    I could use this too 🙂
  18. Like
    James101 got a reaction from SJ77 in Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic   
    @Fosters - I too think having one version is better. I think no one participated because everyone mainly uses IPB to buy plugins and for support. If you made it compulsory to join your forum for support, people would be more willing to participate.
  19. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Fosters in Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic   
    @Fosters - I too think having one version is better. I think no one participated because everyone mainly uses IPB to buy plugins and for support. If you made it compulsory to join your forum for support, people would be more willing to participate.
  20. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Dean_ in Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic   
    Thank you for releasing the new fix. Medal issue is now fixed and I am receiving notifications when awarded a medal. I wanted to ask if its possible to add a setting to send an Automatic PM when medal is awarded just like with Trophies?
    I really like this idea and this is something all the other developers can do as well. There should be a request feature list or an online notepad which anyone can access and edit and people can put in their suggestions and others can add to it or edit it to refine it. After that the developer can see what features can he add and go on from there on.
    Since we already purchased this app, developers could also ask for some money to add certain important but difficult features and users can then decide if they want to pay for it or not. 
    Like an auction system maybe. Sorry, just putting my thoughts out.
    Take care.
  21. Thanks
    James101 got a reaction from SC36DC in Raffles System   
    It has just been a week since I started using it. The app does a decent job and the adoption by users is quick. A few things could be changed here and there to make it more useful but depending on what you are using it for, it is a great app overall and has a lot more potential in the future.
    Thank you 😄
  22. Like
    James101 got a reaction from SC36DC in Raffles System   
    Yes, users who earned points through activity could apply. Users to whom I donated bonus points were not able to even if they had enough points.
  23. Like
    James101 got a reaction from SC36DC in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    Hey bro,
    Can you look into this error once you get time? The others are not as important as this since I just added Raffles System to my board and it is getting a lot of activity but I have to manually add users and deduct their points as they cannot apply even if they have points.
  24. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    Can you also please please look into integrating Members Shop with Poll system?
    Thank you!
  25. Like
    James101 got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Staff Applications System   
    I see now. I understand everything, Thank you for taking out time to explain me 🙂
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