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Markus Jung

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    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Feedback about the new search bar   
    Which is why I used the Google search as an example - the tool is there but people don't look at it.  So the 'reading' in general argument you are using is based on your own opinion.  In the 'real world' people tend to have tunnel vision and only see what they want to see, not necessarily what's there; hence the example of the google search.  I wasn't attempting to say that Google search was better, simply pointing out that people don't see the tools available.
    Once you start 'guessing' that a user will want to search anywhere but in general, then problems will arise.  I'm not saying that the new search is 'bad' but it is flawed by making assumptions on behalf of a user.  An example would be, if I search for something and a topic is flagged that I 'may' be interested in but isn't what I'm looking for, why in the world would I want to search that topic?  The system makes that assumption, and also assumes that the user is 'aware' that a filter has been applied.  Considering all of these factors when the user goes to search for something else, they would need to remove the filter that they may not be aware of.  Filters should be a user decision, not a system decision.  So, it would be of benefit to have those filters highlighted in an unmistakable manner so the user is aware of them.  Now this 'does' occur in mobile view and a drop down of filters is shown so the user is 'aware' of them.  
    When I first updated to 4.7.1 and I went to search for a movie on my own site that I knew was there but didn't want to go on a hunt for amongst hundreds of others, I typed the name in the search box - zero results.  With some investigation I discovered that because my home page was a Pages page, the search 'assumed' I wanted to search Pages.  I had to download a plugin to remove Pages from the search to make sure that my visitors were able to search my entire site and not something the system assumed I wanted to search.  Would they actually have known what Pages was if they did see it in the search bar?  Would they understand that this was a filter, or something that the way the search bar was designed? 
    The best way out of this situation is to allow admins to default the search to 'Everywhere' until a user decides to apply a filter.  If others want to use the new method then that option should be there too.  It would save a lot of pointless debates about theories and opinions that may or may not be valid 🙂
  2. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Feedback about the new search bar   
    It may not be realistic but that's what they do.  We have to remember that these are ordinary people who are 'used' to just typing in what they are looking for.  As @Markus Jung noted people are used to Google and YT, WP and SM etc, and just type and click/tap.  Attention spans are generally at a low eb for regular use items and to 'expect' people to notice is as unrealistic as expecting that they do notice.  We have to put ourselves in the same shoes as users, not admins and not experts at using the system.  A search bar implies you can search the site - if you want to drill down then we need to educate users that they can drill down, if they want.
    An example that I have come across many, many times with people I know (including clients) is with Google search.  Not one of them knew that by clicking on 'tools' that they can have more options to drill down further depending on what they are searching for.

    My point being that 'expecting' people to notice this (when it has never been that way before) is expecting too much.  Over time users who visit regularly may notice and get used to it, but the casual passer-by will probably not, and that can cost you a member.  Search 'Everywhere' should be the starting point and then let a user know that there are other options available by making them more noticeable (push it to them).
  3. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Day_ in Feedback about the new search bar   
    The most frustrating thing for myself with the new search bar is yet again mobile users who account for a large percentage of traffic are still left with no such options.
    What would be nice is when tapping the magnifying glass, a search bar drops into view with the same options to search within this forum and topic.
  4. Agree
    Markus Jung got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Feedback about the new search bar   
    Or (and in my opinion even better) make it default to search everywhere. If you get too many results, you can then narrow the search in the next step.
  5. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Feedback about the new search bar   
    In general when users search they don't expect to be limited to where they are, in fact it can be counter productive.  Example. I search Everywhere and find what I want and go there, I then want to find something else and go to search and if it's not where I am currently located a negative search results, which could mean to the person searching for what they are looking for is not on the site; but it may be somewhere else where they're not searching.
    I agree with the drop down appearing automatically when the search box is clicked, this then apprises the user that there are more options.  We all know that those options are there, but someone else (perhaps a majority of users not up to date with what IPS is pushing) may not know and give up and leave.
    I mentioned this elsewhere when my home page is a Pages page and set as default (otherwise it would not be my homepage) which meant that when someone went to search for something they did not find it, because the search bar was searching in Pages; not good.  My only resolution was thanks to @Adriano Faria plugin that removes Pages from search was my search bar functioning again.  
    It's fine for us because we 'know' but a lot of people, including visitors, will not know and it may not always appear obvious.  It could mean the difference between gaining a new member or losing them because they can't find what they're looking for.  It was a good idea, in principle, but not in practice.  I would say at least give Admins the option to choose how the search functions on their sites.
  6. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Hegnauer.io in Please add Twitch for the Social Profiles   
    I do regular streams on Twitch. Please add Twitch under General Configuration/Social Profiles.
  7. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from SeNioR- in Feedback about the new search bar   
    Or (and in my opinion even better) make it default to search everywhere. If you get too many results, you can then narrow the search in the next step.
  8. Agree
    Markus Jung got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Feedback about the new search bar   
    Or (and in my opinion even better) make it default to search everywhere. If you get too many results, you can then narrow the search in the next step.
  9. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: Improved search bar UI   
    I like the new search bar, however there is a small issue with it.  It will default to searching whichever app is set as default rather than starting with everywhere.  I first noticed this when I updated to 4.7.1 as I have my default app set as Pages because my home page is a Pages page and the search was defaulting to Pages.  Now, I'm not currently using Pages for anything other than my home page, so anyone who does not notice this change and tries to search for something that is anywhere but on a Pages page, they will get a 'Not Found' message.
    I had to install @Adriano Faria remove pages from search app to allow people to search the site.
  10. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Justin Bowman in Please add Twitch for the Social Profiles   
    Same, twitch is a pretty major social media platform now. And doesn't just cater to gamer.
  11. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from SeNioR- in Cloud: Can't upgrade to 4.7 - There are no applications available to upgrade   
    I was able to upgrade now. Thanks.
  12. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Matt in Cloud: Can't upgrade to 4.7 - There are no applications available to upgrade   
    I was just working on your site and wondered why there was an upgrade process running. 😂 Glad it's resolved.
  13. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Matt in Cloud: Can't upgrade to 4.7 - There are no applications available to upgrade   
    I was able to upgrade now. Thanks.
  14. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Marc Stridgen in Are photo/document uploads scanned for virus?   
    The software itself doesnt check, but of course the cloud itself is protected from malicious activity
  15. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Randy Calvert in Reporting Private messages   
    If someone reports a PM, the specific message reported shows in the report center.  If you click on the title of the PM, it lets you view the FULL PM conversation along with a list of all people that are part of the conversation.  That conversation is only viewable if it is reported.  
  16. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to 13. in Reporting Private messages   
    It's already there and enabled by default. Works exactly the same as with forum posts.
  17. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to The Old Man in Time for an IPS4 performance review/update?   
    I don't know about you, but I'm wondering if it's perhaps overdue that IPS got stuck into a huge performance and speed based review and implement it in the next medium sized update! I think a lot has changed in recent years in relation to site performance. Core Vitals in Lighthouse as many admins will be aware are now much more important in terms of SEO ranking, performance isn't just for the obsessed enthusiasts any longer!
    Google Search Console tells me that on one of my IPS Communities, my Mobile Pagespeed test result sucks, just 28%-30% at present, so I started checking a few things under the hood. I like to keep my sites high performing, so I was quite surprised it was so low. 
    One thing I found out in minutes looking at the optimisation list and then checking my IPS configuration is that if you have the IPS Lazy Loading feature enabled, it doesn't apply to your uploaded images in Advertisements or Post Author Member Group Icons. Both are shown in my topic view so I get scored down on mobile in particular.
    I think it's now time that Native Lazy Loading was offered, either as a choice or as the default if enabled.
    Also where possible IPS should support Local WebP conversion via the Task Manager.
    I know some of us sometimes bash IPS for not delivering more obvious updates like Gallery, Blog, Pages and Commerce improvements for the sake of instead quick things like disabling features but IPS4 is quite a huge behemoth these days, no matter your pricey VPS, CiC, use of Redis pools etc.
    More performance improvements I'd like to see considered include...
    (Now admittedly I'm basing this list on a similar big audit that another website framework I invested in conducted and implemented last year. These are the options you can now simply toggle off/on as a result in their Dashboard. They can make a huge difference to bloat.)
    Dynamic Modular Framework
    Enable this to allow the IPS Framework to only load code that are actually used on the page, and process the logic for the features in actual use.
    Dynamic CSS
    Dynamic CSS could greatly reduce CSS file size by dynamically generating only the styles and assets necessary for the features and modules you actually use. This eliminates most if not all CSS file bloat and greatly improves load times.
    Dynamic Icons
    Font Awesome is 2 generations behind. The FA4 icon font could be broken up into various subsets. These subsets are loaded only when needed based on the modules and features used on each page. If you need access to the entire icon font on all pages (for example, if you are using lots of FA icons in a custom theme or want to allow members to insert them via the post editor), then you could disable this option and load the entire icon font library on all pages.
    Load Dynamic Stylesheet In-line
    This option dequeues the IPS style.css file and prints the needed contents in-line. This removes a render blocking request and improves the PageSpeed scores of individual pages. However, it also prevents the style.css file from being cached. Since the stylesheet is often smaller when dynamic or critical, it could be recommended to keep this option enabled. Accepted there are some potential CSP-related security concerns with inline CSS an or JS.
    Critical CSS
    Critical CSS greatly improves website load times and Google PageSpeed scores by deferring non-critical styles and eliminating render-blocking CSS requests. Critical CSS often covers what most users see when first loading the page, so called 'above the fold' content.
    Critical Threshold Height
    When Critical CSS is enabled, IPS would determine an "above the fold threshold" and defer all styles for elements below the fold. However, this threshold is just a estimate and can vary on different devices. Increasing threshold height will deffer fewer styles, resulting in slightly slower load times but less of a chance for Cumulative Layout Shifts to occur. If you are experiencing CLS issues you can then increase or lower the threshold 'height' via a drop-down low, medium, high setting.
    Dynamic JavaScript Libraries
    When enabled, IPS would only load external JavaScript libraries when they are needed by a specific sections or modules on the page. This removes unused JavaScript from the main scripts bundle and improves load times.
    Improve Google Fonts Loading
    Enable caching of Google Fonts and load them inline. This reduces render-blocking requests and improves page load times. Also presents an opportunity to switch to the Google Fonts API, to offer a dynamic dropdown list to allow admin to choose from all available GFonts. The Task Manager could check for and cache new versions of selected fonts in use weekly.
    Limit Google Fonts Support For Legacy Browsers
    Enabling this option will lower the size of Google Fonts and improve load times, however it will limit Google Fonts support in some very old browsers. You can turn this off to increase support for losers insisting on their older insecure browsers at a slight cost to performance.
    Defer jQuery And jQuery Migrate
    When possible, jQuery and jQuery Migrate could be moved to the body to speed up load times. If a third party plugin registers jQuery as a dependency, it would be moved back to the head.
    Enqueue jQuery Compatibility Script
    Some third party scripts may be incorrectly enqueued without declaring jQuery as dependency. If jQuery is deferred, these scripts could break. If you are experiencing console errors after enabling the "Defer jQuery And jQuery Migrate" option, you can enable this option, which will load an additional compatibility script that will attempt to solve the issue. (You can turn this feature off if everything is working fine without it).
    Defer Additional Third Party Scripts
    Warning: This can cause JavaScript errors in some cases and should be used with care. When enabled, scripts registered by plugins and themes will be deferred to improve performance and jQuery will always be loaded in the body.
  18. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in How to increase font size in mobile view?   
    Add this to your custom CSS file and determine which font you want to change in mobile view.  The example below changes the normal font size so experiment with the size until you get where you need to be 🙂
    If you want to change a different font size then you will need to know which font it is.  The @media command determines when to change the font size when a smaller screen is detected.
    @media (max-width: 979px) { .ipsType_normal { font-size: 16.0px; } }  
  19. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Matt in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    This is probably what we'll do.
  20. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to David N. in Show log-in form when log-in is required to see a page, rather than "You do not have permission".   
    When a user tries to access for example a bookmarked page such as "unread content" (which some of our users have set to as their browser's default page), if the user is not logged in, they see this negative statement, rather uninviting message. Couldn't they see a Sign in form instead, with a positive message inviting them to sign in such as "to view this stream, please sign in"? 

  21. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Nakamura RTS in Please add Twitch for the Social Profiles   
    I do regular streams on Twitch. Please add Twitch under General Configuration/Social Profiles.
  22. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to BAROTTA in Forum in-depth statistics in Admin Dashboard Feature   
    how to find out the most viewed topics with their no of views?
    as i want to reward active user with best quality contents on my forum
  23. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Sonya* in Sending a private message automatically to every newly registered user   
    Profile autocompletion https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/member-functions/profile-completion-r312/ Alert (new in 4.7) https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/introducing-the-alert-system-r1254/ Auto Welcome https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7449-auto-welcome/
  24. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from OptimusBain in Make individual blogs only visible for logged in users    
    Blogs in my community are public, and I know there is a setting for users to make them private and only allow users on a list to see them.
    But some users would like to have a blog that is not public for guests and search engines, but for all users who have logged in. 
    Can you please add such a setting in a future release? Blogs are an important part of my community, there are more than 1000 of them. 
  25. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Sonya* in Sign As member is a bit vulnerable   
    I do trust my moderators to login into member accounts to investigate the issues. But I do not want them to look into AdminCP with full permission:
    they should not be able to change something by accident, as they are technically unexperienced they should not be able to see payment history as this is not their business 😉 
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