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How to increase font size in mobile view?

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First off, I am surprised I have to even request this. It should be a concern for Invision community to provide that their soft has great UX.

But even this forum on mobile has tiniest font I have ever seen anywhere for mobile.

Second, when I looked in admin where to increase the post text size, it was nowhere to be found. Asking admins did not help either. It turns out such a mundane thing is a theme customization to be ordered from them :((( 

I assume it should be some line somewhere in CSS that can take care of this. Please advice where to find it.

Thank you beforehand. I am already given up on the administration of this forum. From my experience with other softs, once a software goes on trajectory of unpredictable price hikes and worsening the service, it is time to look elsewhere before facing bigger problems and losing community.

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Add this to your custom CSS file and determine which font you want to change in mobile view.  The example below changes the normal font size so experiment with the size until you get where you need to be 🙂

If you want to change a different font size then you will need to know which font it is.  The @media command determines when to change the font size when a smaller screen is detected.

@media (max-width: 979px) {
.ipsType_normal {
    font-size: 16.0px;


Edited by Davyc
Left out the word custom
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